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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / tig pulse parameter setting
- By dseman (*) Date 07-31-2002 01:23
I've tried finding more specific info. from Miller and others about this topic, but I'm not able to find much. I'm aware
that the 'area under the curve' of the DC pulse represents the energy into the weldment. That there is a finite amount of
time required for the arc to change from narrow to wide depending on the pulse 'up' time, and that the background pulse
setting allows how much the weld pool cools between the 'on' time of the pulse. I'd like to get some formulas on how to
make parametric changes for the following purposes: 1.) increased travel speed 2.) increased penetration 3.) reduced dis-
tortion 4.) reduced bead width. I'm sure that without a pulser, the bead width can be adjusted somewhat by tungsten
diameter and grind angle--where blunter produces a narrower arc. Anybody have any good documents? I've tried the
research supplements on the AWS Welding Journal, but I'm not a member so my search capability is limited. One
recommendation I saw posted was for J A Street "Pulsed Arc Welding" from Abington Publishing, but at $110 US, I
thought I might try to find something more reasonably priced. Any help would be appreciated. Oh, the appication is
manual GTAW , not automated, though I'm sure that most of the advantage of pulsing for high speed would have their
application in automation and not manual. Again, thanks for any input!

Dave S.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / tig pulse parameter setting

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