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Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Safety / Oil spillage on the gulf of Mexico.
- - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 06-01-2010 17:26
Today's Brazilian newpapers reported that the nth effort to stop the oil spillage in the gulf of Mexico failed, and therefore President Obama's popularity is falling down.
Living in Brazil, I don't understand what has President Obama to do with the oil spillage. Is it his fault? In my opinion, the fault is British Petroleum's one.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Parent - By 522029 (***) Date 06-01-2010 21:59 Edited 06-03-2010 11:29
You are indeed correct in your opinion.  However, here in America, people tend to blame whomever is in charge.
I am not an Obama fan at all. But as you point out, he did not have anything to do with the blowout.

Here is the kicker.  Obama claimed he could fix everything for everyone.  He takes credit for all things good and blames all things bad on our previous president, Mr. Bush.  Now, after almost 1 1/2 years in office, the  "blame Bush" strategy has worn thin and even some of his supporters are starting to turn on him.

Of course, there is more to the story but the above is the short version.


News Flash (6-3)
Al and Tipper Gore are divorcing after 40 years of marriage. The family is blaming former President G.W. Bush for the failure of their marriage.

Absolutely unbelievable!!

Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 06-02-2010 05:15
Giovanni, You understand the technical challenges of working on something 5000 feet under the sea, and so do those of Us on this forum. Most Americans have no concept of what is involved and EXPECT the President and the Govt. to be able to do something to fix the problems, while in fact the expertise lies with the oil & drilling companies.

No matter how much is done, it will not be "enough" or "soon enough". The criticism has most to do with progress not being made fast enough, there are decisions that seem to have taken too much time to make, and of course the media has plenty of issues to focus on. I am not an Obama fan, and I never expected Him to have all the answers.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 06-02-2010 12:08
I read on other forums about this oil spill and folks seem to throw up the suggestion to just simply weld up the pipe and that would cut off the spill....I guess they are forgetting that this leak is a mile under the surface and that there is, who knows how many, thousands of pounds of pressure spewing out.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 06-03-2010 01:25
I don't know how many # of pressure are "spewing out", but the pressure of the water at that depth is about 2500 PSI. That will pop more than Your ears.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 06-03-2010 11:14 those depths the pressure is crushing.

Here is 135psi of pressure differential(quite a bit short of 2500psi).....yuk.

I was assuming that most people would realize that a robot would have needed to perform that work at those depths....but I do know what they say about the word assume.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Safety / Oil spillage on the gulf of Mexico.

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