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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Heat Input with SMAW
- - By Hojo (*) Date 07-19-2010 19:18
I have to qualify a weld procedure for welding 2205 SS and have to establish a minimum and maximum heat input for 1/8"Ø thru 3/16"Ø electrodes. There were two test plates welded with one being the maximum heat input plate and the other being the minimum heat input plate. The test plates were welded in the Vertical position. The idea with the minimum and maximum heat input is to create a range of parameters for the WPS that the welder can weld with and stay within the heat input range. Travel speeds were not recorded but length of electrode consumed for length of deposit was recorded with a 1/8"Ø electrode used for the PQR's. I have calculated the min. / max. electrode consumpent lengths for various bead lengths for each each diameter. In looking at the consumption lengths for each electrode i am pretty sure that if some of the production welding was done in the flat these length would be impossible to stay within as I am sure that the length of weld deposit would be much greater for the same length of electrode consumed and therefore the heat input would not be within the qualified range.  Has anyone got any suggestions. In case anyone was wondering, this is being done to conform to some Military requirements.
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 07-20-2010 06:48
We have to do the same for structural welding to North Sea standards and the idea is to weld the test plates in the 2G and 3G positions, the 2G representing lowest heat input and the 3G representing highest heat input.  Its going to be a tough nut to calculate if no one recorded travel speeds though as thats one of the key factors in the calculations!
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Heat Input with SMAW

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