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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Aerospace/Aircraft contractors
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 08-05-2010 04:16
I posted this in Welders Exchange    Figured I might get more views/info here.

I have put in with JSfirm, LM, Strom.   Any other aerospace specialized contracting companies that might be good?? I hear the AP, structure and other trades talk about all the contracting opportunities but I have not found all "those companies" that deal with trade skills.  Aerotek jobs typically suck, no per diem and low wages.   I can do a lot of stuff but I am really wanting to push aerospace work if I am going to travel.
Got a few bites on the line but need more to negotiate.

Thanks for any help
Parent - - By Fusionman100 Date 08-05-2010 17:15
have you looked into URS corp, Lockheed Martin, L3 Vertex, General Atomics? Those specific contractors send me emails every day for contract work. Good luck sir!
Parent - By Chris2626 (***) Date 08-06-2010 10:10
Lockhead near me is going under
Parent - By Metarinka (****) Date 08-07-2010 03:05
try Aerojet, during my tenure there I hired 4 welders and was still short handed.
Parent - - By Ringo (***) Date 08-11-2010 17:32
Just got back from Bakers in Nashville to finish up my A & P license,and alot of guys were there who were working overseas.Bahrain,Dubia,Afganastan,Etc.making $150k a year tax free.Lockeed,and Dyncorps are big players Also,there is alot of work in the Mesa,Pheonix,Tempe area.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 08-12-2010 01:59
One of My frends is working in Afganastan. He is an A&P, working on Sicorsky '61s. It is good money, with the chance of getting shot down. He flies with the machine. On the last tour, the bird got shot by small arms fire, didn't hit anybody, or anything flight critical, but not a warm & fuzzy feeling. He is workng for a Blackwater subsideary.

He likes the money, but hopes to find some state side [safer] work soon.
Parent - By Ringo (***) Date 08-12-2010 09:40
If it involves getting shot at,unless they are going to issue me a 50 cal.,I would say no dice.I mean whats your life worth.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 08-12-2010 03:23
Ywp I have seen a particular job in Dubai either for there air force or for American military ....either way American military hardware for 150k (this is salary, OT and per diem combined with the addition of FULLY paid travel).  So actual pay is probably on a 40 hour week in the 115k to 125k range.   Not a big deal that is still good pay for overseas aerospace welding.  My father in law works worldwide on mine sites and says Dubai is safe and easy money.   I do not know if I have the stomach for that but I am considering it.   Anyone here know the over and under on overseas work and taxes>????  My father in law does not as he is not a US citizen yet.

Joel Aerojet is not a bad company, I have a friend that worked for them in the 70-80's.   But I am not packing up and going to San Diego and trying to live and  make ends meet like I want to for 80k in that part of California.  They want permanent players and I can't live there on what they want to pay.
Parent - By Ringo (***) Date 08-12-2010 09:59
One of the instructors at the school I just attended,left to go to Afganistan to work for Lockeed Martain on these surveillance balloons that go around the green zone.He said he was going to get 180K.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Aerospace/Aircraft contractors

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