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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / MIg ?Bells & wistles
- - By jffluxcore (**) Date 08-22-2002 23:17
Theres a new programable wire feed it push and pull. Is this a good feature or is it just more bells & wistles, not needed? Thanks in advance Jim
Parent - - By DGXL (***) Date 08-22-2002 23:59
Welding aluminum?
Parent - By jffluxcore (**) Date 08-23-2002 21:25
Anything thing that come a long and a 50' weld cable from wire feeder to tourch, to keep working. Thanks for your reply. JIM
Parent - By welder_guy2001 (***) Date 08-23-2002 04:06
depends on how much welding you'll be doing...i'm assuming this is an aluminum welding set up, since you mentioned push/pull. if you weld a lot, sure it would be great. if you're a hobbyist, don't spend that kinda money unless you just gotta have a cool toy to play with. although, it would be pretty nice and convenient to punch in the thickness of material and/or the position of welding and have the settings adjust automatically. but then again, do I want to spend the extra $$$ in the name of convenience if don't weld that often?
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / MIg ?Bells & wistles

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