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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Systematics welders
- - By Goose (**) Date 08-01-2002 02:08
Anyone here heard of them or know their quality/reputation?

I work part time at a friends body shop doing mainly fabrication/welding of auto body panels/floor pans, rockers, etc. He has a decent size (185 amp at 100% duty cycle, 250 max I believe) Snap-On welder which he was told is made by Systematics. This machine is kinda nice for our work as it looks like a normal all-in-one Mig welder, yet has a detachable drive case (like the so-called Suite Case) that allows the drive part to be moved from the power source about 12 feet...nice feature for a crowded shop like ours (his also can hook up a Tig torch with a gas change as well as a spool gun for aluminum).

Anyway, to my does Systematics welders compare to say the Miller 251 Millermatic I just bought in terms of quality, performance, etc???

Thanks for any opinions
Parent - By WeldDoctor (*) Date 08-07-2002 16:52
The snap-on unit you have is a "Muscle Mig 185". This unit is 230 amps at 60% duty cycle. (More than you will ever need for bodywork). You can hook-up a TIG torch. However, you will only be able to do DC TIG which is great for carbon steel or stainless but AC is required for alum. Tig. To compare the Miller 251 to this unit: The output on the Miller is 200 amps at 40%. This again is plenty machine for the application. Miller also has a spoolgun-ready attachment. The two considerations are warranty and price. The warranty on the Miller is 5 years. But, the price is the biggest factor: The Miller unit sells for $1675.00 and the Snap-on is $2995.00. My opinion is the Miller unit is a better built unit, easily serviced and parts are easier to find.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Systematics welders

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