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- - By kkfabricator (**) Date 06-17-2010 02:29
I have been trying to buy american made everything as much as I can, normally difficult. my main thing I am looking @ now is grinders. If someone can help me find grinders (and other tools) that are 100% made in the USA I would greatly appreciate it. I am tired of looking @ made in Mexico, or China or Pakistan etc...  I know that it will cost me more, but it is worth it so that maybe there will be another American that doesn't get a pink slip. I hope there is others that would do the same for me, but whatever. Basically I just want to do something, no matter how small to help, plus I know how much better American made is.  I can't tell you how many times I have looked down with disgust at companies that I thought were made in America and seen otherwise. thanks for your time
Parent - - By jpill (**) Date 06-17-2010 05:09
Are you looking for angle grinders, bench grinders, or belt grinders? As far as angle grinders I personally don't know of any made in the US anymore, the Makita 9005-B is made in Canada it is a 5 inch and is AC/DC their larger 7 inch grinders may be made in Canada also, not sure though. Metabo is made in Germany and is top of the line. Most all Milwaukee that I know of is now assembled in Mexico of "USA and imported parts". Hitachi is mainly Malaysia. Some of the industrial DeWalt's that used to be Black and Deckers bread and butter models might still be made in the US. If it is bench and belt grinders you are looking for there are still plenty made in the US. Baldor is probably the best but is top dollar to, though in my opinion well worth it.
Parent - - By J Hall (***) Date 06-17-2010 07:30
My 4 1/2" says,"Professionally made in China by Milwaukke electric tool PRC"
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 06-17-2010 18:09
J Hall,
nothing to do with grinding.
I havn't understood exactly the meaning of your motto about fighting socialism by buying a Ford car. Would you explain it to me? Thankyou.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 06-18-2010 00:48
General Motors & Chrysler Corp. were bailed out by the US Govt. Ford declined the Govt. bailout money. GM claims to have paid it back, but they just fudged the numbers and have not really paid it back. It isn't really socialism, but it is Govt. involvment in this industry to a greater degree than We have previously seen.
Parent - By J Hall (***) Date 06-18-2010 04:03 Edited 06-18-2010 04:17
It's just a jab at the Government bailouts of GM and Chrysler. Now I've changed to a new one.
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 06-17-2010 18:06
What you say has a name: globalization.
Since we're speaking of grinding, here in Brazil you can buy top class grinding wheels and disks made in Brazil by a company that used to be American (Norton) but that has been recently acquired by a French outfit (Saint Gobain).
In Portuguese language there's a saying: "You can't swim against the water stream". We must admit that globalization has come to stay, and it'll stay for a long time, whether we like it or not.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 06-17-2010 19:18
Not if americans have anything to do with it
Fact is the more US globalizes (YUK YUK) the more is taken away from us.
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 06-23-2010 19:00
I really hate to see more and more things made out of the USA but it is life.... Your local welding supply store buys things from an American wholesaler... The wholesaler buys it from China for two dollars...

  So the Chinese manufacture makes two dollars on the Item... The wholesaler marks it up to four dollars and sells it to your welding supply store who then marks it up to six dollars and sells it to you....  Now we complain that we are supporting china which in a way we are but the company that did all the labor to build the product makes two dollars.... The US workers or handlers make four dollars... Thats four more dollars in American hands that wouldn't be there... If a US manufacture built the same product it would cost him four dollars to make then if it were marked up to six dollars the net profit would be half...

   I hate it but it is life....  I hate to see things made in China because I know the quality will be crap..!!!!  I wont buy a China made product if I can help it but I still know that the China made product is still creating more money for US companies then it is China...

   I by NO means condone China made products but if they were not here.... Allot of USA companies wouldn't be in business...

  Thats my two cents worth..
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 06-23-2010 20:35
My true concern with china making everything for us is what happens if china decides to stop providing us goods....say ...over a N korea problem?
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 06-24-2010 02:06
China's economy depends on selling lots of stuff to the US. I am not saying it couldn't happen, but they would think pretty hard on it.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 06-24-2010 19:45 Edited 06-24-2010 19:55
Sure distributors/middle men are still making a living as product goes thru their hands...really does not matter where it comes from.  However a manufacturer creates MANY more jobs then a distributor or drop ship sales team.  As far as the hypothetical $2 going to China for product X, they still probably carry 80% or better margin on it because of slave type labor rates and the way they ship en mass to overseas clients.  The distributor with his $4 markup I doubt can manage an 80% margin even tho he is just a handler.......his overhead (and Govt imposed overhead) with all the taxes, legal fees, licensing, and insurance will assure of that.   Sure that $4 is still getting spread around in the US but not much of it ends up in his pocket or his employees, a good chunk of it supports lawyers, risk agents and slobs in government.    

Import Tariffs are a dangerous thing:  The Smoot-Hawley act being a great example.  Protectionism has rarely helped anyone in America but sometimes I think that is a temporary result...maybe we just were not patient enough to stay the course.   So many US based companies are moving production operations out of country yet there largest customer base is right here.  Tariffs can have an effect on that....since NAFTA I do not see any radical upward swing of out exports to this continent...of course our imports from this continent have had steady increase.  It is a such a complicated issue.  It would be nice if our "so intelligent" representatives would get off the back of companies that are based here and manufacture here....punish the ones that are foreign owned and manufacture elsewhere with the extreme taxes and costly regulations.  You are not breaking any of the foolish free trade acts by doing that.  Companies need a way to be competitive with the rest of the world...opening up free trade is not doing that.   It makes sense for any company to move for the long term...Between America and Europe they are the most costly places to operate in the world.   So many silly laws have been enacted because of one simple thing and everyone here knows it....Greed and kickbacks to the lawmakers.  "Damn that put money in our pockets but we lost some revenue....make a new Tax/regulation or whatever to put screws to the guys still here"    Kinda of a viscous cycle that has been going on for the last 25 years or so.   China is successful here because of the Greed of a few relatively speaking.

I would love to see lobbying become an illegal or even treasonous activity.....for every one private truly non profit lobbyist (say a rep of some tree huggers or religious group) there are 500 well paid snakeoil salesmen chasing those representatives around with a pocketfull of cash.    NONE of them are representing my interests...that's what the guy I voted for is suppose to be doing.   Let political contributions for high office be limited to 10 million straight from the Goverment....everything else is illegal.   If those companies want someone elected let them go door to door but do not let them spend one dime on advertisement etc.     Ok I am rambling like crazy, sorry I will shut up.

I cannot afford $.02 so I will put an I.O.U. in the pot....that's how our Government operates why can't I?

BTW.  Here is a good site to get a bit of information on how trade and tariffs are used around the world and the effects.
Parent - By kkfabricator (**) Date 06-21-2010 22:17
I'm looking for an angle grinder, and am fully aware of Metabo's quality. Just looking to support American jobs
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 06-17-2010 13:44 Edited 06-17-2010 16:18
Good luck with your search kk. I've found that I've had to compromise anymore. When buying stuff I figure USA is best but if not I try and keep it on this within North America, Canada and Mexico(still better than China at this point). I will also step into Europe, bought a scroll tool made in England, Metabo made in Germany. Would buy Japanese or go as far as something from Italy and even France, just as long as it's not China. Guess it's my Shawn is boycotting China campaign. Unfortunately as said they ram the Chinese junk inside an American made wrapper and tell you it was assembled with products from elsewhere hooking you with the "Made in USA" label
Parent - - By Blaster (***) Date 06-17-2010 15:51
If you can go pneumatic, you may want to try Topcat's industrial tools ("Topcat / TC Service").  I have been very pleased with their air chisels / scalers and currently have 3 die grinders coming - all US made.

"Top Cat® air tools are American made by skilled machinists using the latest in C.N.C. machinery at our Willoughby, Ohio (a suburb of Cleveland) plant."
Parent - - By 65 Pipeliner (**) Date 06-17-2010 16:57
Have you tried "Still Made in USA's" website?  I've gone in and looked around. They have company names and websites for tools as well as alot of other things still made here.

Parent - - By kkfabricator (**) Date 06-21-2010 22:22
Thanks for the link. It's depressing that there are so few
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 06-23-2010 14:11
"It's depressing that there are so few"

You said it. I was looking for an artistic paint brush the other day and there was a whole wall of brushes. I searched all of them, all were made in China......with one brand exception, India. Just made me want to puke.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 06-24-2010 02:07
Do You remember when "Pure China Brissle" was what You WANTED in a brush?
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 06-24-2010 04:04
Don't remember that Dave, not a big painter though.
Parent - By Blaster (***) Date 06-24-2010 23:41
Puke?  I bought a new H&M Model 1 pipe beveler the other day.... the famous Tulsa "OKey Burner"...  stamped in one of the sprockets "CHINA".
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 06-24-2010 12:53
Well I am NOT an OBAMA fan but one little thing he did I like...  There is a wast water plant near me that got some Gov money to rebuild parts of it...  A friend of mine works in the office for the city and to get Gov aid they have to use ALL  USA made supplies... She said it was really hard to find a back up gen set made in the USA as well as some of the pumps and other things they needed...

   If that is true... It sure would be nice to start using American made parts again..!!!

Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 06-29-2010 11:04
Just announced TODAY.  Welcome to Obama's new America!

<<Caterpillar to Increase Excavator Production in China
Once excavator expansion plans are completed in 2014, Caterpillar will have increased its China-based excavator capacity by 400 percent
PR Newswire

XUZHOU, Jiangsu Province, China, June 28 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- In support of its long-term global strategy for meeting customer demand for excavators, and recognizing the rapid expansion of opportunities in the key growth markets of Asia, Caterpillar Inc. (NYSE: CAT) announced today its expansion plans for the company's excavator facility in Xuzhou, China.>>
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 06-29-2010 14:21
That's sickening...!!!!!!
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 06-29-2010 19:28
On the good side for CAT   They are in process setting up a new road grader plant in North Little Rock.   Fully air conditioned facility that will employ 500-600 at full steam.   A friend of mine is working for them and he says they will have about 60 welders when it is all said and done.  They are installing all state of the art equipment.   Probably most jobs will pay 14hr or less but considering how depressed the area is, it definitely is a positive improvement.
Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 07-01-2010 01:21
$14 /hr for welding at CAT.  Sickening.  I was making $14/hr factory welding in the year 1993 with full benefits.  What is that in inflation adjusted dollars today?  Anyone?

I bet the CAT workers in China don't get $14 a DAY! 

Pay attention all you youngsters:  WELDING is great to know as a HOBBY.  There are easier ways to make $35,000 a year as that is the max that most welders make these days (80% or more).
Try bartending.  It pays better and you don't have to inhale the poison and destroy your body.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-01-2010 11:09
partB, pissin and moaning about it won't put food on your table.....sounds like you've had it good, count your blessings that you have made better money in the past than someone just starting out. Good for you, but quit already with the sour grapes...What is sickening is hearing you discouraging someone from trying to get a job and actually working for a living. If you are scared of work, then keep your bartending job.
Parent - - By FixaLinc (****) Date 07-01-2010 18:16
Going with the socialist marxist flow does nothing either.  Vote them out in Novemeber 2010 & 2012 !
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 07-01-2010 18:44
Not living in the USA, I'm not wholly familiar with politics in that country.
Is there any socialist marxist political party in the USA? That's a great surprise for me.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 07-01-2010 19:14
Mr. Crisi     

I believe what is being referred to is a general movement in this country for a more Government control over business and the health care industry.  This same movement promotes massive Government operated social programs.   There is no official "socialist marxist" party (at least of any real notoriety)...however certain groups seem to have an adversity toward capitalism by evidence of the legislation they promote.  Right now in the US there is a political divide that is growing in size, strength and intensity.   I consider this a healthy condition for our country because many are coming out and actually getting politically involved.  America has a good track record of political apathy....just look at the percentage of citizens who actually vote.  So perhaps the strong feelings about the current situation we are in will cause change for the better.
Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 07-01-2010 21:07 Edited 07-01-2010 21:12
Yes there is a Socialist Party in the USA.  They call themselves Democrats and Chairman Obamao is their most dear leader.
He now owns two car companies (Chrysler and GM), numerous banks, the insurance sector, the student loan industry and soon the entire health care industry.
Next will be the energy sector.  Chavez has nothing on ObaMao.
Parent - By Ringo (***) Date 07-02-2010 10:40
That's hilarious!
Parent - - By FixaLinc (****) Date 07-02-2010 18:19
He (owannabee) doesn't own anything.  He is a public servant to the legal citizens not the illegal citizens.  They can all be voted out and kicked out of this country right along with other illegal ran and owned foreign businesses that don't pay their true way here.
Parent - - By kkfabricator (**) Date 07-03-2010 00:52
it's not the public service job that he is working on. he is young and will be out of office in a few years, and is probably using his positionto further his future when he is out of office
Parent - By awspartb (***) Date 07-05-2010 14:56
What makes you think he's going to leave office?  El Presidente for Life maybe?  You know, like his heros named Chavez, Castro and Mao?
Parent - - By nevadanick (**) Date 07-01-2010 22:37
Um, no  The lesson the youngsters should learn is, Dont Get into Manufacturing Type welding, it doesent pay. Anybody who knows anything knows that.  Sounds like your a little bitter, mabey you have a right to be, mabey not. Either way quit badmouthing the industry, just because it didnt work out for you doesnt mean its gonna go the same for eveyone else.
Im only 29, i went into the trades and couldnt be happier. I currently run a heavy equip. repair shop for a ski area and have my own mobile welding buisness on the side. I could work 7 days a week if i wanted to ( sometimes i do).
A person can make a great living welding if he or she has the drive and really wants it .
Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 07-02-2010 11:12
That's good to know Nick.  I see you live in Nevada?  Nevada has the highest unemployment rate in the entire nation.  Especially in construction.  Glad to hear you are one of the few who has a good job in Obama's new America.
Parent - By nevadanick (**) Date 07-02-2010 12:21
yeah but nevadas unemployment rate has always been high.
Parent - - By 52757 (**) Date 07-02-2010 12:00
The wife and I will be in Reno week after next. I am sure she will do EVERYTHING she can to help out the economy of Nevada. I am sure she will hurt My economy but it will help yours!!!!
Parent - By nevadanick (**) Date 07-02-2010 12:23
ha ha, they just built one of the largest sporting good, outdoor type stores here  its called scheels
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 07-01-2010 19:05
My curious question is the following: does a Caterpillar excavator or bulldozer built in China have the same quality than a Caterpillar excavator or bulldozer made in the USA?
The brand is the same, is it also the quality?
Giovanni S. Crisi
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 07-01-2010 19:22
That is a really good question.   I know that they operate worldwide, they use state of the art processes, they have strict hiring practices, they are very serious about training.    I have my doubts that they would compromise their reputation over a quick profit...the investment they are making here is massive....course I could be dead wrong.
Parent - - By Bob Garner (***) Date 07-01-2010 19:29
I think Hewlett Packard computers may be a good indicator.  Their notebook computers are all made in China and have an excellant reputation.  I have one and the quality is excellant.  But all the made in China tools I've seen are poor quality.
Parent - By awspartb (***) Date 07-01-2010 21:09
All the lead painted toys and the poisoned pet foods and medicines seem to be pretty good quality also.
Parent - By kkfabricator (**) Date 07-02-2010 02:03
do they use the inferior Chinese steel and practices? that should answer if the quality is the same. as for them producing out of china those jobs should be American jobs. there is no excuse be it financially, or otherwise for the disrespect of American workers.
Parent - - By nevadanick (**) Date 07-01-2010 19:43 Edited 07-01-2010 21:50
Im not sure about china, but caterpillar had a plant in mexico in the 70s and 80s, (before i was born lol)
and ive never heard anything negative about their quality,  Im a heavy equipment mechanic and have been working on caterpillar equipment since I was in high school.
Parent - - By joe pirie (***) Date 07-03-2010 06:08
worked on a job last year where steel products were made in china
i love the chineese 80% plus rejected welds . kept me employed for 5 months
reworking their crap
Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 07-05-2010 23:57
Bought two pairs of Levi Strauss jeans while home in Australia on R&R.
Written in large writing inside the leg "An American tradition for 135 years" and then a small label underneath saying "Made in Pakistan". LOL !!
Parent - - By ironbyaaron Date 07-10-2010 02:59
I recently bought a Lincoln welder that says made in Mexico on it.
I loved when GW BUsh got on tv and said outsourcing jobs was good for America "you will be able to buy goods cheaper"
Parent - - By Blaster (***) Date 07-12-2010 13:56
American companys will stop manufacturing outside the US when Americans stop buying goods manufactured outside the US.
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