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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Difference between flux wires
- - By bzzzzzzzzzz (**) Date 08-25-2002 02:25
I recently bought some .030 flux wire made by Lincoln with an alloy no. of E71T-11. It was to replace some US Forge flux wire E71T-GS. They both worked, but the Lincoln stuff was much better. The arc was more stable. The bead was flatter. The penetration seemed a lot better. MY question is why was this? The Lincoln wire worked well enough for me to not just reserve Flux core for times when my tank is empty.
Parent - By n5uzt (**) Date 08-25-2002 15:30
probably just the different mfgrs.
hobart has just recently changed thier self shielding 71t-11 to the gs
at the end. but it same wire.
lincoln and hobart both make good wire, hobart fabshield 23 or the lincoln
equal are both good wires.
try to stick with a good name brand.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Difference between flux wires

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