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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Lincoln Pro-Cut 80 / Red-D-Arc Python plama cutter
- - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 06-16-2010 03:37
I just got a Red-D-Arc Python plasma cutter, it is the Red-D-Arc version of the Lincoln Pro-Cut 80.

Does anybody have any experience with these? Tips? Pointers?
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 06-16-2010 04:16
NO but I am interested in what you have to say about it Dave!?   I see so much "RED-D-ARC" being pushed for cheap....I am interested in how it performs for you.   Pointers?  Well Dave treat it like any other plasma....keep your air dry, keep your tip close.   Plasmas are killer for the amount of money they can save flame cutting....if your doing stainless then it's a no brainer.  Hope things are going good for you Dave!!!!  Take care buddy
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 06-17-2010 02:29
Since I never used one before, I don't have anything to compair it with. I had chemo this Monday, should be able to give this machine a try in a few more days.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 06-17-2010 17:21
I am not an expert user...but running them is pretty basic.  Finding your limits in travel speed vs thickness of material I reckon is the most important thing to figure out.

Take care Dave
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 06-18-2010 01:21
Thanks, I will read 'em.
Parent - - By Regmanager (**) Date 06-23-2010 19:39
Red D Arc is just the name Lincoln puts on their equipment sold by Airgas. It is 100 % Lincoln parts.

The best plasma machine on thr market is made by Hypertherm. They don't sell anything else and they

don't make anything else. They will outcut anything on the market and are very dependable. I will

not sell anything but Hypertherm.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 06-24-2010 01:53
Yes, they have such a good reputation that I couldn't afford one.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Lincoln Pro-Cut 80 / Red-D-Arc Python plama cutter

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