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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Finally graduated college.
- - By Tnwelder (**) Date 05-18-2010 00:48
I finally graduated college with a degree in welding and metal fabrication.  I am really happy that i graduated but now am ready to go to work. I am looking at possible joining the Local union.  I will be in the apprenticeship and i hope my degree will help me get some years.  I can weld pipe pretty good but still need some experience at it. I just hope it pays off in the long run that i took the time to get this degree. And to your older welders is this what your all would of done if the opportunity would of been there for you.

Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 05-18-2010 03:43
I joined the union and worked my way through college. A couple of good friends did the same.

Just remember that the boss is the boss. When he wants your opinion he will ask for it. Otherwise, follow his direction and do the job to the best of your ability. He may be doing it backwards or you may know a better way, but he is still the boss.

Many years ago I learned from watching and listening that to tell the boss he is wrong is to commit job suicide. It doesn't do you any good when you are collecting unemployment whether you were right or wrong.

I used to keep my mouth shut, do the work I was told to do. I did it the right way without making any noise about it. The boss would say to do "X" and I did "X" with a few tweaks that I knew would make it right without ever saying a word. The bosses are not ignorant, they will catch on soon enough and then they will start asking you the questions. Don't expect any glory, life isn't that way.

The old timers didn't get to be old timers because they stupid. Darwin is alive and well. The old timers know what works from experience. The smart ones learn to adapt and learn from the mistakes others have made along the way. You may know the theory, but they have the experience. Learn from them and apply the lessons you learned in school and you should have a very successful future. 

By the way, congratulations!

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 05-19-2010 02:36
"There is no future in being right when the boss is wrong"
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 05-19-2010 03:31
There's even less future when you tell the boss his an idiot.

Parent - By Metarinka (****) Date 05-18-2010 23:12

i was in your position not too long ago. I graduated with my degree in welding and fabrication in 2007.  I went on to get my BA in welding engineer and loved every minute of it.

Best of luck.
Parent - By bruce69 (*) Date 05-20-2010 23:22
Nice job on the degree.  I assume you are a young(er) guy going into the construction industry.  I am a former union Ironworker now working as a CWI in the private sector in the Midwest.  All areas of construction are sslloooooowwww right now.  Always remember construction is often feast of famine.  The main reason I got out of the Ironworkers is it was too much famine and the further south you go union's are getting increasingly weaker.  All the men in my family were union men so I don't like to see the ground they are losing and will never get back.  Since I am still in the field, I am around ironworkers I used to work with.  The local has lost members by the hundreds since I left in 2003.  My advice to you since you are young and going into this industry is save your money, don't ever go into debt, except for a house.  I've seen way too many guys driving a $700 month truck to the hall looking for jobs that won't be there for at least five months.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Finally graduated college.

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