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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / my new project
- - By kkfabricator (**) Date 07-17-2010 02:38
I came across this Hobart Mega Arc 300G today and it is in bad shape. I bought it for $200 and the guy said that he loaned it to a freind and it wouldn't weld. He said the guy over revved it and then it just quit producing power. It runs strong, especially for sitting for a few years, but won't put power to the outlet or to the welder. anyone have any suggestions on where to start? I don't know much about repairing welders, so any info will be greatly appreciated.

Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 07-17-2010 21:59 Edited 07-17-2010 22:06
I have a 3020G I picked up for cheap but mine is working good so far, after a good tuneup and some TLC.     You can get a owners/service manual from Miller.   Just contact them and they can probably dig you one up and ship it for 15-20$.    Mine has the SCRs in the control board, yours might.....if you lose those I do not think you can get any output ( they are easy to get and replace)....but I am not a welder tech either.      The manuals have some good info like how to set the governor and troubleshoot the generator + a good parts list.      Parts are hard to find but I have seen a few shops that say they still service these and can get parts......If I figure out where I stashed that info on those shops I will pass it on to you.

I am pretty sure that this one should idle at 1000RPM and weld at 1800RPM.   If you get surging/hunting at weld speed it is more then likely a mis-adjusted governor (you need a manual because it is tricky to adjust), probably not a weak solenoid.  I will have to check but I think the ignition timing is -10 BTDC.  Mine was way early when I got it.  If you still got a data plate on the motor it should be there if you can still read it.

BTW. Depending on the year of that Ford   a lot of parts like from a 93 Ford ranger will work on that main seals, some bearings etc.

The machine is probably worth fixing if the motor is strong.   I run some 7018 verts with mine, some 6010 etc. and it is smooth and buttery.  I like it.
Parent - By kkfabricator (**) Date 07-18-2010 13:21
thanks for the info. I found a burned out circuit board in a box labled overspeed circuit, but haven't had any luck finding a new one. is it maybe called something different? how can I find a manufacture date? again thank you for your time
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / my new project

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