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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding Helmet? Need a new one.
- - By Platinumbased (**) Date 08-13-2010 13:22
I've been using the same welding helmet for over a decade and was wondering if I can get some suggestions on what's the best available in price and performance these days.
I prefer an auto darkening hood.  One that doesn't flicker when welding GTAW and can go up to shade 13. Also, one that can accomodate a half face respirator.  Any suggestions?  Thanks
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-13-2010 13:27 Edited 08-13-2010 13:57
I've been using the same ole Jackson auto shield for about 10 does all of what you were askin out of a shield. The flickering is cured with a turn of a dial...or two. Sensitivity and Delay need to be set so that it doesn't flicker at the simplest change in light intensity and stays dark a split second or two longer after the arc is extinguished before it switches back to a light shade.
Parent - By weldwade (***) Date 08-13-2010 13:55
Jackson NextGen! They use standard clear lenses, you have to modify the inside lense to work. I am very happy with mine and it works well for me inside or outside.
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 08-13-2010 14:41
Optrell Expert
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 08-13-2010 15:24
I've been working with an Ironworker for the last 3-4 weeks and he has a Miller Elite that he's had for 6 years, replaced one battery and welded a bazillion hours with it. I figured if it has withstood an Ironworker then I'd give one a try, ordered a digital elite Wednesday and can't wait for it to get hear. Stay away from the Lincoln one though, had mine for about two months and it started to flash me. Thought maybe it was not charged enough, let it sit in the sun for two days and struck an arc and ran a bead for a minute or two then WHHAMMMOOOO!!!! Flashed me good! Tried once or twice more and would come and go, tossed it on the ground about 20-30 feet from me and grabbed the ol' manual jackson. Have not used that Lincoln hood since.
Parent - By cwf07 (***) Date 08-14-2010 00:28
I got a miller Elite for sell got extra lens and batteries I had it about a 1 1/2 years got the same battery in it when I got it still works great. asking $200.00 for it. I use my pancake hood more than I do it.
Parent - - By Black Wolf (**) Date 08-14-2010 01:22
I have an older ('02) Speedglas 9000X, and a newer ('08) Speedglas 9002X, but my NEW TOY is the 16-0905-SGXX Hard Hat/Wide View Grinding lens/Speedglas 9100XX/Speedglas Adflo PAPR unit...

Link to the Toy:
Parent - - By J Hall (***) Date 08-14-2010 01:37
Wow Jason, too high tech for me! I have a pancake with a Huntsman autolens
Parent - By Black Wolf (**) Date 08-14-2010 01:56
Yeah, it's pretty Snazzy All Right... The Powered Air Purifying Respirator comes in handy when I am playing with Stainless Steel, or Hardfacing, to cut down on my exposure to Hexavalent Chromium, and other Nasty Contaminants...

I can Air Arc or Weld Stainless, Mild Steel, or Aluminum and smell nothing.... Same with Plasma Cutting or Torch Cutting etc etc, BEST invention I have ever used.

I wear it about 35 to 38 hours in a "Normal" 40 hour week, unless I am in the Bed Truck moving tanks or buildings in and out of the shop.

It makes a nice addtion to the 5 helmets I already have - The 2 other Speedglas, the 2 Baccou-Dalloz (Sperian) Harley Davidson Manual Helmets, and my 1st Helmet from Princess Auto...

Oh, back to the original question regarding a Half Mask Respirator... I can use 3M masks under my 9000X and 9002X helmets with the soft filters, but cannot fit a North half mask with the Backpack (Snorkel kit) to carry the hard cartridge filters on my back...

Without going to a PAPR unit of some type, you would probably have the BEST luck fitting half mask respirators under the new Speedglas 9100 series Hemlet with the fully adjustable headgear.
Parent - By TimGary (****) Date 08-19-2010 11:56
I bought a Lincoln "Viking" auto darkening hood a couple months ago for $125 new and have been happy with it.
The best features are that it is totally solar powered, does not need a disposable battery, and does not need to be turned on before you use it. I used to hate when my old lens would turn itself off and I would get flashed before I would remember to turn it back on.

- By crahner (**) Date 08-13-2010 19:36
I had a miller elite for 7 years and managed to crack the lens, replaced it with the digital elite a year ago and have not had a bit problem other than the paint peeling and miller sent a replacement shell and I am still using the peeling one for the dirtiest of jobs (almost all of them).
- - By Platinumbased (**) Date 08-13-2010 21:39
I've used Jackson and Spedglass before.  Kind of liked the Spedglass better.  Does anyone know of an online source that has the best prices?  Thank you.
Parent - By weldwade (***) Date 08-13-2010 22:35
Ram welding supply is on the net. Get to know someone at your LWS you can get just as good of deal there or better. I use AirGas mainly because I use them through work (my day job) and they give me really great deals.
Parent - - By turbolaser (**) Date 08-13-2010 22:59
I use a nexgen most of the time and love it.  I also have a speedglas with a p.a.p.r. that i use in enclosed areas.  The speedglas flickers in and out if there is a strobe light within 100 yards of me and when i am welding around corners or areas where I can just get enough of my hood in to see the lense has a tendency to flicker into non welding state.  I assume that it has to do with only haveing 2 sensors on it versus the 4 that the nexgen has.
Parent - - By Platinumbased (**) Date 08-13-2010 23:32
Maybe the nextgen is the way to go.  I hate the flicker.  Welding around obsticles and such with GTAW.  Can't afford to lose anymore vison

Online dealers for the next gen?
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 08-14-2010 01:38
Anyone who deals Jackson can get you a will pop right in any of their big glass hoods.   I use a Jackson Boss which is a higher generation then the Nexgen...I think the shading (more even) and clarity is better.  Both lenses are heavy.....if your going with a Jackson might want to go to the local welding supply and try out a Halo hood....they are very light.
- By HELLTACO (*) Date 08-14-2010 00:34
This is the best kind to get.  It dose lots of other stuff to, like Holloween and bedtime with Lucy.
- By sillyslik (**) Date 08-15-2010 02:20
i'm still a student, but i getmy supplies by the cheapest way possible. i have been looking at a Cherokee chin operated face shield! does anyone use this hood?
- - By Platinumbased (**) Date 08-15-2010 17:58
Thanks for all the replies.  I just ordered a JacksonĀ® NexGen EQC 3013595 Halo X Heavy Metal Helmet from the Welding Depot.
I figure every ten years or so a welder should spoil himslef with a new helmet.  Can't wait to try it out.  Six ounce shell should feel better on my worn out next.
Parent - - By Mat (***) Date 08-18-2010 01:37 Edited 08-18-2010 01:40
I've had good luck with the arc one shade 10 lense for general welding, especially in the field...for anything of higher amperages/voltages, ala, flux core or arc air gouging, I switch to a fixed shade 11.  Just my two cents.

Helmet wise, I've been using it in a pipeliner and am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my light weight huntsman and lenco stinger!  I guess that's the benifit...the lense fits into a standard helmet that you can find cover plates for anywhere!
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 08-18-2010 01:43
I have been using an Arc One #10 for about 10 years. I spoke to someone at Arc One, and they were surprised it is still working after so many years. I don't weld every day, but I don't know if that has much to do with it.
- By Platinumbased (**) Date 08-18-2010 22:09
I got the Jackson Halo Heavy Metal today.  Wow is all I can say. Soft and light.  I never knew it was going to flex like that.  Technology is unreal.  something that soft that can resist heat.  Unreal.

I can't thank all of you enough for the suggestions.  wonderful people here.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding Helmet? Need a new one.

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