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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / Fillet weld WPS diameter D1.1
- - By eekpod (****) Date 06-17-2010 18:36
Somebody please set me straight.  I'm re-writing a pre-qualifed WPS to D1.1 for fillet welds.  I notice that the "pipe diameter" line is blank on the old form(never noticed it before) so I look up the info in the code to fill it in.
I can't seem to find any limitations for the diameter of the pipe for a fillet weld. 
Table 4.1 does not apply cause I am not qualifying the procedure.  Table 4.10 is for welder operator positions.
So I can use any size pipe to plate to put a fillet weld on? from 1/2"diameter to 24"?
Parent - - By supermoto (***) Date 06-18-2010 16:48
If your asking about welder qualification than you use a plate test 1g, 2g, 3g, then they are qualified on plate and diameters over 24".  If you want to weld on pipe or tubing under 24" than you need to do a 5g or 6g test.  Doesn't matter if your welding pipe to pipe or plate to pipe.
Parent - - By eekpod (****) Date 06-18-2010 17:52
I was referring to the range on the WPS, not for the actual person performing the welding.
Like how a certain thickness of material is covered for a particular joint, what about a minimum pipe diameter.  I have some 6" pipe welded to the web with a fillet weld all the way around.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 06-21-2010 14:33
I don't believe the diameter of pipe to be fillet welded is restricted to certain diameters. Welding small diameter pipe is a "skill" issue, thus addressed by the welder performance qualification. Refer to footnote "d" of table Table 4.2 of D1.1-2010.

The table is unchanged from earlier editions.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By eekpod (****) Date 06-21-2010 18:34
so for the range of diameter on the WPS I could put "1/2"- unlimited"? because there is no actual limitations.
Attachment: doc20100621144236.pdf (41k)
Parent - - By eekpod (****) Date 06-21-2010 18:44
or, now that I think about it, since the form is a generic form, maybe the diameter of a pipe is not an essential variable that I have to even worry about.  It might be on the form for another situation, and it's not relevent to my condition.  I need to look into that, hmmmmm
Parent - - By waccobird (****) Date 06-21-2010 19:41
I think this is one of those times that you need to look at the pipe as a piece of rolled plate.
Good Luck
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 06-22-2010 03:26 Edited 06-22-2010 03:35
Forget the formats presented in Annex N and develop one that suits your needs. A tabular format may work nicely so you can list grooves - plate and pipe, fillets - plate and pipe. That way you can list the information you need for each category.

The forms in Annex N are fine if the WPS is limited to one or two groove types or for a simple PQR involving one welding process. However, a WPS that applies to several weld types or a couple of welding processes ( GTAW root and SMAW fill for example) present a problem using the forms depicted in Appendix N. A little thought and a couple of dry runs can result in a format more conducive to your needs.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By swnorris (****) Date 06-24-2010 16:50

Just fill in the blank with "unlimited".
Parent - - By eekpod (****) Date 06-25-2010 16:43
Parent - By jerrykroll (**) Date 06-27-2010 22:45
FYI - AWS interpretation (INQ-29). Any groove test qualifies a welder to all filllet diameters.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / Fillet weld WPS diameter D1.1

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