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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / D1.1 & D14.1 Joint Design Typo ??
- By strat (**) Date 04-22-2010 14:09
Hey Everyone,
Earleir i posted a question regarding welder qualification variables between D1.1 and D14.1, I finally ordered D14.1 and looking at Joint Designation comparison between D1.1 and D14.1. B-U2a-GF is listed in both codes, for GMAW-FCAW root openings for D1.1 2008 are as listed
Root Opening        Groove Angle             and for D14.1                   Root Opening                Groove Angle
    R=3/16                  a = 30                                                            R=3/16                         a = 30
    R=3/8                    a = 30                                                            R=1/4                          a = 30
    R=1/4                    a = 45                                                            R= 3/8                         a = 45

Compareing the two, look at the difference in root opening for 3/8 and 1/4 in the angle, do you suppose this is a typo or is it this way, as i stated they are both the same joint designation, i havent checked the errata

Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / D1.1 & D14.1 Joint Design Typo ??

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