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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Anyone use Hobart FCAW wire??
- - By eekpod (****) Date 06-16-2010 12:12
Ok after awhile having the shop practise with ESAB and Hobart FCAW wires, the owner wants to switch to Hobart Excel Arc 71 w/ mixed gas 75/25.

Anyone familier with it? our shop welders seemed to think it runs better than the Lincoln ELite we use now, but it's a huge cost savings if we switch.  Any thoughts?

Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 06-16-2010 13:36
Hello Chris, have used the Excel Arc extensively with the 75/25 mixed gas, I would rank it in the top two "currently", also a fan of Corex Versatile wire with the mixed gas. Wets well, welds out of position effortlessly, very little spatter, easy slag removal. I believe you will see it's benefits rather readily. Best regards, Allan
Parent - - By eekpod (****) Date 06-17-2010 10:19
Thanks Allan, glad to hear that it works well for you.  Like I said big cost savings so they want to switch to it.
I reviewed the literature, and it looks like it meets all the relavant AWS standards, D1.1,D1.5,D1.8, and AWS A5.20. The CVN results look good as well.
Now I have to re-write all my WPS's.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 06-17-2010 12:12
Might I suggest you not write your WPS's to be Brand specific unless for some reason you are required to do so.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 06-17-2010 13:01
D1.5 Table 5.1 Item number 2....I think Chris is working to D1.5.
Parent - - By eekpod (****) Date 06-17-2010 13:23
Yes, I am working to D1.5 for some aspects. 
The other problem I had was I had some clients reject the WPS bacause it wasn't specific enough, even though it was to D1.1.  Yes I know it's not a requirement, but at the time, the only thing I could do to get them approved was to make the coustomer happy, so I did it.  Now just for clarity and to keep things consistant, I was going to re-do them.
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 06-17-2010 16:36
"You want fries with that?"
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 06-17-2010 16:46
Parent - - By CHGuilford (****) Date 06-17-2010 16:35
Yep, used it.  Ran D1.5 PQRs with it (using CO2, not C25)- all good.  We've run it with C25 and CO2- both worked fine and the welders like it.  It is one of the smokiest FCAW wires I've encountered
(When comparing smoke from wires, make sure you have the same wire size and same amps)  C25 gas will not give you any advantage in my opinion - it won't hurt but won't help, and it will cost a lot more.  Train your welders to stay in the upper voltage range and spatter won't be a problem.

We stopped using it because of .....  Well, let's just say it had nothing to do with the wire, high level folks decided to use something else. 

A recent job required that we use that wire (essential variable) and the welders still like the wire. 

The only thing we've tried so far that I like even better is Lincoln Ultracore 71C.  I don't like several wires of the Ultracore line based on both testing and production experience. But 71C is the first wire I've seen in a long time that will easily achieve the D1.5 fillet weld soundness test penetration requirements.  It is very forgiving and easy to make good welds in all positions.  We are now using up other wire stock and switching to the 71C (In fact the other stock keeps hanging on because the welders keep using the 71C first)
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 06-17-2010 16:52
We(my welders) really like the 1/16" Ultracore 71C with CO2, vs the larger 3/32" Ultracore 70. We also have the Hobart Fabcore(I think it's called) in 3/32" with CO2...smokey wire, I agree with that comment for sure. The Utracore 71C has a really nice, slick looking cap, no spatter. Cap is so slick, you need some profile to get paint to stay on it...LOL. Seems to run good around 325-350a/28-29v. Slag peels better than any slag producing electrode out most cases you can blow the slag off the weld with compressed air...dead serious.
Parent - - By eekpod (****) Date 06-17-2010 18:06
Thanks guys,
We tried the Lincoln Ultra Core C and 71A85.  The guys liked the way it ran, but the cost was an issue.  We use Lincoln Elite now, and it's fine, it's just the cost of the Hobart is cheaper.
Parent - By tnhnt (***) Date 06-19-2010 05:37
We use the hell out of the hobart wire. Doing some 98" with it right now. It is the only wire we use.
- By SCweld (*) Date 06-19-2010 22:45
I am a Lincoln man but I have always preferred Esab's flux cored wire.  We used E71T-1M/T-12M (Dual-Shield II 70 Ultra) for carbon steel.  Esab also makes good stainless flux cored wire.  I think it is called shield-bright.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Anyone use Hobart FCAW wire??

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