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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Spot Welding, UHS Stainless steels
- By Herkules Date 07-22-2002 07:24
I have some problems finding information and knowledge about spot and projection welding in UHS stainless steels, especially in thin sheets. The information i would be pleased to get is welding equipment requirements and manufacturers of such equipment.

The steels in question are metastable and has a more or less high content of deformation marteniste which are retransformed back to austenite when heated and therefore softens. How do a optimize my parameters to minimise the HAZ but still get a proper weld? Current intensity or welding time, AC or DC, pulses or electrode pressure? What type of electrodes? Wolfram perhaps?

Does anybody knows anything about this problem? I would be very pleased if you could help me out.

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Spot Welding, UHS Stainless steels

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