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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Dealing with Deadbeat Welders.....
- - By RC Welding Date 06-07-2010 02:40
I own a small welding supply store in the heart of the Marcellus Shale play and I’ve got a few questions for the masses.  Typically when a new welder comes in our store, they start their account by making cash or credit card purchases.  If all goes well and we gain some mutual respect, they are permitted to open an account and are billed every thirty days.  They each get my personal cell phone number and I’m basically ‘on-call’ 24/7 for them, having to go back to the store nearly every evening and weekend.  My questions are, if a welder gets run off from his job or just drags up; a) what are the chances he’ll ever pay his bill? and b) what are my options?  There currently are 10 or so of these cases that total over $7,000 and I need to resolve these!  Thanks in advance for any help or advice! 

Joe Snell
Owner, RC Welding Supply
Parent - - By chris2698 (****) Date 06-07-2010 03:48
I don't know if you could take them each to small claims court maybe, I mean it would be hell to do this 10 times but maybe worth a try and I know for sure if I had this settled I'd make them pay everytime they bought something. The welding store I go to there always like do you want to start an account and I'm like no I pay my way thats it. They always want me to start an account I mean I'm no big welding outfit or anything I don't know whats the deal why they always want me to start an account
Parent - By 65 Pipeliner (**) Date 06-07-2010 23:11
My Airgas salesman kept pushing for almost a year to set up an account. I told him, if I don't have the cash, I'm not buying anything. I finally agreed to set up a cash account with them. We sat down and came up with a contract price on the stuff I use, and now it is locked in at that price unless the price drops. So far it has worked well for me.

Parent - By strother (***) Date 06-07-2010 22:32
From my experience if someone is out to beat you they already know more about the collection laws than most honest people and you will never get a dime. You might a get a judgement against them but its still up to you to collect. If you can get a lein on something they can't lose hide or sell for cash then might you get something. I try to concentrate on collecting from customers who I know want to pay but are just struggling like me.
Parent - - By KSellon (****) Date 06-14-2010 19:01
the gentlemen on this site have taught me one thing-- cash not credit. I have run into the same in my shop and asked for advise here. I've always thought I was building friendships (like in the old days of loyalty) but SOME see it as a way of getting a free ride...

If they are 798 hands then I would file papers to garnish wages and send them into the Union. Only other thing to do is contact some of us with repair shops and put liens on their equipment thru the courts.
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 06-15-2010 02:02
A wise friend who owns a successful body/collision repair shop once told me when I was getting rigged up.
You make a business by being friendly, and you loose a business by trying to be everybodies FRIEND!
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 06-15-2010 02:44
There is a saying at every boat yard:


If Your boat is hauled out, they won't put it back in the water untill the bill is settled, storage included.
Parent - - By KSellon (****) Date 06-15-2010 16:53 Edited 06-16-2010 15:37
edited because Today this customer paid and apologized....
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 06-16-2010 03:07
At an auto parts store, You pay the core charge when You get the rebuilt, and get refunded for the core when You bring it in.
Parent - By KSellon (****) Date 06-16-2010 14:35
I didn't charge him for it because he WAS a weekly parts orderer
- By James Calvert (*) Date 06-07-2010 12:40
RC i think if u check u could put a lein on them would prolly have to check with an attorney since they would know how to go about it
- - By RC Welding Date 06-08-2010 01:55
Well, it’s probably gonna get ugly because most of the deadbeats are AWS members and also posters to this forum.  I had an appointment with my attorney today and then we went to see the District Magistrate to explore the legality of posting all of the deadbeat’s names and amount due on a public forum.  The initial response is that it is perfectly legal but they are both checking to be sure I don’t cause myself more problems than I solve!  They suggested I word it something like “if not resolved in XX days, your name and amount will be posted”.  I figure it might not get me any of my money back but hopefully it will prevent this from happening to someone else by the same deadbeats.
Parent - - By neds testicles Date 06-08-2010 02:10
It would be nice if they would make it right. Hopefully these few won't mess things up for the good guys that are in that area.
Parent - - By pypLynr (***) Date 06-08-2010 02:47
Amen , RC . Around here in TX , suppliers have a ' wall of shame ' . The names and addresses and banknames of the deadbeats are posted there for the other public to see . Most of the time , not always , but mostly the ones posted , usually make good on their debts . But , a small number jet on the debt .
   I'm sure it will work on the internet .
Parent - - By JLWelding (***) Date 06-08-2010 06:03
I am no lawer but mine told me if it is true statement and not made up you can post it. But if it is not a fact they can sue for slander. I posted my scumbag exemployee's name and shop name on a chalk board in my shop and several people say they had just came from there or where going there next till they saw my sign. He is a sorry peace of cr--
Parent - - By slagline 3 (**) Date 06-08-2010 18:27
Kinda reminds me of the joke about the hunter that picked up a frozen rattlesnake, and put him in his jacket. The snake thawed out and bit him. As the hunter was laying on the ground, he ask the snake, "what did you do that for, I saved your life" snake said "you knew I was a snake when you pick me up".....
Parent - By pypLynr (***) Date 06-08-2010 21:35
LMAO .... AMEN , slagline !!!!!!!!!! Thats classic right there .
Parent - By SMTatham (**) Date 06-09-2010 16:25
Post 'em up!!  If someone is on hard times legitimately; they would call and tell you, set up a payment schedule, etc.  This can serve as a self-policing brotherhood............hpoefully the ones you are talking about are reading this.
- - By awspartb (***) Date 06-08-2010 23:17 Edited 06-08-2010 23:30
Good luck as most of these guys live out of state and you'll never see or hear from them again.  Lots of gypsy Union guys have PO boxes for an address and claim Married 9, Flat 50 or tax exempt if the contractors will let them.  Even the IRS can't find them most of the time.  Try finding a PO box address, twice removed in someone elses name way in the back woods of Kentucky or WV.   I'm sure it will eventually catch up with them but for now they do NOT pay taxes.  I'm always amazed when I see these guys sign up in the job trailer and ask if they can claim tax exempt on the forms.

If the IRS can't find them, I'm sure your lawyer can't either.
Parent - - By JeremyW83 (***) Date 06-10-2010 01:35

Where are you located?
Parent - - By RC Welding Date 06-10-2010 21:37
We're on
RT 220 S Towanda/Monroeton RD
RR#4 Box 50
Towanda, PA 18848
Parent - By SMTatham (**) Date 06-10-2010 22:48
BUMP!!   Any news on the collection efforts?
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 06-11-2010 05:18
Doggone vegetables!!! They never pay!!! :) :) ;)

Parent - By KSellon (****) Date 06-15-2010 15:07
I am waiting for the list... I ship parts coast to coast and my shop is in 798s backyard. I guarantee I know most. And Cactus loves a good chase.
- - By sillyslik (**) Date 06-10-2010 23:22
i would contact the district attourney and see what amount they start issueing warrants! not paying thier bill is theft by credit!
Parent - - By slagline 3 (**) Date 06-11-2010 18:08
Not in Texas! Now if I write a hot check...could go to jail. But if I just owe you....well could owe you for a long...long...time. In Texas you have to go and reposses your goods. If not...well I think you get it.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 06-16-2010 05:51
I worked for a rig welder/fab shop enterprise for a time.  HE taught me many lessons in the welding game....including the value of lawyers and business agreements.   He made sure that his receipts were printed with a tacit signed follow in the letter of local law he required the following on EVERY JOB.   30 day billing cycle, anything overdue beyond that point incurred a 20% surcharge PER MONTH, after 90 days anything worked on was subject to repossession and or liens as well as legal fees incurred + collection cost.  EVERY customer that signed any work order with him was legally bound by those terms under "then current state laws".  He also charged 100% of materials up front.   THAT might seem harsh (except to anyone running their own service business.)  But hell man that was 15 yrs ago for me.......I seriously doubt things have gotten easier since then.  That mandate run a very few customers off....the ones it scared off would you really need or want anyway?  I got no problem taking your CAT trackhoe if you you owe me $ much problem do you have with it??   I do not know the legislation in all the states that support this kind of practice....but if yours does not, I would say you need to be more politically active in your state.  DId doing business like that run off business...sure it did...only the business he did not need....the guy stayed hooked up, I respect his ways. AND i will do business likewise.
- - By RC Welding Date 06-16-2010 07:53
I believe the thought of being "posted" on here has snapped SEVERAL of them around and they've paid in full.  Basically 4 down, 5 to go!  Per you guy's suggestion, I checked with the local 798 union steward and he's in my corner and will help get some of these collected.  Thanks for all the ideas, we'll keep after these.  My partner at the store has a wife that collects for a local company and she's basically a pitbull with lipstick and she keeps pretty close tabs on most of these accounts.  Also, the friendship deal is right on the money, I'm trying to help these guys and be their friend but the old adage is true, "business is business" and we've got to do what we've got to do!
Parent - By SMTatham (**) Date 06-16-2010 19:06
So now you God we trust; all others pay cash!!  LOL
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-16-2010 19:21
Amazing what a little publicity will accomplish. :-)

Parent - By Bob Garner (***) Date 06-16-2010 21:12
I just bought a compressor from Grainger.  They take only cash or debit cards.  You can establish an account with them and of course they will require all your banking info.  Why not treat your buyers like Grainger does?  Many small local companies are doing this.
- By RC Welding Date 08-26-2010 00:34
Sorry for the delay in posting, been doin' the family thing, etc. etc.   Given several welders an ultimatum and am going to post their names soon; a) in an effort to get paid and b) help prevent them from doing this elsewhere to someone else......
- - By RC Welding Date 08-26-2010 00:37
Anyone know "Fred Nye Welding" in Vernal, UT?
Parent - - By JLWelding (***) Date 08-28-2010 23:55
No cant say as I do, but tell me about ole Fred.
Parent - - By RC Welding Date 09-25-2010 22:50
Well, we've got a messed up credit policy, we help you when you have nothing with the hopes that you'll pay when you get something!!  Ole Fred came to town in January with nothing, told me right up front he was broke, we fixed him up with bottles, rod, etc. to the tune of $600 and he doesn't pay.  I catch up with his boss here in town and I ask "is Fred still working for you", he says "yup, why, does he owe you money?"  I reply yes and a few days later he stops in with $350.  As I said, this started in January, he paid the $350 the end of  February and then he skips back to Vernal, UT.
Parent - By JLWelding (***) Date 09-26-2010 03:25
Well maybe somebody in Utah can shed some light on ole Fred Nye. Like a phone #
I wish you luck. And just remember not all folks are that way, I had a guy come to me after 8 - 10 years with 60.00 I loaned him. And he even mowed my grass while I was at work.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Dealing with Deadbeat Welders.....

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