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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Isometric pipe drawings
- - By ant Date 05-12-2010 10:55 Edited 05-12-2010 10:59
Is there much info out there on reading isometric pipeing workshop fabrication drawings ive had some experiance and would like to keep my hand in with some basic tests and what not .I'm currently working on draglines and most of thier stuff is prefabed
Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 05-12-2010 12:35
A good test that I have seen many times (and used myself) to see if someone can read an isometric is to get a piece of TIG wire and ask them to shape it to a pipe spool shown on a complicated iso.
Quick, easy and cost effective way to find out if a prospective pipe fitter knows what he is talking about or is all "hot air".
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 05-12-2010 21:07
Agree 100%. That's how I used to do back in my days of erector engineer before hiring pipefitters, to distinguish them from "pipefitters".
Only one difference: As Shane lives in a first world, developed and rich country, he used TIG wire to carry out the test. As I live in a third world, underdeveloped and poor country, I used a piece of cheap iron wire (the cheapest the better)
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 05-15-2010 18:18
A few years back I used to keep several lengths of soft solder in my computer bag along with a couple of different types of tungsten electrode. The soft solder was used to see if the students could follow the piping sketches and the tungsten was to show them how to identify the different types of tungsten and how to properly ball the end for welding with AC and shape the end for DCEN.

Don't you know, one of the masterminds employed by TSA wouldn't allow me through the security check point with the solder in the bag. She made me surrender the solder, but let me keep the sharpened tungsten!

Lord, the human race doesn't stand a chance in hell if the terrorists can't out smart TSA.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 05-16-2010 04:53
I gave a friend a handfull of various welding rods a few years ago. He couldn't take them on the plane home because they were "flammable" in the opinion of the checkpoint idiot. He is an airline employee, but it didn't make any difference.
Parent - By ant Date 05-13-2010 11:07
yep well im still tyin to shape that bit o wire
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Isometric pipe drawings

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