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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Obama Effect on Welding/Metal Trades?
- - By awspartb (***) Date 06-16-2010 01:08 Edited 06-16-2010 01:13
So far, Obama has been a disaster for the Union metal trades that supported him during the '08 elections.

I'm talking Union Pipefitters, Boilermakers, Ironworkers, Sheetmetal Workers, etc.  They all supported Obama.

Obama has killed the following:
Power plants, coal, nat gas, etc.....nothing
Oil patch work due to Executive Order
Chemical plants.....yeah right
Cap & Trade.....everything on hold as nobody knows what it's going to cost!

Just wondering what others think? 
We have TENS OF THOUSANDS of Metal Trades UNION members without jobs right now.  Our pensions can NOT survive another year without people working and funding the pension!

Windmills made overseas and solar panels made in China do very little to support the Union metal trades in the USA.  Please don't tell me about the nuke plant in TX. It's only one power plant while the rest of us rot on unemployment.
Parent - By JLWelding (***) Date 06-16-2010 01:45
After watching his ugly mug on the TV, I went out to measure the wifes Toyota to see if my sa200 will fit, I might get it in there if I take out the back seat, cut the roof and wedge it in there sideways lol.
Thats right Obama bash the oil co. somemore that way everyone will be on unemployement. Oh that's right that is your new focus, control.
Like big govt. is not leading us around as it is.
Vote people
Parent - - By sqiggy (**) Date 06-16-2010 02:28
Well, the unions wanted change, they got it!!
He just never said what kind of change!!!
2012 can't get here fast enough!!!
Parent - By JLWelding (***) Date 06-17-2010 02:31
He told them what was coming, they would not hear what was being said. I bet they listen when he gets thru.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 06-17-2010 16:55
Actually he did say what kind of change. He had been saying for years. And it was discussed ad nauseum prior to the election.  Only nobody was listening.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 06-16-2010 06:13
The problem is more with your union than it is with President Obama my friend.

None of the items you listed come as a surprise... He campaigned on just these topics publicly... Yet the labor unions gave him your dues dollars... (and mine too).

The president is doing exactly what any democrat/progressive would do... It's really not that personal.  It's not like Barak Obama came up with these ideas... They are PARTY LINE... Yet the unions pretty much finance that party.

However; Your (and my) union executives are doing just fine thank you..  As our our congressmen....  These are the folks who need to be fired.

I can't think of a single democrat/progressive in politics that is dedicated to growing the indistries and projects you mentioned... Yet the unions support them without question... And there are very few conservatives for that matter, willing to step out and be leaders either.

Need a house cleaning from bottom to top.

If things get bad enough the Dems will throw President Obama under the buss to keep control.. They will make more promises to the unions and the unions will take it hook line and sinker...

Government has a strangle hold over the industries you talk about...  Manufacturing has a little bit more wiggle room with govt. regulations... Hopefully one can jumpstart the other.
Parent - By SMTatham (**) Date 06-16-2010 19:04
Well; from where I stand Obama has had "0" zero impact on the metal trade.......My line of work is at present lineboring/borewelding and heavy (mining heavy) equipment repair.  I am as busy as I care to be; could work 24/7 if I were so inclined.  I know others (rig welders) who are booming right now as well; both in and out of the energy sector.

The recession??  I refuse to participate.  Obama??  I refuse to let him have an adverse effect on my thinking or my livelihood. 

Unions (for the most part) have always backed democrat candidates; while the democrats have nearly always pushed policy that screws the union members.  Nothing new there; Barry is just the freshest face to do it!
Parent - By bruce69 (*) Date 06-17-2010 02:59
Are some of this administration's policies damaging to some of the work the trades do?  Yes.  But that is way too simplistic.  I got out of the Ironworkers in 2003 because work was so bad and is still bad.  I had plenty of bad years under Republican administrations. The best years were when Clinton was in office.  It would be just as bad if McCain was in office; this economy is way bigger than one person.  If you want to blame anybody pick about 5 or 10 people on Wall Street for this mess.  The Bear Sterns, Goldman Sachs, AIG's of the world that brought capitalism to a screeching halt.  They committed financial treason if you ask me.  Billionaires thinking they need a few million more dollars at the expense of rest of the country.  Unions have been dying for years and the harsh reality is it will not get better which is why I got out.
Parent - - By Metarinka (****) Date 06-17-2010 15:57
a 300 mill dollar grant went to the DOE to do research on new types of nuclear reactors. That's how I got my job.  Also the aerospace field is hiring right now I've hired in 3 welders in the last 3 months and we are still swamped. Industry changes.

work changes over time. at some point building coal power plants will become politically and culturally unpopular. I don't support cap and trade but I do support alternative energy.
Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 06-17-2010 20:28
It's a good thing Obama is printing all that DOE money.  Nobody is hiring except the government or government funded/subsidized private sector jobs.  I bet that aerospace company is working on government contracts? Alternative energy is all subsidized by the US taxpayers... ethanol, wind, solar.....none of it can make a profit without massive government cash.  There is little to no private sector hiring in the metal trades.  Hundreds of thousands are getting laid off in the domestic oil industry. 

Holding my breath in anticipation of hyperinflation and a Greece like economy.  It's just around the corner.  You were not around during the Carter years.  I was just getting out of high school back then.  17% mortgage rates, gas lines with a 10 gallon maximum, etc.  This economy is much worse.  Get ready for hard times.
Parent - By Johnyutah (**) Date 06-18-2010 03:42
There is work out there you just have to be on the ball this type of economy is great if your track record is clean and you can keep your mouth shut and work. We saw this coming and have been picking up steadily after the first big panic the cut throats crybabys and hacks will ruin themselves if you just give them time. As for government funded there are a few we have done but mostly private now it's not what it was but not the end of the world either. I have found it's not worth my time to point fingers and blame others if I fail it is my fault no one else dwelling on blaming others only destroys your quality of life. Just keep swimming this to shall pass, or be pissed of and see where it gets you your choice, good luck out there I wish I could put more guys to work as well.
Parent - - By Metarinka (****) Date 06-18-2010 15:59
the USA is the single largest science research funder in the world. you make it sound like its a bad thing that the DOE is investing money in reactor research. would you prefer we do nothing and then be shocked when china and the rest of the world is the one doing all the innovation?

and in the aerospace world it was a mix of private and public. we built some components for commercial satellites and NASA although most of the nasa money dried up as they've basically cancelled all further manned missions.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 06-18-2010 16:17
Maybe if we actually had the money the government is spending it might be different. And since China is one of our biggest creditors I can only imagine the leverage they have on us politically as they fund "our" innovation.
As far as I'm concnerned having to kiss Beijings azz is a price too steep for windmills in Kansas.
Margin Call Mr. President!!!!
- By ESC300 (**) Date 06-16-2010 01:44
I agree-but you cant get some people to see what is going on.I dont know how much longer i can hold on if work  does not pick up.
- - By Eric Carroll (**) Date 06-16-2010 03:00
Before the election I was suprised to see an anti-obama sticker on a union pipeliners truck. Where they the only ones to see it coming?
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 06-16-2010 03:58
I guess you need to be in the UAW if you expect return on your significant investment.  AND believe me it is YOUR investment..your union dues made those contributions striaght out of your pocket.  Having said that ....awspartb you know any political post you make like this will degenerate into chaotic BS.  So why do so?  I think directing your energy toward changing what you can where you are at; makes far more sense then posting where it can only turn into drivel...eventually. 

Anger, disgust, real disappointment,going hungry, losing what you spent a lifetime to achieve are powerful motivators!  Let the drive they create be spent changing what you actually can change.  FOR INSTANCE  places like Wal Mart are your dire use your energy to find ways not to prop up their profits........QUIT buying the the overseas welding supplies...put TRULY American made supplies into your bids and eat the difference.  for Christs Sake VOTE AND TALK to your neighbors....before you can do that you need to be armed with REAL information....that is not that easy to do in America as it use to got to be able to filter out the what do you do....form or find a community of like minded people to share the work of finding information.....the internet is not just a place to flame and spit is a powerful tool it can be used for good or for evil...I guarantee you the political powers that be that you have issues with are using it to their benefit 24/7!  IT is essentially are you using it to meet your own interests?  JEEZ   Obama got elected with funds from government/private backed social organizations,labor union contributions and a younger generation that got off their ass and got involved.....(I know about the electoral college and all that jazz) ......Basically: "..government by the people and for the people..."  If you have lost ALL hope in that....then by all means load up your clips and let the anarchy begin.   Personally I think we got it right and it can be changed for the good of all....but it only works if you get up off your ass and shout to people who can physically hear you....not just *****ing on the internet.  I love this country and I want it back!

Sorry for the soapbox
my little $.02
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 06-16-2010 05:01
Hi Tommy!

I couldn't agree with you more!!! :) :) :)
BTW, you can definitely pass on that letter you asked about to as many folks you feel who may just be interested in reading it's contents...

Now when I was a Boilermaker tube welder/mechanic, if the work in my area was slow, we hit the road jack!!! The National Transient Local or NTL would always have work available no matter how tough times were as far as work is concerned... So I urge all the union trades folk to get up off their collective butts, stop your sorry arse whining and get on the phone to the national headquarters, and get your butts on the road already for crying out loud!!! :) :) :)

There is work out there, and if all you want to do is to sit and wait until the work comes to you, then your unemployment will soon run out, you'll be forced to get public assistance, and do all of the things you never, ever thought you would stoop so low to survive!!!

Finally, if you want to do something special for your family, then get the "blank" out of the house already, and go out on the road to seek work already!!! They'll all breathe a collective sigh of relief of not having to hear you whine so much about the lack of work as if it must come out of it's proverbial hiding place and find you in order for you to work!!!

When union folks start bashing their own union for mostly not being able to stay close to home in order to work, it always amazes me how they can whine and moan about how corrupt these unions are and how we should get rid of them all together, or to arrest their own leaders and put them in jail forever because they don't have any work locally, then they're a bunch of whiners - PERIOD!!! Why??? Because they're letting the very same union BA's dictate when and where they should work by staying home instead of becoming more independent of their local halls, and venturing out to other locals that do need more help for jobs that are available regardless of the cut in pay & benefits!!!

Look, unions have always had some bad apples in them since they were first formed many moons ago and that's just a part of human nature, so get over it and go out and find the work that is available even if you have to swallow your pride and take a cut in pay so that you can still provide for your family!!! Oh and please don't tell me that you couldn't provide the same standard of living to you family because, you couldn't do that while on unemployment!!! So get off your butt and go find the work because it is out there if you look hard enough!!!


Parent - - By commonarc (**) Date 06-16-2010 11:25
I'm a Union Boilermaker.  We have a MOST referal line and web site that posts jobs available out of town with other locals. There's also a 1-800 phone number to call to scan the entire country for work. There have been NO JOBS LISTED FOR MONTHS!  Many members are on the verge of bankruptcy and our pension is listed as seriously endangered and on the brink of insolvency.  Our internationl president is begging Congress to bail out our pension.

The National Transient Lodge is no more.  It's gone.  The Boilermakers killed it years ago and merged all members of the NTL with the local that has jurisdiction where they live.  Try doing some research before you post trash.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 06-16-2010 18:26
What's the matter son??? Too afraid to work in a shipyard for the time being until things get better???



Parent - - By commonarc (**) Date 06-16-2010 22:31 Edited 06-16-2010 22:44
No whining here.  Just facts.  Things have changed in the Boilermakers since 1976.  Work referal rules state that we must get a so-called "good guy" letter FAXED from our union hall to another hall in order to work out of our jurisdiction.  What the letter says is anyones guess.  It's not possible to even confirm if the union hall has sent the letter.  When you call the out of town local asking if they got the "good guy letter", they tell you to ask your own union hall and hang up the phone.  Total runaround which is the desired effect.  It's all about control and the NTL's were loose cannons that did thier own thing.  NO MORE.  NTL's are a thing of the past since the International did away with them about 4 years ago.  Former NTL members are on a "B" list which means they are second class members until they get 6000 hours in with the home local that they were forced to join.  Now even they have to go through the business manager for work.  The business managers have total control over where or even IF you work and guess what happens when times are lean, like now?  The family and friends plan kicks in and 95% of the members starve.  If one were to say f-it and work non-union and they find out about it?  Well.....let's just say you might be buying a new car when yours is burning in the driveway while the wife and kids are sleeping. Or maybe an "accident" will happen to you on the job?  

There are no shipyards within 400 miles of me but I'd be willing to work in one.  Who's hiring and who could possibly be building ships in the
usa these days?  Being Union means 95% of us travel on our own dime.  No per diem, travel pay etc.  The non-union guys get less pay but all the travel costs are covered so I'm not sure who has it better.  Do the shipyards pay per diem or would I have to relocate?  Tough to do with the kids but if it were long term, I'd consider it.

It would be nice if you could post all these shipyards that are hiring Union Boilermakers.  I know some of the 40,000 or so unemployed Boilermakers would love to know where all these shipyard welding jobs are!
Some hard core union Boilermakers I know are so mad at Obama that just the mention of his name has them spitting on the ground.  He's killed the coal power industry for at least the next 3 years or so.  Even our Business Manager told us not to expect any significant work for at least a couple of years.......and we supported this guy!

Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 06-16-2010 23:59
Here's a list from the International's own website:

Call them up and find out who's hiring if you're so afraid of getting your car burned!!! Or, check out, or this link if you're not afraid of being intimidated by your big government union who warns you of being disloyal!!! Feeding my family has never had anything to do with being disloyal towards the Boilermakers... I just never told them what I was doing after my unemployment benefits ran out!!! :) :) :) So check out this link if you really want to travel and find the work you need to feed your family:

Now go on and go feed your family and don't let the union bullies get to you! ;)

P.S. Even though the link to the NTL is down, or not working, the International still has the NTL listed in their own web site - Go Figure Huh??? Take a look:

Parent - - By commonarc (**) Date 06-17-2010 00:20
The NTL Lodge still exists in name only.  NTL members are now part of the Boilermaker Local that they reside in.  There are no new NTL members coming into the Boilermakers.  The NTL is still intact only because of existing members who are treated as scum by the locals that were forced to take them in.  Trust me, I've seen it. NTL members are not apprentice program graduates.  They are second class citizens in the Boilermakers trade and are treated as such. 

I plan on calling every single shipyard local you listed and will tell them that I am a construction boilermaker who wants to work in the shipyard and if they are hiring.  I'll post the results.

So what shipyards are hiring?  My business manager says none.  According to him,  most shipyards have laid off huge numbers since '07 and those laid off have call back rights.  Totally different from working in the field as we have no recall rights.  It's a miracle I caught my business manager in the office on a sunny day in June.  He's usually golfing on days like this.  He's trying to rustle up some work for the members by searching every golf course from Hilton Head to Pebble Beech for new work.  The economy must be real bad because he never seems to find any.
Parent - - By SMTatham (**) Date 06-17-2010 13:07
"It's a miracle I caught my business manager in the office on a sunny day in June.  He's usually golfing on days like this.  He's trying to rustle up some work for the members by searching every golf course from Hilton Head to Pebble Beech for new work.  The economy must be real bad because he never seems to find any"

And THERE my friends; is the problem with having someone else swing the bat for you.  If the union does not represent your values, if you feel betrayed and screwed, if they do not supply you with work, then why, why, why does one STILL stay on board??  I know literally dozens of people who over the years have experienced this very thing.......and went to work for either themselves or an open shop company.  LEAVE and never look back.  Refuse to let morons control your destiny and your earning potential.     Illegitimi non carborundum!!!
Parent - By commonarc (**) Date 06-17-2010 22:25
I hear you.  It's been a long time coming.  Time to move on.  I'm on it.  Thanks
Parent - By commonarc (**) Date 06-17-2010 22:22
Called the shipyard unions you listed.  The ones that actually had someone there to answer the phone (not many) said I needed to go through my business manager but they have no work anyway.  ZERO are hiring.
Thanks for the hot job tip!  I'll stop whining now and get back to calling the NTL's and asking them to put me on some real money making tanky jobs.  Oh sorry....they don't exist anymore.
Parent - - By commonarc (**) Date 06-18-2010 00:17
Henry the Proud Union Boilermaker says:

1) "Feeding my family has never had anything to do with being disloyal towards the Boilermakers... I just never told them what I was doing after my unemployment benefits ran out!!"


I'm not sure how you justify these two statements.  In my local, you'd be called a Scab and they would do everything possible to destroy you.  Sounds like a multiple personality disorder to me.  Do you also shop at Walmart?  Our union brings up Walmart at every meeting.  They have a list of cars, trucks, businesses, etc that we're NOT ALLOWED to buy.  Bring them on the job and they just might get trashed.  What other things does Henry the "proud Union Boilermaker since 1976" do against the union bosses wishes?
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 06-18-2010 03:18 Edited 06-18-2010 03:30
I'm retired!!! So I can do as I damn well please!!! You want to starve - be my guest!!! The Union wouldn't even pay for my Liver Transplant, or even the hospital bills I had prior to that while I was waiting and then some!!1 They Already destroyed me by not being there for me when I needed them most!!! I'm still a PROUD BOILERMAKER SINCE!!! AND I WILL CONTINUE TO BE ONE UNTIL THE DAY I DIE!!! I'M JUST NOT UNION, NOR DO I CARE TO BE ONE EVER AGAIN!!!


By SMTatham  (**) Date 06-17-2010 09:07 "And THERE my friends; is the problem with having someone else swing the bat for you.  If the union does not represent your values, if you feel betrayed and screwed, if they do not supply you with work, then why, why, why does one STILL stay on board??  I know literally dozens of people who over the years have experienced this very thing.......and went to work for either themselves or an open shop company.  LEAVE and never look back.  Refuse to let morons control your destiny and your earning potential.    
Illegitimi non carborundum!!!"

"By commonarc (**) Date 06-17-2010 18:25
I hear you.  It's been a long time coming.  Time to move on.  I'm on it.  Thanks"

I'm glad that you're finally coming to your senses instead of continuing to whine like a jac%$&&"


Parent - - By M-Squared (**) Date 06-18-2010 20:30
Never worked as a union welder. Always had plenty of work with good safe companies, always made good money, always had insurance. Shop wherever I want, drive whatever I want, buy whatever I want, go where ever I want to work. Sounds American to me, free to do as I please.

Let’s see, Union welder, no work, pay me your dues, tell me where I can and cannot work. Tell me what kind of cars, trucks, businesses, etc that you are NOT ALLOWED to buy / drive, do everything possible to destroy you, tell you where you can and cannot work etc. Sounds more like a socialistic or communist organization to me, not American where you are supposed to be free to choose.  Sounds like a no brainer to me. But then again I am just a non-union idiot what do I know.  You keep you union status and keep not working and whining while I cash me FAT paycheck each week.

I currently reside and work in TX where there is more non-union work for welders than I care to mention that will pay very good money for good welders  and a good deal of overtime. Do not ask me to do any posting, do your own work, or better yet ask your union!

Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 06-21-2010 15:50
Weren't you sometime back out of Erie PA?
Some change.
Erie to TX.
Whereas I went from TX to Ohio.
Parent - - By M-Squared (**) Date 06-21-2010 22:40
I was in Erie PA working in the power industry, good memory. After that I moved to Johnstown PA and did a few years in R&D, and then to TX. I decided on TX (Houston specifically) because of all the welding and welding engineering opportunities it offers.  It hasn’t failed me yet. Can walk out the door one day be working the next down the street.

Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 06-23-2010 16:51
Yeah, thats Houston allright. There is plenty going on there. It is pretty much the center of the welding world. Since iIve left 2 years ago I've been back four times and will probably be going back 3 or 4 more times in the next year or so.
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 06-16-2010 05:38
Tommy, about you're "Soap box" tirade. You expressed it much better than I could. Some people may mean what they say here but few are willing to make the least effort do any thing other than Belly Ache. Your $.02 was worth a great deal more from my point of view.

A lot of them remind me of some one who gets caught speeding and wants to blame it on the Cop because he was out of sight behind a tree.
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 06-16-2010 19:25
Today's Brazilian newspapers report that President Obama's popularity is dropping down due to the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster.
Not living in the USA, I don't understand what has President Obama to do with the oil disaster. Was it his fault? In my opinion the fault is British Petroleum's one. 
Having spent eight years of my professional life designing plants for environment protection, I feel terribly sorry for what happened in the Gulf. But, since it has already happened and we can't change it, I prefer that it was in the Gulf of Mexico with a British Petroleum offshore jig, instead of the Brazilian coast with a Petrobras jig. And excuse me, Gentlemen, for being so frank.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 06-17-2010 12:18
The criticism of the President is based upon his lack of response, his lack of urgency, his lack of leadership, and his lack of ability to make the tough decision as pertains to the clean up(59 days before he met with BP execs-refusal to allow the states to perform certain independent protection and clean up methods, etc.). Nobody is blaming him for the cause of the disaster.
Then again, the spill isn't the only reason he is slipping in the polls.
Parent - - By strother (***) Date 06-18-2010 21:58
I'm certainly not a fan of Obama, but the people in this country blame the President any time there is a disaster whether he has any control over it or not .
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 06-19-2010 02:16
I agree, but only a fool would promise to be "Super Man" anyway. The problem is that His head won't fit into the phone booth, so He can't put on the costume ...
- By sillyslik (**) Date 06-16-2010 22:20
hi all! henry i read ur post on print this morning at school! i totally agree with your view! i am a greenhorn to the welding trade literally, i'm still in school! but i keep my eyes open and take a temperature of the job boards regularly. i want my country back , so amrican made - american bought! i can say when i get out of school, and begin my career in welding. i have only been taught the principles of  the(ART) of welding! this gave me the tools to thrive in the industry. it's up to me  to grow in the industry, by learning from the experienced! so when i graduate! i plan to look at companies that i hear people talk about,and i want a position as a helper!hopefully i can bring a new life in my ability! i am a non union duct mechanic (sheetmetal) 8yrs. but i'm taking a year off wich has taxed my finances to better myself with an addition to my skills with welding! obama was not a good call for america! but if we sit and gripe and cry we only allow ourselves to become a part of the crisis! action is the loudest voice this day in time! that's my blabble!
- - By EN287 Date 06-20-2010 08:51
The problem is not with the man in charge but poorly educated engineers. US and China are the two countries most depending on the oil industry and finally one man or political party acted in benefit for the world. Saying the BP incident is the UK's fault is just naive. It's the people and government of US that approved the drilling in order to keep down the oil barrel cost, there be many more incidents like this one in the future if our demand for oil stays the same. Renewable energy sources is what other industrial countries focus on. Our engineers have come up with several solutions and the industry have helped education "the old oil pipe welders" in these fields. I'm not saying it's perfect but it's a step in the right direction. Big Size windmills, water turbines, wave rovers, sun energy and my government just approved the expansion of nuclear power plants to reduce the fossil (oil) usage. Also better use of the "excess energy" the industry produce, for example to heat up the town water radiators. Financial crisis or not we're building and expanding this market as we speak, US should as well.
Parent - - By commonarc (**) Date 06-20-2010 13:51
China and India are buring coal and oil.  A new coal fired power plant comes on line in China every single WEEK.  They have no pollution controls either.  Have you seen a video of the air pollution in downtown Bejing?  Pollution controls in coal plants are state of the art in the USA.
Parent - - By EN287 Date 06-20-2010 16:50
Comparing yourself to the worst, a country self proclaim to be the "best in the world" - you should set the bar higher.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 06-21-2010 17:02
Arrogant puppy.

We really could easily fill every post in this forum for days and weeks with criticisims of the European Norms, their slavish control by the universities, their foolish dependence on titicular higherarchies and lack of respect for the only good thing to come from europe,,,, the craftsmans apprenticeship model.

But we dont.  It's not that we don't care or that we are ignorant of your shortcommings... We are polite and wish to work cooperatively with systems even as disasterously redundant as your own.

Welcome to the American Welding Society's forum...  A place where we can exchange ideas without climbing on the backs of those whom we think we are better than, just to get a view from the top.
Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 06-20-2010 19:27
We're not blaming the UK. We are blaming Sweden, (just messing with ya) cuz the Chairman of BP is Swedish. Fortunately for us, Carl-Henric Svanberg cares about the "small people" in the US.
I gave him a pass for this condescending statement because English isn't his primary language. But...I'm seeing a pattern from the Swedes.
You say that there may be many more incidents like this one, but there may never be another one, ever. Three Mile Island (US Nuke plant accident) changed our nations energy industry dramatically. In typical fashion, we had a knee jerk reaction and decided to stop building nuclear plants. Thus making us more dependent on oil. Now we have a disaster in the Gulf due to oil. Already, more government knee jerk reaction. Stop all off shore drilling until.... If this was a freak accident that will never happen again then over reaction will only hurt the unemployed oil workers and families and the world's oil supply. You blame the people and US gov. for drilling for oil but if we don't supply some of our own oil then we are 100% dependant on foreign oil. We can't do that for security purposes. If those incompetent Pollocks, (or the Ruskies or whomever), you alluded to in another post invaded Sweden, we would need a sizable oil supply to come to your aid.
All across our country renewable energy technologies are being incorporated and installed at existing and new facilities. We too are expanding our nuclear energy production. None of this is happening fast enough to help our unemployment woes and quickly reduce our need for oil. It will be a long slow transition.  You said,

>Financial crisis or not we're building and expanding this market as we speak, US should as well.

We are going bankrupt plenty fast enough, but thanks for the advice.
Sweden is about the size of California and most of the industry is in the southern part of Sweden so in comparison, your energy needs are for a "small" (pun intended) country compared to the US. Our countries and population are vastly different as are our needs and solutions. I've worked at your nuke plants Oskarshamn and Barseback and I enjoyed and respect your country and people. Hint, Hint,
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 06-21-2010 01:46 Edited 06-21-2010 01:49
Your country is fortunate in that it has really low population. Here in the US We have about 1.4 times Yout total population THAT ARE HERE ILLEGALLY. We have nearly 300 million more people [energy consumers] than Your country, makes it pretty hard to put a dent in the whole with renewables.

We could use more nuclear plants, but nobody wants them in their "back yard". I live pretty close to a pretty big nuke plant, but our power company still has to use [fossil fuled] gas turbine generators to handle peak loads.
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