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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / MSHA Training
- - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 06-17-2010 21:57 Edited 06-17-2010 21:59
I talked to a fella last week about a structural welder position on a two week shutdown, know I can pass the 3g/4g but it came down to "we're looking for guys who already have their MSHA". I said ok no the search begins

I've heard that about OSHA training, spent time and money to get my OSHA 30, heard that about the TWIC, got that, got training so I can enter a TVA it's MSHA...holy cow. I've searched the web, Osha, etc. Found software I can buy for the curriculum to teach it. Where do you get it? Online? I got my Osha 30 at the IBEW for a nice cheap price. I've had mine safety training when I worked for the Caterpillar dealer, we have several mines in Tennessee and us mechanics needed it just in case we had to go work on a piece of equipment down in the hole but I don't know what type of trainig it was, just mine safety training set up by the company and we never received a card or anything. Don't know how many more cards my wallet can handle! Is this something you would get from an employer that you would carry with you if you left the company or something?

Any info, explanation would be appreciated. So please educate me. Seems like there are several types, 46, 48.....on and on and on....the doors open up and then BAM! Its shut, oh well, keep on trying.

Parent - By strother (***) Date 06-17-2010 22:21
Some tech schools offer training if they are in an area where there is a lot of mining. Talk to them or anybody who works in mines or quarrys. I talked to aguy the other day who works in quarrys all the time he said its not that much trouble to get and you can work a certain number of hours a year with out it. I've been meaning to call him back to get more info. I've been doing some work in a quarry for a few weeks but its just a short term job to supply rock for a bridge. Nobody has said any thing aboput MSHA yet.
Parent - By warmka weld (*) Date 06-17-2010 23:19
I do alot of work in mines for a dredging company. MSHA wants you to have a 24hr training course and 8hr annual refresher. If you get by for 3yrs without anyone asking, you have your 24hrs. Any new hire has to sit through the 24hr class now. All of our classes are put on by a community college run safety program.  MSHA's website could probably point you to a course in your area. Good luck. this mite help.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 06-18-2010 03:48
i had an active 1 but it expired and they are right its a 24 hr couse and you get the lil orange paper card that says ur good to go i dont know the cost the company i worked for paid for it and taught it MSHA=Miners safety hazard association
Parent - - By J Hall (***) Date 06-18-2010 04:09
You need to know if it's part 46, ect. MSHA  is Mine Safety and Health Administration. You will need hazard, Site specific, and task training for sure....
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 06-19-2010 11:52
Thanks for the replies. The two I saw were surface mines but seems like one was part 46 and the other was part 48. Think I'll just shoot them an email and see what's around here. Thanks again,

Parent - - By jpill (**) Date 06-19-2010 13:41
Don't know Shawn, Last time I went through anything MSHA it was site specific at a TXU strip mine, took about 4 hours.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 06-19-2010 14:10
I've found two jobs, one guy wanted 46 and the other 48 but they were looking for folks that already had it, without it they won't even give ya a chance to come out and pass/bust a test. Move on and keep on trying, head up...
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 06-20-2010 05:53
Worked the "Coal Holes" off and on for a few years since '87. Have had the MSHA Surface card a few times and it was a 24 hour course. Can't say with any authority about underground, cuz I'm only going underground once!!!...OK, I've crawled through a couple of caves on a weekend or 2. But, that's fun stuff...don't count in this discussion.
There are opportunities available for those who have the MSHA card in their wallet and I have turned down/missed many a job since my own was not current at the time. Once it elapses/expires, you are considered a "New Miner" and the refresher course is no longer an option, regardless of how many years you were a "Miner"! You gotta do the 24 hour course all over again.
Just like any select area of industry you choose to enter, do you wish to put up the money and can justify the end result ($$$ invested) to persue this particular venture.
FWIW, I spent 25% of 2009 earnings on professional upgrades/school/certifications.....It takes more money to make more money (reminds me of cocaine without the legal penalties)...juggle your own check book and persue your own course of destiny is the best I can recommend.
I simply refuse to pay for it on my own dime.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 06-21-2010 01:56
"cuz I'm only going underground once!!!..."

I prefer to be cremated, 'cause all men are cremated equally.
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 06-21-2010 02:02
Viking Furneral would work.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 06-21-2010 14:42
I hate to pay for this stuff myself Superflux but if it opens up an opportunity then it's worth it I guess. Didn't even retest this year for my API, no calls from the gas companies so no need for me to drop the $$$ to get it/have it. Seems these certs(MSHA,TWIC,Safegulf,HAZWOPER...and so on) are about the same. These certs sure are expensive though, Hazwoper, $350! Ouch! Gonna find out about the MSHA today when I call them. This is stuff I don't even need around here, hell don't even need wps/insurance(folks don't care around here) for the most part but I'm looking outside for bigger jobs, travel and things like that instead of your basic dumpster gate jobs! LoL!!

No, can't say positively that I can justify the $$$ invested but at least if I had it the guy would have said, come on out and do a test and we'll go from there. Then it would have been up to my hand and if I busted the test oh well, but if I passed, then two week shutdown added onto my experience would have been nice. Thanks for the input Superflux, appreciated as always.

Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 06-20-2010 05:58
The MSHA is YOURS .... no matter who paid for IT!!
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 06-21-2010 15:41
Found a guy that does it, suggested Part 48 as it will cover 46. To have him come to my house he likes to get $350/day, I opted for the wait til he has a class together for a cheaper price option! LOL!!

Thanks for the help all!!

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / MSHA Training

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