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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / AWS exam scores?
- - By CliffCraig Date 08-18-2002 18:54
What is the minimum score for ACWI?
What is the minimum score for CWI?
Parent - - By n5uzt (**) Date 08-20-2002 01:11
the c w i test is 3 parts
1 fundamentals 150 questions, cwi score is 108, cawi score is 75

2. practical, part B hands on 46 questions, cwi 33 cawi 23

3. code book test open book 46 questions cwi 33 cawi 23

are you going to test?
Parent - By CliffCraig Date 08-23-2002 03:30
thanks for the information!
I have my CWI, but have two inspectors that are retesting, one in September and the other October - November.
One took the seminar first and was very disappointed that it did not help much. I think the practical has a lot of NDT stuff that many of the inspector don't use.
I wish AWS would take a lesson from ICBO and computerize the exam so the results are available immediately. And the cost of recertification is absolutely obsurd! $700 for nothing more than a piece of paper and you don't even get a code book. Another example of an organization being funded on the backs of inspectors (and the companies)who get little if any benefit from it. AWS is the worst but not alone. ICBO and ACI are doing the same thing. I sit on the committees and know that certification is not education it strickly Sorry...just venting some frustration. I am from the SF Bay area where a senior level inspector, cross trained in concrete, masonry, and steel welding is required to have at least 6 different certifications and that doesn't include any NDT, plus 2 more certs from the State.
Thanks for listening and again for the information.

Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / AWS exam scores?

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