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Up Topic Welding Industry / ASME Codes / will I be qualified?
- - By kkfabricator (**) Date 04-28-2010 23:57
I am trying to look into the forseeable future and also know someone in the industry(cprprate end not welding end) and was wondering if I shhould even try. I have been in the fabrication end of D1.1 for several years and have decided to go for y CWI. I was wondering if I got certified in ASME instead of D1.1 would I have a chance of landing a job with no experience with any ASME work? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 04-29-2010 02:23
No, you will just be certified. Qualified will be determined by your future employer.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 04-29-2010 13:29
ASME couldn't care less about CWI's.
There are however fabricators/constructors that have CWI's on their staff and in their program. I have 6 of them in my department. But it is not driven by ASME. Actually, the Big 3 API's (510, 570, 653) pop up more often, but thats because we do a lot in plant
PSM/maintenance/repair/alteration work as well. ASME doesn't care about API certs either.
Occasionally a customer will require CWI inspection or sign offs but its very rare. I have had only one in recent memory.
Even our AWS/AISC structural side never sees the requirement.
Parent - - By north_fl_cwi (*) Date 04-29-2010 20:53
It depends.  A CWI is accepted by several ASME codes for VT.  And EVERY ASME Code we work under has VT requirements (that I know of).
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 04-29-2010 21:28
Thats good mitigating language. I stand corrected. Though neither ASME nor AWS require CWI.
And even though we maintain them here, doing ASME, API, and AWS work, it is just our company's (and my) policy to encourage such accreditation, few would wish to pay for CWI when a TC-1A VT II guy can come so much cheaper, for the company and the inspector.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-29-2010 23:43 Edited 04-29-2010 23:49
I have to agree with Jeff on this one. :) Unless I'm mistaken, in both welding codes... None of them require that only a CWI be exclusively qualified to inspect welds to their respective codes. ;) Now if the client insists that only CWI's with other NDT quals besides VT perform all of the inspection of the welds on a job as per contract documents, then that's a whole different ballgame!!! :) :) ;)

Parent - By north_fl_cwi (*) Date 04-30-2010 20:37
You are right, they don't require it, I was simply replying because he said they could care less, when in several ASME codes they are "allowed" to be used in place of ASNT or company VT.
Up Topic Welding Industry / ASME Codes / will I be qualified?

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