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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Iron Workers
- - By Superflux (****) Date 08-12-2010 04:10
This was not staged as the famous lunch break foto on the Chrysler Building. Just taking a break waiting for the riggers to fly up another 30 ton fan. I figured the best spot is the man napping in the shade in the background.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-12-2010 05:28
i laid up on the iron once on  a job in corpus christi almost got run off
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 08-12-2010 12:49
There you go talking about sleeping on the Job again !!
Parent - - By up-ten (***) Date 08-12-2010 16:29
Probably the only place that has enough room for them long legs.
Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 08-12-2010 22:11 Edited 08-12-2010 22:14
The crane delays were awesome when I was boilermaking two years ago.  Especially on a Sunday.  These days, they get your check by lunch if you're not moving fast all the time.  They even have guys with cameras and binoculars to document it.  I love the cameras built into the binoculars.  The contractors used those to find guys smoking on the job or God forbid sleeping.  You had to walk around carrying something, anything or they'd be looking to axe you.  No down time allowed.  If the safety guy didn't fire someone each week, they'd fire HIM!  This was a union job! Welcome to Obama's America is the saying on the job these days!  No work and get fired for the slightest reason as there are a 100 guys lined up to replace you.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 08-13-2010 15:37
They can take pictures all they want when they sneak out of their air conditioned trailers to make an appearance. We were hanging sheet gerts on a roof about 3 weeks ago, the panels on the steel would get so hot you could not kneel on it. They shot the underside with a temp gun on a cool day(low 90's) and the roof was 140 degrees. We were up there and the temp was 99 with a heat index of 108-111. We'd climb into the shade and tie off and sit on some cross braces with a 60ft drop or better right below us. For some reason there was a breeze there. We'd take a break, drink some gatorade, smoke and watch the action below. Luckily the GC on the job was aware of the heat and would tell us each week at the safety meetings, don't kill your guys or yourselves, we need to get done but it ain't worth dying over.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Iron Workers

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