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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Clinton Comment on Immigration
- - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 06-19-2010 13:31 Edited 06-19-2010 13:36
Read this on yahoo,

"PHOENIX – Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer said Thursday she's angry over comments by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton that the Obama administration will sue the state over its new immigration law.

In a June 8 media interview in Ecuador that began circulating Thursday in the U.S., Clinton said President Barack Obama thinks the federal government should determine immigration policy and that the Justice Department "will be bringing a lawsuit against the act."

Justice spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler on Thursday declined to say whether the department would sue and that "the department continues to review the law."

The department has been looking at the law for weeks for possible civil rights violations, with an eye toward a possible court challenge.

It's unclear why Clinton made the comment since it's not her area. She couldn't be reached Thursday for comment.

State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said Obama and Clinton have both made it clear that the administration opposes the law.

"I will defer to the Justice Department on the legal steps that are available and where they stand on the review of the law," Crowley said. "The secretary believes that comprehensive immigration reform is a better course of action."

Brewer, a Republican, said in a statement that "this is no way to treat the people of Arizona."

"To learn of this lawsuit through an Ecuadorean interview with the secretary of state is just outrageous," she said. "If our own government intends to sue our state to prevent illegal immigration enforcement, the least it can do is inform us before it informs the citizens of another nation."

Brewer spokesman Paul Senseman said the governor was "outraged" and that Clinton's comments make it appear that the Justice Department has decided to file suit.

"But she's confident that in the end, the state of Arizona, the citizens, will prevail," he said.

On April 23, Brewer signed what is considered the toughest legislation in the nation targeting illegal immigrants. It is set to go into effect July 29 pending multiple legal challenges and the Justice Department's review.

The law requires police investigating another incident or crime to ask people about their immigration status if there's a "reasonable suspicion" they're in the country illegally. It also makes being in Arizona illegally a misdemeanor, and it prohibits seeking day-labor work along the state's streets.

The law's stated intention is to drive illegal immigrants out of Arizona and discourage them from coming in the first place. It has outraged civil rights groups, drawn criticism from Obama and led to marches and protests organized by people on both sides of the issue.

The law's backers say Congress isn't doing anything meaningful about illegal immigration, so it's the state's duty to address the issue. Critics say it will lead to racial profiling and discrimination against Hispanics, and damage ties between police and minority communities.

Brewer met with Obama in the Oval Office about the law on June 3, telling him: "We want our border secured." Obama reiterated his objections to the law. Neither side appeared to give ground although both talked about seeking a bipartisan solution.

Other Arizona politicians, political candidates and activist groups were quick to weigh in on Clinton's remarks. U.S. Senate candidate J.D. Hayworth, who is challenging Sen. John McCain, called them appalling; attorney general candidates Tom Horne and Andrew Thomas also denounced them.

Joanne Lin, legislative counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union, urged the administration to take swift action against the law.


Associated Press writers Jonathan J. Cooper and Jacques Billeaud in Phoenix and Matthew Lee in Washington contributed to this report."

I've had enough of these folks in DC so I had to write our Secretary of State Clinton, here's my email.

Madam Secretary,

As a husband of an immigrant(legal) and prior service Marine, I applaud Arizona on the new law and support my state representatives that are considering a law that will do the same. The consistent flow of hot air out of Washington D.C on what we should do without any action has become annoying while Jose runs a lawn mowing business without insurance, workers comp, pays no taxes, hires his illegal friends to work for him and makes more money than the honest working man or woman who have a right to be in this country.

My wife and I worked on the paperwork for over three years to get her into this country legally so we could get married. Countless hours on the phone with INS listening to pre recorded messages, waiting to speak with a live human for hours at a time. I believe when we first got married it said somewhere that we could not receive any government assistance for the first 5 years she was here. That is strangely odd to me when I here about some illegal hopping the border, having a baby and then she can get whatever she needs, welfare, food stamps and whatever else comes with the joys of being an illegal immigrant in this country.

When my wife got her green card she was told she had to carry it at all times, like a drivers license. If you ask her at anytime she can show proof that she is here legally. The same would hold true if I traveled to her home country. When I'm there visiting and we are out and about traveling I have to carry my passport and Visa to show that I am legal if I should be asked. If I don't, well I'd hate to see where I'd end up at in Japan.

Do I or my wife have a problem with carrying the legal documents, required by the laws of two countries, to prove that we are here/there legally? Would we be offended if either of us was asked to show proof that we were legal? No we do not and would not. That would please both of us to see that somebody that worked for the government was actually earning their paycheck. When this subject of the illegal’s is brought up my wife gets very mad and can't believe what we had to go through while they flood our border daily. She constantly asks me questions about why don't the government do this or that, all I can say is, "I don't know".

Now, as far as accommodating these folks I cannot believe the lengths we go to help non-English speaking illegal’s. Tests for drivers license in Spanish, stores, government hotlines/paperwork all in spanish. My question to you is, where are all the signs in Japanese, the drivers license test in Japanese, the store signs in Japanese? How about teachers to teach non-english speaking Japanese students how to speak english? Your probably thinking how idiotic is this person and I say exactly. How idiotic would it be to spend all that money to add everything in Japanese......oh wait, we did it in Spanish. I lived in Japan for two years, how much help did I get? How many signs did they change? Did I get government assistance? The answer would be none and no. What did I have to do? When in Rome you say? Yes, I had to learn Japanese or at least enough that I could get by. Same thing goes for my wife, she learned english, her drivers license test she was allowed to use her dictionary.

The problem with Washington D.C is everyone up there is to worried about smooching behinds and hurting someone's feelings. I feel there are about 14 million illegal’s in this country that do not have the right for me to care about their hurt feelings and neither should Washington D.C, they're ILLEGAL! These people have no respect for our laws, they hear government windbags running off at the mouth for years with no action so they feel they are invincible and know that we'll only send them back across the border where they will turn around and come right back across to try again.

I applaud Governor Brewer and the representatives that passed this law. It took a lot of moxy for them to stand up and say we've had enough, perhaps they will let Washington D.C have a key to the moxy cabinet as it appears that quite a bit is needed up there. I will support my home state when they hopefully pass a similar law as well and if I can point out illegal’s on jobsites I'm at or anywhere else I will gladly do so and I will gladly pay my taxes to ship them back across the border and keep them there until they go through the proper channels as I and my wife have done and so many other LEGAL immigrants have done over the years.


Shawn Kelly
Parent - By HillbillyWelder (**) Date 06-19-2010 13:54 Edited 06-19-2010 14:01
Hopfully this will start the revolution for us to take back our country. I remember reading that alot of states were making legislative provisions to sperate them from the federal gov't right after OSAMA OBAMA took (bought, bribed or what ever means) office. Like yourself, I am also a vet and it sickens me to see that the idiots amongst us would vote for such jackasses(the clinton's, OSAMA OBAMA and other such communistic, islamic i's luv's me some walmarts)to run this country that You, Me and our fellow brothers and sisters in arms stood up to protect and defend. WE SINGED A BLANK CHECK PAYABLE UPTO AND INCLUDING OUR LIVES!!!!!!
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Clinton Comment on Immigration

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