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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Northern Michigan
- - By jim parker (**) Date 07-14-2010 12:23
Was in Northern Michigan last week and seen a few welding rigs, two with Texas plates. I didnt have time to stop and chat. Anyone Know of any work up there?
Parent - By weaver (***) Date 07-14-2010 22:27
thats funny, I am from traverse city, and yet can't go home because of the lack of welding work.  good to know that.. that really pisses me off
Parent - - By NMWELDING (**) Date 07-15-2010 02:43
I`m from east central Michigan. Not much work in the oilfields right now and has been really slow for the past year or so since the price of natural gas dropped. Northern Michigan used to be quite busy drilling for Antrim Shale gas,which resulted in work down the line. These shale wells are shallow and small producers,so not a lot of money in them. But last winter there was a shale gas discovery,in a different formation,and a lot better production that attracted a lot of interest. The word is out in the oil patch that this may start another shale drilling boom,like in Texas and Pennsylvania. What makes this so different than the Antrim shale is the production is in millions of cubic feet per day,verses 50 to 75 thousand cubic feet per day from the Antrim. If this pans out like gas companies are hoping for,there will eventually be a lot of work. The largest lease holder at this time is Encana out of Alberta Canada.
Parent - - By jim parker (**) Date 07-15-2010 13:26
I grew up in Gaylord MI. Working for my dad we welded alot of pipe in Northern michigan then it slowed down. I moved away 5 years ago but have a house there still. Hope thing pick up so i can go back! Everyone i know in the oilfield is layed off or moved. Know someone that works for Transcanada and he thinks its going to get buisy just not sure how soon.
Parent - - By supermoto (***) Date 07-15-2010 15:12
Why would you want to move back to MI?

I lived in Kalamazoo MI for 24 years and now in NC and loving it!!!!!!!!

MI isn't so bad, just too much snow and cloudy days for me and the auto business made the whole economy go in the crapper.  I know of a couple people that bought a $150K house three years ago and had to move away and the best offers they got were from $35-45K, not good.
Parent - - By weaver (***) Date 07-15-2010 17:49
I have been all over, And if a guy has spent any amount of time around the great lakes.. well I can't wait to get back there. I miss my home  (northern michigan)
Parent - - By jim parker (**) Date 07-15-2010 19:39
I never cared for Southern Michigan so i see your point. Northern Michigan is the place to be if you like the outdoors, Lots of Clean clear water within a few miles any direction,Good fishing,Lots of animals, Elk and Bear, Its a good place to raise a kid!
Parent - - By weaver (***) Date 07-15-2010 23:16
which is why I want to go home, we are expecting our first boy around sep 1st.  and i am really sick of the oilfield out here!
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 07-18-2010 02:49
Weaver   there is work in Colorado, NC(?), a bit in AR and LA,and gobs in Texas  from what I understand.......if your looking for a place to settle with plenty of outdoors???  Chasing rig/construction/and pipeline always means being away from home no matter where you are based.  But in one of those areas you might find enough local work to keep you alive and raise your family.  Fishing is good in Arkansas btw and the deer hunting etc. is not too bad.
Parent - By supermoto (***) Date 07-16-2010 11:43
Definately agree with that, I would always go to Silver Lake for some dune riding, go up to Mio for some trail riding, or running down the Pine River on a Kayak.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 07-15-2010 23:34
Wish they discovered that before my stock in Aurora Oil and Gas tanked and the company went bankrupt! LoL! Good thing it was cheap stock!
Parent - By NMWELDING (**) Date 07-18-2010 01:05
Auora Oil and Gas had a lot of holdings in Northern Michigan. Right now a lot of those areas have the potential for huge reserves of natural gas and in the northern portion of the state, oil also. There are about 6 new locations staked with permits applied for. If these areas pan out like many in the oil patch feel they will, northern Michigan will be booming. Just need the drill bit to prove it,and also Michigan will need to pull in rigs from other states,because there are only 15 or 16 rigs here available for drilling. And near the center of the basin where the formation is deeper,only 1 rig is capable of drilling to the necessary depth and then to drill the horizontal leg that is necessary to expose more of the formation for increased production. Near the outskirts of the basin the majority of these rigs could handle the drilling,because the pay zone is shallower. It is felt that most of the top half of the lower peninsula has the potential for gas and condensate and in some areas,gas and oil.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Northern Michigan

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