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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / burning cones or pyramids
- - By theshop Date 07-21-2002 13:45
Dose any body have experience with cones or pyramids used on burn tables.. I saw some by weldsale.

do they just mount to the flat stock cross-members on you burn table ?

do they fit snug or do they wobble around (and dose it even mater) ?.. are they worth the cost ?

any information will help.. I am in the process of building a welding table to use also for cutting.. I have only room for one table in my small shop and found these things on the web. They look like may work and save the cross-members and me the time of replacing them.

any information is good information
Parent - By n5uzt (**) Date 07-21-2002 22:18
the pryamids are very good i think they come in different sizes
7/16 means they have a slot in the bottom to fit 7/16 slats or cross members on your burn table.\

you can get with single slots or double like an x or +
you can position them under your plate not to burn them but you still can't help from burning some of them.
makes your cross members last a lot longer.
the size of the slot on bottom will determend how much they wobble
most of them fit realy good.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / burning cones or pyramids

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