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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Bonafide immigration
- - By Superflux (****) Date 06-13-2010 17:18 Edited 06-13-2010 22:36
A bit of a rant on a topic misplaced in another forum.
OK, I'm going to regret this later, but, here goes.......

I feel for those who seek the "American Dream", and cannot attain it due to their geographical/economic restraints. Sorry! Sux to be you. BUT my tax dollars can only go so far and the land of opportunity and plenty has its boundaries (ya know borders!), and laws to protect the citzens with in from those outside!

For those who romance the land of their ancestry and wish to expound to me its virtues. GO BACK. Renounce your US citizenship and take all you have learned and amassed from this great country and rebuild your "motherland" into a place of your design.
America is a melting pot of cultures and influences from all over this planet and that is what makes it such a great country. Coupled with the freedoms granted us by the Constitution and the hard work by anyone willing to put forth the effort to attain the "American Dream", there are no limits to the greatness or financial success that anyone of us can attain.
You will be limited only by the limitations and sloth that you place upon yourself.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 06-13-2010 23:08
No invuluntary servitude
My bumper sticker
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 06-14-2010 02:34 Edited 06-14-2010 03:55
Problem is too many and too much of America has fallen asleep at the wheel and the "American Dream" while still a possibility, has began turning into a nightmare, much of it brought on by ourselves!  Gone are the days of employee / employer loyalty to one another, gone are the days of a dollar earned for a dollar paid (Detroit is a prime example).  Sad to say folks, but we've been ranting about us being "Number 1" for so long that we've lost track of the game.  (I know I'll probably also regret my responding but I do feel very strongly that America has gone downhill rapidly from the time of my youth!).

As for immigration, I can speak first hand when I say the USA is far too restrictive and complex for all but the smartest (or richest) of those who would migrate.  It took us $8000 and 5 years to get my wife's citizenship and she is from New Zealand, not one of those countries the USA SHOULD target.... and yes, I said TARGET intentionally.  Conversely, when we moved to New Zealand, my residency cost about $1,500 and took about 9 months... a seemingly tolerable amount of time and money.  By the way, I didn't need a team of attorneys either.  USA needs tight immigration laws but in order for people to follow them (and use them) they need to be understandable and a bit more user friendly!

Incidentally, I travel the globe FREQUENTLY and the ONLY place I ever have any problems is when I go back home to the good old USA... could it be "we" have our sights set on the wrong TARGETS trying to be politically correct?

Sorry if I've offended anyone.... just speaking my mind!

EDIT: Just correcting some spelling mistakes!

EDIT #2:  Thanks Henry, I hope you're with us for a very long time!!! :)
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 06-14-2010 06:08
Jon I can't imagine why any one would be offended by what you or John posted (albeit the trueth hurts).

My 2 cents on this topic is to remind every one how the human mind works, constantly searching for opportunitys to cash in on some one else's vunerability and our legal system seems to lend it self to that purpose very well in some areas.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 06-14-2010 03:50 Edited 06-14-2010 03:52
Why don't you tell us what you really think! ;)

I'll be damned if I'll let anyone tell me what I want to talk about in here - including my ancestors!!! :) :) :)



Parent - By KSellon (****) Date 06-14-2010 21:50
with all the rain I think they could swim from the Rio to Kansas
- - By ruero (**) Date 06-14-2010 15:22
Jon: it was not much $$ for NZ but would you care to elaborate on there requirements other than the $1500 that they needed from you. I don't think the US is as strict.
My wife is Canadian and I know about the $$ it takes and the time involved and she is just a permanent resident. I also know that because we chose to do it legle it was a pain in the ass. The funny thing is when we go to Canada and came back to US they asked me more ? than her.
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 06-14-2010 17:57 Edited 06-14-2010 17:59
ruero; the single biggest hassle for me was the series of medical tests.  I have always had a low white cell count on my bloodwork so I had to repeat the tests on numerous occasions, have liver scans, etc., for fear I would be a drain on medical system.  In the end, my personal doctor ended up writing a note stating these "anomalies" have never been cause for excessive medical costs.

Aside from the above, normal check of police records, financial stability and personal character as would be required in any migration case.

"The funny thing is when we go to Canada and came back to US they asked me more ? than her."  One of my points, exactly.  I work in Kazakhstan and used to live near Detroit.  At that time, I was working 6 weeks in Kazakhstan and had 2 weeks at home after every 6 weeks.  EVERY time I came through Immigrations on my way home, I was asked where I live, to which I would respond "I live in Michigan, I'm a homeowner and a taxpayer" to which Immigrations would respond "no, you DON'T live in Michigan, you live in Kazakhstan because that's where you spend most of your time."  (I wish that would work in discussions with IRS!).

When my wife first got her "green card" which as many know, is a legal residency in the USA and NOT citizenship.... we crossed over into Canada and on our return, she was sooo proud to show her "green card" to the US Border crossing.... until they literally THREW it back into the window at her saying they needed a drivers license to "prove" she lived in the USA.... (by the way, she was allowed a drivers license BEFORE she had even applied to migrate to the USA!!!!).

Tell me, does it sound like there's something wrong with our system, or is it just me being stupid?
Parent - By ruero (**) Date 06-15-2010 02:38
There is something wrong that is for sure.
When we first were going through the "LEGAL"  steps she was allowed to be here for 6mos and then had to return to Canada for at least 48hrs and then ok to come back. So like the law abiding people we were trying to be and do it the "LEAGAL" way we thought hey thats ok we will take a trip to BC and see the sites, well that turned out to be a nightmare when we tried to get back in. Make a long story short it was a month and alot of pain for her before she got back into the states. The funny thing is after spending that month in Canada trying to get papers and talk to Consulates to get back and nothing worked she finally just got the nerve and got on a bus and came back over with out a problem. She now has been a PR for sometime, and travels out of the states and back with no worries.
Parent - - By KSellon (****) Date 06-15-2010 23:11
I would have asked you more questions too. You might look abit guilty and your lady is a looker... I love you Claire. Don't melt in coonass country
Parent - By ruero (**) Date 06-16-2010 19:02
Funny K thanks
She has not hardly left the ac of the trailer yet. I have been spending time outside trying to get use to it, i test tomorrow so will see if we can stick around, i here they have been pretty tough but there just doing their job.
Hope u didn't get washed away K
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Bonafide immigration

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