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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Hot Shot Welders Needed - New England - 2 hours work - $1000
- - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-01-2010 20:51 Edited 08-01-2010 20:54
Here it is, five days until the Welder's Competition for the Welder's Rendezvous and I only have five welders signed up. That is right; only five welders are ready to put their name and their reputation on the dotted line for a chance to win a cool grand! Cold cash, an easy $1000 to the winner of the take all event of the year!

I hear welders brag everyday about how no other welder can come close to laying as nice a weld as he can, blah, blah, blah,  and yet when it comes to actually showing us their skill and talent they cower.

I am disappointed. I expected to see ten, fifteen, no twenty or thirty welders jump at the chance to enter this competition. AS I type, only five brave hearts are willing to step up to the challenge.

What gives?

It is not too late gentlemen to get in on the action. I can extend the cut off date a couple of days, so give me a call!

Best regards - Al

(860) - 693-8208
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 08-01-2010 21:28 Edited 08-01-2010 21:34
Well, For me and most of the guys I know, It has nothing to do with Cowering Down ! It has to do with, 1700 mile trip, Aprox. 1200-1500 cost. Down time from work = 3-4 days = 3-4k in lost wages. $1,000 bucks for two hours work ? Put on a Head, It's about 1800 for 1.5 hrs work. So, it has to do with simple math. It Don't Add Up. Now if you care to bring the Event to us, NO PROBLEM !! But, then again, That's just my Hillbilly, Redneck way of thinkin ! Is there more than 5 welders in Conneticut ? Maybe you should call Tulsa Welding School. They are sure to have several Ace Master Welders they can send your way. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 08-01-2010 22:45

Aw Cmon!

If you left now, you could drive there by Friday, and really show them Yankees a thing or two!  Just think of the bragging rights!  I know the money may not even cover the traffic fines, and it may not cover the gasoline even one way.   But - Those bragging rights!!!

Myself, I am just Awk cluck cluck awk cluck cluck cluck awk!  And - I was never as good a welder as you are anyway!

Joe Kane
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 08-01-2010 23:09
I don't have to drive up there to prove something to a Yankee ! There are plenty of'em here posing as a Good Ole' Boys from the South, ( Who can blame them ?) Anyway, You may not know this, so I will Inform you. People in the South dont have to compete for Braggin' Rights. We were Born with them !!!!  I spent some time in Bridgeport at Dereckter Ship Yard. I have NO desire to go back.
Parent - By rcwelding (***) Date 08-02-2010 00:48
So how does this work...  A Southern welder walks into a bar... Hey guys guess what..????  I just put 2000mi on my truck spent $2000 in fuel, motel, food etc.. To win 1st place in a Yankee welding contest.. Wow dude that's Awesome... How much did you win... I won $1000...

   Humm I'm just not seeing that going over over to good... Bragging rights are great but earning a Dumb A#&*  Stamp is not so good..!!!

  Maybe the Yankee champion can get his $1000 and the right to compete in the Southern welders Championships...

   We would be more than happy to feed him some Redneck BBQ that was made in a BBQ smoker made out of an old propane tank... (R) stamp not needed to eat BBQ...

Parent - By weaver (***) Date 08-01-2010 22:46 Edited 08-03-2010 02:54
i agree with you buddy, North dakota is too far away from the east coast for a grand. If the comp were in the middle of the country, well then i would be there no problem. I would love to lay  some beads!
Parent - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 08-02-2010 01:48
I'm truly suprised that a Sh@#load  of Ironworkers from NYC/ Long Island aren't making that trip because they were ALWAYS bragging that nobody could weld as good as them, when I dealt with them last year, my standard reply was " well I see better than I can hear " . Best one out of the lot was an INDIAN (as from INDIA). They acted like the big city was the only place that ever had welding. One of their favorite sayings was to tell you " Your not in ( your home state) anymore, your in the big city ". Glad to be out and will NEVER work there again!!!!! Also suprised they won't travel that short a distance when they will jump a train to MASS. to file an unemployment claim when they get laid off. (MASS. has highest unemployment comp. rate in U.S. and if you work in at least 2 different states you can file in any state) Isn't this a GREAT country!!!!!!
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 08-02-2010 02:39
By the time all of the Engineers and Inspectors get through signing off on the procedure and Code and Test to be used. And by the time the Structural Engineer get through signing off on the Joint design, It will take 6 months for this two hour process to happen ! Do the Welders have to test prior to competeing ? If not, How are you going to prove they are qualified ?
Parent - By cmays (***) Date 08-02-2010 03:13
It could be because any guy who is salty is hooked up right now. Plus its not worth all the work for a chance at something you probably invoice in a day. JMHO.
Parent - - By HELLTACO (*) Date 08-02-2010 19:13
Packing it up, be right there.  Only got enough money for 5 one way bus tickets so some of the kids will hafta share seats.  Will need a job after I get there so that I can send money home for the rest of the relitives to come.  Never heard of nouth decota befor is it cold there?
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-02-2010 19:26
I love it! Bring 'em on up! We'll find heavy woolies for everyone. ;)

- - By combofieldhand (*) Date 08-01-2010 23:06
After reading this, I don't know if I truly am a welder, I don't know exactly how GOOD I really am or if I really do know what I am doing under that hood of mine. All I know is this- whether it's ugly or pretty, roll out or position, easy to get to or a real b*tch of a weld to make when I walk away from that it, tools in hand, I am 99% sure that x-rayed or not, QC picked over, I won't be asked to come back to that weld and fix something....But anywho, good luck finding your welders.
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-02-2010 04:02
The way I heard it told most of the rednecks hitchhike from one job to the next, so the sob story of the cost of gas holds little water fellas. ;)

The competitors don't even have to show their paperwork to enter and they have free rein as to how to weld the parts together, no WPS required, so even Cactus has a fighting chance in this game.;)

I hear a lot of talking, but no action in this crowd! :)

As long as you all know it's all in good fun. I'm sure it would be very interesting to have some of you entered the competition, but let's face it; no one is going to travel too far with their rig for a $1000. Then again, as small as the entire region of New England is, you would have to think more than five welders would be interested in winning a grand for a couple hours of making sparks. It is only a four-hour drive from Portland, Maine to Hartford, CT (there aren't that many real welders living North of Portland ;), Oops, sorry Chet! New York City; hell if there isn't a subway to take them where they need to go they're lost! Bean Town; 2 1/2 hours by the Mass Pike. I'll even pick them up at the bus station if they get that far. ;)

I do have one comment for Combo; I wouldn't be bragging that no one would ask you back to weld or fix anything. ;)

I was hoping to get a chance to swap lies, tell tall tales, and raise hell with a few adventurous folks. As always, the banter between friends is always good for a laugh or two and I did enjoy reading your comments. ;)

Best regards - Al
- - By combofieldhand (*) Date 08-03-2010 01:47
I was not bragging that I am "the best", But I would not participate in a "weld off", let alone for $1000.00. Your competition just sounds simply to me like typical "shop drama", now it may not be, I may be wrong, but it reminds me of when foreman walk their fat a$$'s out of the offices and start looking for someone to birddog or something to tree, and when they can't find someone, or actually have found something that they wished they haven't tree'd. They try starting who's the fastest and who's the best, then when stuff gets fit up wrong, someone gets ran off. But thats just my 2 cents.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 08-03-2010 03:06
I am sure many here would be willing to "gamble" $50 and I am sure the bragging rights on it would be better then the $1k to a lot of "personalities".   That $250 in entry fees just ain't covering that prize money is it AL?   LOL!     sorry could not help it

Best regards
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-03-2010 03:29
No, I put up the prize money to make it a wee bit interesting for the boys. I have about $400 tied up in materials, not counting my time. The money that is raised goes to our AWS Section to pay for a portion of the cost for the tickets for the baseball game and the "goodies" for the kids.

That brings up a point. I'm still looking for a hand pump to do a hydrotest on the pieces the competitors weld up. I didn't know it was going to be so darn hard to find one that will develop 2000 psi.

Anyone one have a pump they would like to sell or let me borrow? I need it fast, like yesterday.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 08-03-2010 07:35
WELL dang AL 

I am sorry, Kudos to you man for doing what you are.  I know the pain and suffering from little league baseball, in volunteering your time and effort.  BUT I did that because I loved the results, I am sure you are doing this out of your heart as well.  Again my apologies.  If I was close enough I would enter just to give you something to laugh at.   IF those tests are simple bend tests could you not do them with a simple bottle jack?  Give me a break if I am being stupid here.

Best regards
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 08-03-2010 12:55
Build yourself a Head Test Tree. You can do it for about 25 bucks. Stick it on a Bottle of Nitrogen. It will Test your peices to 2000 psi
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-03-2010 13:49
I do not want to give away what the welders will be welding on the day of the competition. The welders do not know what it is they have to weld at this time and I do not want them to know until they get the parts and pieces in hand. Suffice to say part of the evaluation is a pressure test. They are also judged on the written test score, appearance, accuracy, time required to weld the contraption, and the weight of the final piece.

The scoring is as follows: Test Pressure times Appearance (score) times Accuracy (score) times Written (score) = numerator
                                    Time (minutes required to weld) times Weight times Leaks (@ 100 psi and 500 psi) = denominator

The weights of the parts are tallied before they are given to the welder and weighed again when the completed unit is turned in. The difference is the weight used for judging. I want to discourage "Gorilla" welds if you know what I mean.

There is also a written portion of the examination, twenty questions similar to what would be expected on a CWI examination and a couple that will separate the expert welder from the novice welder. The title of the written examination is "Are you a Rod Burner or a Welder?" The written test is open to anyone at the game that would like to give it a try.

The stadium is going to allow us to make our awards before the start of the game.

High score (numerator/denominator) walks away with the cash.

Hey Cactus, please describe how to build a tree. It sounds interesting. However, I am not crazy about the idea of using compressed gas to pressurize any vessel being hydrotested, but I am open to suggestions.

I think those people that make the effort to attend will be very happy with the event. It should be a lot of fun for everyone, kids included. The ball team goes out of their way to make it fun for the kids. Our section has held two other outings at the stadium in years past and the kids really enjoy themselves. I know my grandkids jumped at the chance to go back to the stadium. Needless to say, they are fast asleep before we get out of the parking lot when all is said and done.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 08-03-2010 15:07 Edited 08-03-2010 15:21
You will need to have a Threaded Port on you peice to be tested. All you need is a Small peice of pipe with a Male Connection to your Threaded Port. A Needle Valve and Gauge. Use a Hydraulic quick connect for your hose as they hold more pressure. Here are a few Pictures of mine. It has worked pefectly for years ! A test tree like this will allow you to pressure up and then  disconnect everything but the tree. (Bottle Hoses ETC...) Then just let it set for desire time. When you are done, Use the needle valve to bleed it down and remove it. Why are you worried about compressed gas for testing ? Aren't you compressing air with a hand pump ? What is the difference ? With a test tree you can pressure up as slow as you desire. Same thing isn't it ? It doesn't have to be a 2000 lbs Blast all at once.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-03-2010 16:05
Thanks for the information and the photographs.

I planned on pressurizing the weldments with water. I did not want to use compressed gas. My concern is that if there is a leak, the gas could force the working fluid, water, out and you then have a compressed gas as a working fluid. A rupture would be explosive if the working fluid is compressed gas.

You have to remember that I have no way of knowing the level of expertise of the contestants. A little fear for my own life is not a bad thing. It has allowed me to grow old, fat, and happy.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 08-04-2010 01:48
If You are willing to use oil as a working fluid, a porta power pump will make the pressure easily.
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-04-2010 03:18 Edited 08-04-2010 03:47
Oil is a problem from an environmental standpoint. I considered it, but since the testing will be done in a public place, an oil leak could be a big problem.

Water is the one working fluid that does not present a problem should it leak on to the ground or on the parking lot surface where the event will take place.

The porta power was my first thought. I even had the testing apparatus designed so that the oil operated a cylinder that exerted a force on a second smaller diameter cylinder that forced water into the piece to be tested. In other words the porta power energized a large diameter cylinder that in turn pushed against a smaller diameter piston to jack up the pressure of the water that is forced out of the small cylinder by the larger diameter cylinder. The problem was I couldn't find the right cylinders for a reasonable price.

I might end up going with a pressure washer with a gasoline engine. I can rent one (maybe) or buy one for a little under $400. The one I saw will put out nearly 3000 psi. That should be more than enough to "pop" the welded pieces for the competition.

Best regards - Al
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Hot Shot Welders Needed - New England - 2 hours work - $1000

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