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Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Fundamentals / Question: bolted clip angles
- - By jwright650 (*****) Date 05-19-2010 13:55
What do other fabricators do about "all bolted" clip angles?....we are trying this bolted vs welded clip angles and are having a time making any sort of time on this fact it is costing us at the moment. My fitters are fussing up a storm trying to get all of this stuff lined up before wringing off the TC bolts.
Current situation has the addition of top and bottom moment angles that adds even more complexity to the problem.
Parent - By Skaggydog (**) Date 05-21-2010 23:59
Do you have a picture or sketch of that?  Seems like bolting could be much faster than welding in a lot of situations, and hold better too in a lot of cases.
Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 05-22-2010 04:00
If I am understanding you correctly, I used to snug tighten the 2 end bolds, then use a beater to square up and set at the required dimension, snug the rest of bolts and then use the gun, it always worked well for me, but i have also worked alot of shops where you only send them out in the snug tight condition! The place i work now sends all clips loose, we don't do any bolting at all in house!
Hope that helps you!
Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Fundamentals / Question: bolted clip angles

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