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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / What to do what to do
- - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 07-17-2010 05:22
Ok guys n gals . I need y'alls advice once agin. I landed a gig back in encinal where i started this oil filed run. And the day i get the job i get a call w a interview for a full time gig. My dilema is i'm making 45 an hr 50 hrs a week right now. I went to the interview think i did ok. Passed the lol weld test they gave me. and got told The job is seasonal i asked how so they said they are loosing the contract on 12/31 and i may or may not get picked up by the new contractor so they will not give me benfits. It pays 17.30 an hr pays every 2 weeks. 20 miles from the house. I'm driving 2 hours 1 way now. No i dont have insurance now but i wont have after i get this deal either. It's in a lignite mine fixing their junk. some welding and some mechanicing not real impressed about being a mechanic but whatever i can do that too. So the question at hand WHAT WOULD YOU DO.
Parent - By nevadanick (**) Date 07-17-2010 12:17
$17.30 and hour for a mechanic with welding skills ???   Sounds pretty low to me.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 07-17-2010 12:31 Edited 07-17-2010 13:08
Stay in your truck !  Just look out for those Light Poles ! Them damn things will jump right out in front of you !
Parent - By NWPAwelder (**) Date 07-17-2010 12:58
Im with Cactus. Stay on your truck. Never look back... Keep moving forward toward your end goals.
Parent - - By preston davis (**) Date 07-17-2010 16:29
I sold my truck and machine two years ago to take a shop job. I miss the money I made out of my truck, but I have a 5 year old boy, and another on the way. For me it was a good desicion, to take a job close to home( 3 miles) and it pays well (21/hr). I was pretty fortunate to land this job, there are way to many of us out there that are hurting for work. 17.30 sounds to low for a man that has been in this field as long as you, but if you can live with it, I can live with it. Not tryin to sound like im preaching or anything just my 2 cents
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 07-17-2010 16:42
I'm still up in the air with it. Ijust got back to encinal this week. Was getting hit and mis job mostly miss before that. Iapplied for this job back in april. Iapplied for a welders slot didnt know it was weld/mechanic and i heard it was 18 an hr not what they told me yesterday. But i thought of the benefits which they r not goin to offer me. And then they hit me with you may or may not get picked up by the new contractor. So i'm stuck w a decision. I'm goin to find out on monday how much work there is in encinal maybe i'll get the truth maybe i wont. This mine losses the contract on 12/31 and if theres 6 months of work in encinal i'm stayin there i'll just stash money like crazy and not go wild buying machines like i did before
Parent - - By Chris2626 (***) Date 07-17-2010 17:53
if you're making 4500 every two weeks I'd stay with that job that is if they have a fare amount of work. 17.30 an hour you're driving 20 miles in that dually isn't to good of gas milage I bet, I just don't know if I'd go that low. I drive a car that gets 39 mpg and I think i'd only take that if there truely was nothing around and plus no benefits now and possibly none later that just isn't worth it to me. With benefits yeah it would be worth it for a while. I think stay on you're truck
Parent - By hillbilly (**) Date 07-17-2010 18:22
I'd stay in the truck. Make the money while its there to be made.
Parent - - By weldwade (***) Date 07-17-2010 18:29
Shad I have been in mining for almost 20 years now and 17.30 is helper wages. I pay my welder/mechanics much better 21-30 depending on experience and upper 30's if they can pass the OM6 test. Sounds like they are trying to get a good guy really cheap, with no bennies and the possibility of lay off in Dec I don't think I would do it. If it were me i would keep running the truck. I have no contacts in Texas but many in NM, AZ, CO, UT and NV if that sounds like something you may be interested in?
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 07-17-2010 20:22
That is low pay for a good industrial maintenance guy.    If there are no bennies involved...I personally would not do it.  With good insurance, paid time off, sick time, 401 matching....well maybe.    Stash some of the cash your making now and stay on it if you can stand you time to look for something better whether they pick you up or not.   I have been out of work for 6 months, maybe I am stubborn but If I take a regular job I still demand to be paid what the work is worth with me doing far no body has come up with the  $$.   I have never ever drawn unemployment so long.....but I am not giving away my skills and sweat untill they shut off my lights and I cant have a cold beer every once in a while.  

Don't sell yourself short Shad.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 07-19-2010 00:36
Wade the decision has been weighing on my mind since i got out of there and i'm not gonna take it if it is offered to me. Italked to my mom today ( she works at the power plant they supply the lignite to) and told her what they said and she said she didnt have any answers for me it was a tuff decision and knew what i am facing. Ihave worked long and hard to get where i am today and i just got back in with the outfit i'm with now and i will not be titled a quitter to go on a gamble i might get a full time job it just aint worth it. What company do you work for yes i'm intrested. Really any of those places would be fine but New mexico sounds real good. I really just want to weld i dont want to turn wrenches i can do it but i am by no means a heavy eqipment mechanic.
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 07-18-2010 03:23
Shad, you go with it , you will not be happy.
You know you are getting low balled and they know they are low balling you.
Benefits are $6-8 per hour. So at 18 plus 8 that is $26. And they are telling you you have a job till the end of the year?
What is the upside?
To me I cannot see it. If this was in the $40-45 range, I could see making the change, not for this.
This is truck driver wages.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 07-19-2010 00:43
BK there is no upside and i aint goin if its offered. Ifigured it up and what i would make in 2 weeks goin there i can make in a day if i bust my ass really good
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 07-18-2010 12:40
37,400 gross income at 18 an hour.

At 45 an hour, you need to work 832 hours a year to equal the full time gig. (remember, you cannot count health insurance any more as a benifit given the obama health care crap)
832 hours at 50 hours a week breaks down to 4 months work vs 12 months of work for the same money.

If you have 4 months of assured work, vs 6 months and a maybe, you would have to add dummy to your job title if you got out of your truck.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 07-19-2010 00:53
Gerald 4.5 months of work at that wage is 12,698.55 and a maybe it aint worth it i can make that in 6 weeks where i'm at now. So i'm gonna stick it out the oil field is starting to pick up around here so hopefully things will get even better
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 07-18-2010 23:50
Around here $17/hour is good mechanic wages, if you can weld around here and turn wrenches then that's considered a freeby....for the employer. No bennies, layoff in another 4.5 months, yeah I'd go for the big no thank you. While your wasting away in the shop with oil running down your arm into your armpit your cell phone will be ringing saying, "Hey Shad, where you at? Got a big job in blah blah land making $50 an hour. When can you be here?". Then you'll be kicking yourself. I'm not getting in 50 hours a week running my rig and still won't take a mechanic job. Do they want you to supply your own tools? That's a big price tag in itself. Sounds like they need a mechanic to crank out some work temporarily til they get caught up, tell them to call staffmark or something.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 07-19-2010 00:56
yea thats another thing i gotta supply my tools i say forget it
Parent - - By strother (***) Date 07-17-2010 21:13
I had to make a similar decision not long ago . I wasn't an easy decision but I turned down a full time  job offer. I just couldn't give up on what I had put years of work and worry into. I guess you just have to go with your gut.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 07-19-2010 00:37
I'm goin w my gut and it says no. To big of a gamble
Parent - - By tigrooter (**) Date 07-17-2010 23:49
stay on the road thats low ball the two mines here red river and dolet hills pay 24 and 26 hr. and they don't turn wrenchs unless it's on a bottle of gas.
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 07-18-2010 03:51
If they call you back (no I would not take the initiative), then negotiate either higher wages, a benefits package with a severance compensation and or all the above. For that kinda pocket change they are offering with no bennys or future, I'd think you could find some thing to keep the truck going.
Remember, they're talking about cutting you loose at the end of the year...dead of winter..worse time to be looking for work.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-09-2010 17:00
Well guys against all odds and advice i took it i just had to try. After 3 days on the job and i think i burned maybe 3 rods i got a 2.30 an hr raise so now its 19.60 an hour 20 minutes from the house. The new contractor cannot let anybody go its in the contract i just hope they have good benifits if not i guess i go back on my truck and back down to encinal
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-09-2010 20:07
Money talks and BS walks. When the bank accounts are drawn down and there not much in the frig but a half gallon of milk and a half empty soda can, a decision has to be made, work and eat or sit and starve.

You can always go back on the road when work picks up, but for now do what the bank account dictates.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-09-2010 20:58
i was working in encinal making decent money but no benefits and we all know about my story i need the insurance so when the new contractor takes over ill have it
Parent - By strother (***) Date 08-09-2010 23:49
You did what you had to do. Hope everything works out good and the raises keep coming!
- - By awspartb (***) Date 08-09-2010 22:43
Another reason NOT to get into the welding trades.  I know bartenders who make more than $17 an hour and they work in a smoke free work environment without getting poisoned by fumes and destroying their bodies.
Face the facts people.  Metal trades wages are going DOWN and will never recover.  Have you seen what new GM or Chrylser UAW member get these days?  How's $14 an hour sound!  Welcome to Obama's American.  Say it with me:  Yes We CAN!
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 08-09-2010 23:22
Steady money has its benefits. It is so hard to adjust, cuz we've all made the big bucks, but when you consider the roady expenses (ie. bar tab!), motels etc. AND! if you are where you want to be, near family and friends... peace of mind and familiarity speakk volumes.
FWIW, I'm considering going into carpentry after this gig...road whore, thumb buster...road whore, thumb buster...road whore, thumb buster...road whore, thumb buster...hmmm............
Parent - By rick harnish (***) Date 08-10-2010 01:16
Road whore wins, as always.
Parent - By nevadanick (**) Date 08-10-2010 02:06
have you seen what a gm or chrysler plant welders skills are ??? :)  NOT MUCH
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / What to do what to do

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