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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Finally found a job
- - By Tnwelder (**) Date 06-30-2010 01:17
Well i found a job and boy i have to say it sucks but it is a job. A local shop hired me on monday. The interview was pretty funny i walked in and i had the job. no weld test no drug test, background check. So he asked when i could start work and i told him now. So he started me at 12 noon. So i get in the shop and i find out 2 people work in the shop i am the 3 member. And they love the mig welder.  Myself am a stick and tig type of guy. I have bugged them for two days to let me stick weld. They say we are going to build a stainless tank and i told them we should us 16 series stainless rods because i love to run them. Or we should tig the belts on and no luck right now. i just wish they would understand that mig is a dumb process. I know everyone out there does not think that but that is my opinion. I know it is cheap and fast but it just takes the skill out of welding and that is why welders are only paid 11 or 12 dollars an hour to do the production welding.  So i just hope something else comes along for me in the next month.  but for now i have to sweat it out lol. Just seems all welders are doing that these days with the economy. 

Parent - By gndchuck (**) Date 06-30-2010 01:33
Congrats on the job, I myself like the stick and tig.
Parent - By burleigh26 (**) Date 06-30-2010 16:50
I got a job like that.  told them i could work now, shop job.  i told them no weld test or anything, no resume or nothing.  you would swear mig was the only process and there machines were old and sucked.  i like to stick and tried to get there tig machine going again.  they said stick is not as strong as mig.  i told them bull snot, your dumb
- - By combofieldhand (*) Date 06-30-2010 02:48
I understand you fully. Why put the bead in with mig when you have to grind it out? Tig it in and go with it. I am a tig and stick welder too. I have had several foreman try to talk me into mig welding in my beads and I simply tell them, "thats not "real" welding, I can not subject myself to run that process.". Now, if your welding a tank or some heavy-wall I might suggest running some flux-core, it is a fast-fill process and you might get around it faster, but thats just my two cents. I had this piece work contract in this shop not to long ago and some of it was 6" sch. 80. I ran a heli-arc bead and h.p and then filled it up and capped with flux. But as the same as your case, the owner frowned on stick welding....reason was he couldnt run it.
Parent - - By Chris2626 (***) Date 06-30-2010 19:49
I use to think the same dam thing mig welders make about 13 an hour well where I work I'm mig welding and am making 22 an hour and full benefits and it is government contracts. i personally hate mig but hell at the time it was all I could find and seems to be the only job around still. This type of welding of this ballistic steel wasn't easy when I first started. I would get undercut really bad but isn't to bad now just gotta go slower and really work it. I'm dieing to get outta this palce but every dam day I look and there isn't much out there or it's on the other side of the country. If the oil covers the state of Louisiana then I'll move

haha Stick isn't as strong well they aint bright then. Stick is probally little slower but it can be just as strong or stronger
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 06-30-2010 19:56
I built some ornamental gates for a guy the other day out of 14 G square tubing... I was happy to have my Mig for that... It was fast, clean and a whole lot easier to paint than stick would have been and a heck of a lot faster than Tig...  All processes have there places...

Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 06-30-2010 21:13
TNWELDER      Well at least your drawing a paycheck.   I have seen many jobs open up here lately, most are companies I know and refuse to work for or it is simply hot heavy wire slinging for very low pay.   It is funny I see jobs wanting a machinist/welder and they want multiple yrs experience for 12 bux an get what you pay for is all I can say to that.   I am hungry for work myself....but I am not hungry enough to take a 20k paycut yet.  I hope something pops up for you, hang in there man.

rcwelding     EXACTLY!!!      Wire is way faster/cheaper to lay down weld with.  It is arguably much easier to learn as well, hence why so many migs are sitting in garages everywhere.   Could you imagine someone like CAT welding up those huge dump truck frames with tig or stick?   MIG lends itself to production way better then tig or stick, especially when a lot of weld needs to be laid down.   I perfer tig welding and I like to stick weld....I do not have a mig but I know I would use it regularly if I did.
Parent - - By Tnwelder (**) Date 06-30-2010 21:41
Tommyjoking you are right i am drawing a paycheck and that is the good thing. But i just want some more money.  Of course that is the story with everyone that welds. I am 22, i have a 2 year degree , am certified in pipe from tig root to stick. But i cannot find a pipe welding job anywhere hear. There is one place that does only pipe, but the UA has the shop under contract and i have tried to get a job there but i dont guess they are hiring. Most people i kno that have worked there love the place and say it is good welding. That is really what i want but i guess i have to be patient. I have been thinking of going and getting my 4 year but dont kno if it would help lol.

Parent - By rcwelding (***) Date 07-01-2010 00:33
Everyone wants more money...  I have never met a man that says Im making too much money... Well except when tax season roles around but that feeling gos away pretty fast...

   Sad to say but who you know gos a long way for getting ahead... I have see good welders not going far and I have seen crappy welders with good jobs...  Do good work and get to know good people...

   Praying doesn't seem to hurt ether...

   Be glad you are working... Allot of good men aren't and they are in there late 40s with a wife and kids depending on them..!!!

  Learn what you can where you are... You may hate Mig but become the BEST Mig welder they have ever seen then move on when something better comes along... Im sure there are a few things on Mig that you don't know but can learn at this place..

   Be the best or try to be the best where ever you are or at whatever you are doing... If you are the best now try to beat your last weld...!!!

  That's my 2 cents worth  

Parent - - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 07-01-2010 00:41
Tnwelder, Hey great attitude walking into a shop with your WHOLE 2 yrs. experience and belly ache'in about what proccess you would like to use!!!! Maybe you should go back to school and take a course in business 101. MIG is used for 90% of the welding out there, WHY? because it's COST EFFECTIVE , LOW SKILL LEVEL to learn, PROBLEM FREE SET UP, and can lay alot of BEAD in an hour. A structural or misc. shop will LOSE it's ARSE if it didn't use MIG. In my shop I have even adapted it's use to field work , I put new cutting edges on buckets and can do it for 2/3 rd's the cost instead of Stick , my competetors can be bullheaded and say "IT'S ALWAYS BEEN DONE WITH STICK/ I LIKE STICK" but they won't get the work and I will because I can get it done more effiecently, and that youngster is the name of the game in business. PROFITS!!!!!! If you LIKE to run TIG get a job in a misc. shop making S.S. pipe rail or aluminum rail , plenty of TIG'IN there. But STICK isn't the process used most anymore except field work where the enviroment can't be controled. Another bit of advice DOEN'T tell your boss/owner what process you would like to use because most likely he's been in the business alot longer than you've been alive and couldn't give a SH** what process you like to use, just put your hood down and GET TO WORK!!!!!
Parent - - By nevadanick (**) Date 07-01-2010 02:04
I dont know of anybody who uses MIG to weld on cutting edges, if its wire its all about dual shield and for windy conditions nr232 or coreshield 8. Both are way, way, way faster than mig. If you are welding on true cutting edges a low hydrogen process is the best bet.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 07-01-2010 02:23
I have been welding cutting edges on with wire all day ! Now you know 2 people who do it. The reason has already been stated. SPEED ! Cost and effective. Less down time for customer. AND I did it in the Field
Parent - - By nevadanick (**) Date 07-01-2010 12:33
Dual shield or core shield 8,nr232 are like I said way way way faster wire process than mig.
what kind of cutting edges were you welding ?
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 07-01-2010 12:51
I have been welding Knife edges and Hammers in a VERY Large Grinder
Parent - - By nevadanick (**) Date 07-01-2010 16:32
unless your trying to build an edge up, flux core will weld circles around mig.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 07-01-2010 18:03
We are running a Hard Surface wire. For build up I use Atom Arc "T"
Parent - By nevadanick (**) Date 07-01-2010 18:34
oh, i was under the impression that you were mig welding, nevermind
Parent - By nevadanick (**) Date 07-02-2010 01:04
wait isnt atom arc t  an esab STICK electrode ?
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 07-01-2010 12:38
Look at the time to do tig and SMAW on tank building. That would go over like a fart in a diving bell. Making money owning a welding business comes down to quality and speed. In tank building you do not have to meet ASME B31.3 Severe. So why weld a tank to it.
You have an opportunity to learn a different business than pipe welding. But it is a different world. Look at this as an opportunity instead of a place holder until a "real" welding job comes up. You say you have been welding for 2 years and are "certified" in pipe. Well go to who ever you "certified" to and get a job with them. Or did you get this "certification" from the school you attended for 2 years. That "certification" and 4 bucks will get you a Vente @ Starbucks.
Get over yourself. You are 2 years into a long career. Two more years of education will NOT make you a better welder. And judging from how you view the company that has given you a job you need to learn how business works.
Two years at this place and continue to improve your pipe skills and you have 4 years experience. But you now have 4 years with experience in all welding process' with background in pipe and tanks. Take another two years and do pressure vessels learning some about NDT and after that you have 6 years experience. You take that experience and get your API certs in Piping, Pressure Vessels and Tanks, throw in a CWI and at that point you are in a six figure income in a business that you can do for 40 years and not break your body down.
You chase money when you are your age instead of training and experience you will wind up with no money and little experience. You may be a good pipe welder, but there are yellow school buses full of good pipe welders.
Keep doing what you are doing with the attitude you have and when your turn 40 you will be testing for a 40 year old that does see the opportunity you miss.
Parent - By Tnwelder (**) Date 07-01-2010 16:23
You are right. I have a good attitude about the job. it is not a bad job at all. I need to be more thankful than I have been because there are a lot of welders that would love to be here welding right now. Thanks for the advice. And I will keep welding and gaining experience.
- - By awspartb (***) Date 07-01-2010 01:06 Edited 07-01-2010 01:11
Get used to it.  Low pay and long days.  Be smart and GET OUT OF THIS ROTTEN TRADE!  There are better ways to make $14 /hr that don't involve sweating your ass off and sucking in poison! 

My dad told in in 1986 that I was nuts to get into the welding trade.  24 years later and my body is destroyed, my union pensions (both of them) are going BROKE, payscales are in the toilet and hillbillies willing to work for nothing will drive 2000 miles to undercut you with their illegal Mexican laborers.  CWI and NDT training?  Got both.  Nobody is hiring and payscales have fallen for these also.  The USA market is FLOODED with welders, CWI's and NDT techs!  My local bartender makes more than the factory welders he is serving after work and he's not inhaling poison all day long!

Suggestion?  Find another line of work.  Don't like GMAW welding?  That's all they use today in manufacturing and a monkey can be trained to run one in about 2 weeks of training.  SMAW is too slow for factory work and seldom used.  Hasn't been used in factories for decades.  SMAW is used in field construction for the most part.

Orbital welding is taking off also.  You don't even have to BE a manual welder to run one of these.  Sure they take some skill BUT nothing like manual welding.  Embrase the technology or perish.  Just a suggestion.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 07-01-2010 02:25
Or stay in the Field, where the Money IS !
Parent - - By ravi theCobra (**) Date 07-01-2010 14:59
Isn't  this a whole bunch like the inmates running the asylum  ?

Why not weld stainless with a torch and Airco flux out of  a can  -

I really don't care HOW   YOU  like to weld it  -
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 07-01-2010 15:37
It adds Humor to the day !
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 07-01-2010 16:12
Hey Cactus does that mean you are now classified as a Hillbilly welder willing to travel and undercut people...???  LOL   I didn't know you had an H W stamp too...

Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 07-01-2010 16:33
I have the whole alphabet of stamps.
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 07-01-2010 18:18
If you run out, Harbor Freight has them on sale
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 07-01-2010 18:32
Bought four sets. I rent them out !
Parent - By rcwelding (***) Date 07-02-2010 04:30
Please tell me your stamps aren't made in China...  I may need to borrow a set some time and I don't understand Chinese, I mite pull out the wrong stamp for the wrong job...!!!    LOL

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Finally found a job

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