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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Backup Electrode
- - By katrutro (*) Date 04-23-2010 13:38
Dear fellows,

In ANSI /AWS A3.0 STANDARD WELDING TERMS , there is a term: BACKUP ELECTRODE that I don`t know where it uses, can anyone give me any idea??


Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 04-23-2010 14:30

After reading the A3.0 myself, I'm going to hazard a guess....   I think it is referring to the bottom half of a resistance spot welding electrode assembly.

The backup electrode (often stationary) is on one side of the sheet and the primary (pogo) electrode is on the other.  The primary electrode brings the pressure force.
Parent - By katrutro (*) Date 04-23-2010 16:04

It is a very good opinion, I figured it was related to resistance welding.

thank you
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 04-23-2010 18:41
Hello Lawrence, is there a possibility that this could also refer to Electro-slag welding, there is a shoe that is used for starting the process and possibly this could also be referred to as a " backing electrode"? This is a bit off the cuff, but wondering about the possibility. Best regards, Allan
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Backup Electrode

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