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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Is it possible to braze w/ TIG?
- - By DaveSisk (**) Date 08-01-2002 14:27
I'm just curious. It's a non-consumable electrode, and you have minute control over the heat. Is it possible to braze dissimilar metals using TIG? Or is there some reason it's not possible? (I'm still looking for ways to justify the purchase of a good TIG machine. The more it can do, the easier it is to justify...<g>).

Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 08-01-2002 14:46
I (we) have done a good deal of Silver Brazing and Bronze Inlay in our shop with a TIG tourch.

Its a good source of heat and quick to make a puddle and that can mis-lead you on some applications. Some times you need to let some heat soak in before applying filler.
Parent - By DaveSisk (**) Date 08-01-2002 16:58
Cool! Thanks for the post, Ron!

Parent - By Niekie3 (***) Date 08-04-2002 14:29
We have performed brazing with a TIG torch in the parst. It was in a rather strange application where we had to join Cu to Al.

It appears to be good where the material is a good heat sink (e.g. Cu) and you want to have highly localized heating. Where this is not the case, the TIG torch will tend to melt the base metal, which is not what you want to achieve while brazing.

Another consideration is that the welding arc is too hot to actually melt the brazing filler. It tends to vapourise many brazing fillers. As such, the brazing material must be melted by the heat of the base metal itself, or you need an additional oxy-acetylene torch to do this.

Hope this helps.

Niekie Jooste
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Is it possible to braze w/ TIG?

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