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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Went applied for the UA pipefitters and plumbers
- - By Tnwelder (**) Date 06-07-2010 02:15
I got layed off on friday and went applied for the local union.  went in and filed out the application and made sure everything was good and left. So then i called my uncle that is a member but retired. He worked for the union for 42 years and was a good as you can get. Well the Ba at the time is one of his old friends that started the apprenticeship program together. So he told me to call him.  So i do and the guy didnt even act like he wanted people to come and work for them. I was told that he knew who is was and did even know me. So i was thinking what the hell.  are all of these guys like this.  I just really dont understand. So i coming to you guys for some insight. I want to work and am ready to work, but i dont want some production jobs that mig welds everything to break me down. I really need a job and i have a degree and am a pretty good welder. So guy give me some advice good or bad i need both.

Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 06-07-2010 03:28
If your in Tn as your name applies then good luck is all I can tell you. Got a buddy in the Ironworkers and he's been on with them at some TVA stuff lately but project is only about 3-4 months long then he's out of work. Heard that the UA is trying to get the Hemlock? job up around Clarksville, the semiconductor place but not sure about that. Think they said the concrete pour on that place would take a year or something insane like that so might be awhile before they need welders. I'll have to do some diggin' tomorrow with a guy I know and see what he's hearing about that place up in Clarksville and try and dig up some names of contractors. I know they're gonna need all kinds of welders it's just finding out who's on the job. I've seen some welding jobs around middle Tn but factory stuff as you said. They've also got that giant hole in the ground in downtown Nashville off of 4th ave building that new convention center. I did read something the other day that said the Ironworkers in Memphis were looking for guys for the apprenticeship program, not sure where your at in Tn but there's another lead at least. I'll have to make a call tomorrow to my guy at the rental place and see if he knows who the contractor is on that job. If ya want give me a call and I can spill what I know 931-446-0433 I'll be out roasting my nads tomorrow but call anytime, I may be under the hood so if ya can't get me just leave a message and I'll call ya from under a shade tree! 

Parent - - By Tnwelder (**) Date 06-07-2010 16:55
Thanks man.  I just didn't understand why they had to be like that.  I just want work to support my family. That is all a welder ever wants and some time to put down some beer lol.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 06-09-2010 12:53
Hey, the big hole in the ground downtown is being run by Bell & Associates, 615-373-4343 I've seen their name around Nashville but don't know anybody. You might be able to give them a call and find out what subs they have on the job. Bet a place like that is gonna have a ton of piping in it, heck, Lee company might have something to do with the heating and cooling on it. I'll call another buddy today and ask him, he worked for them last I talked to him.

The Hemlock-semi conductor plant up in Clarksville I got a friend going to keep his ears open on that one. Last thing we both heard was they started the concrete pour. Got a salesman connection I know that works that area pedling rental equipment but he's on vacation this week and we weren't buddies just knew each other thru work so not gonna bother him til he gets back. I'll let you know something if I hear of anything.

As an employee we're just pawns, it don't matter what you have at home, how long you've been with them, when it come's time to pinch a dime, bye bye bud. I've worked many jobs and thats how it's been. Ain't nothing you can do about it, they're in it to make money obviously, it is what it is right. I got laid off a few years back, went to work(brought my own welding rod cause they did not have any to fix the trailer I was working on) started work at 7:30 at 7:35 the big boss came out and said, " Step into my office". I went in there and the district manager was there. He said, "Well, we're closing this store location and your services as a mechanic are no longer needed." I laughed and said, "Ok, well we've been asking you guys for the last three months so we actually figured it was coming". So, I had to drive an hour home to get my truck and trailer, an hour back to get my toolbox.....then an hour home. Told them it would have been nice if ya called me last night and said, bring your truck and trailer tomorrow, would have saved my now unemployed azz some gas money!! I've been looking at "employee options" but sometimes just figure that if your employed you get lulled into a false sense of security, thinking your safe then one day, BAM!!

Good luck and I'll let you know what I find out in a few days.

Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 06-07-2010 11:46
They won't be anxious to add to their membership when there isn't any work.
Parent - By commonarc (**) Date 06-07-2010 21:24
I assume you applied for an apprentice program?  I don't know if they take guys in off the street anymore and let them come in at full rate and weld.  You'll most likely start off rolling up hoses and getting coffee long before they let you least that's how it's done up here in New England.

I know lots of fitters and most are laid off at least 4 months out of the year, maybe more unless you work steady for an outfit.  Family connections are the way to go but NOTE that the members will despise you if you come in as a Journeyman without going through the apprenctice program. 

There's very little work up here.  Competition is fierce.  Good luck and use those family connections as that's what it's all about in the unions these days.
Parent - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 06-09-2010 13:08
I spent 13 years in the UA. You have now seen first hand why they don't have much work around the country. I had the same problem when I first tried to get in the UA in the early 80's and obviously it has not changed much. It seems to hold true for boon and bust times. It's a sad commentary. Still have some good friends that are still in and are still dealing with the same issues.

Parent - - By K.Sexton26 (**) Date 07-13-2010 23:59
what local # was it
Parent - By Tnwelder (**) Date 07-14-2010 16:17
Local 538 in johnson city tn.
- By HillbillyWelder (**) Date 06-07-2010 12:50
I was a pre apprentice in the local here (Waco,TX). I was told by them that if I wanted to weld in there union I had to go through there apprentice program, like you I have a combo certificate and aas in welding technology, anywho it's clickish, even 798 is clickish, but you have a realative on the inside so you should be allright. All I had was me and I got laid-off after 6 to 8 wks. GOOD LUCK
- - By joe pirie (***) Date 06-07-2010 13:46
Local 250 in Los Angeles still has an open door welders must pass 2" xxhvy 6010/ 7018  2" xxhvy er70tig root 7018 out fitters pass a written test.
we have 30% unemployment i've been on  the boloks for 1 1/2 yrs actually went into inspection  3 years ago but i still keep my book. why are we still taking
in members  must be the initiation and monthly due,s  then someomne jopins who has a buddy running work and gets a name call what a Joke!!!
Parent - - By tnhnt (***) Date 06-08-2010 04:28
Joe, if that desalinization plant ever takes off down here in Carlsbad that will clear a lot of the books in this area!
Parent - - By joe pirie (***) Date 06-09-2010 14:55
thats local 230 work
Parent - By tnhnt (***) Date 06-10-2010 06:10
That is true about being local 230 area but they will be taking travelers I bet. Will get a lot of guy's off of the bench!
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Went applied for the UA pipefitters and plumbers

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