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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Need more penetration
- - By oldkid (*) Date 08-26-2002 23:35
Been welding on the job for 4 years. Trying to weld 1/4" steel vertical (Actually its on a 45 degree angle)
downhill and not getting enough penetration. If I go uphill the penetrations great ( 23 volts 250 wire speed) but I cant go uphill fast enough to keep up with production. I have the welder set on 26 volts and 425 inches per minute wire speed.
We use 0.45 solid wire and use 75% argon and 25% CO2 shielding gas. The Lincoln CV 655 is capable of 44 volts and 700 inches per minute but the setting I am using is about the quickest travel speed I am comfortable with. The weld is a butt joint with 1/8" gap on 2 x 2 angle steel. A 2" weld goes pretty darn fast at this setting but a destructive test shows about a 1/16" penetration. I need twice that. Any suggestions?
Parent - - By Michael Sherman (***) Date 08-27-2002 10:37
There are a lot of different things that could be suggested here, but with the gas and wire you are using I think the simplest one that requires the least amount of disruption to production for you will be to check your electrode angle, slow down(just a little) and put some left to right movement into it. Your angle should be such that the puddle is being held up by the arc, move a little left and then right. Basically just adding a weave to your downhand welding. I have seen some production welders point the electrode downhill and push the weld down. This is will cause exactly what you describe. I hope this helps.

Mike Sherman
Shermans Welding
Parent - By oldkid (*) Date 09-03-2002 23:51
Mike I went back to work and really concentrated on how I was running my welds and guess what? I was actually pushing the puddle down on the front side and going kinda even on the back side. I started really paying attention and keeping the electrode p[ointed up and guess what?
PLENTY of penetration and not any slower. After awhile I even started going side to side which I think will greatly assist sidewall penetration. Thanks a bunch. Too bad a multi million dollar company doesnt have anyone who knows how to weld! Thanks again.

Parent - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 09-03-2002 03:27
I wanted to actually try this before I responded so there has been a little delay. For the record- 28 volts about 200 in/min .045 wire 100% CO2. The gas may make a difference since it puts me in dip transfer where you may be in spray transfer. Wire pointing up at the puddle, motion into and out of the groove so you deposit metal on the bottom of the puddle for the depth of the groove. For me it wound up a little hollow on the front side but it didn't take long to put on another pass and some practice would probably make that unnecessary (I only tried it a couple of times). Clamped the filled one in the vice 1" from the weld beat it with a hammer to stress the back side- the plate bent. Clamped it close to the weld- it bent some then broke up the center of the weld. An acceptable result I believe. I hope this is of some use to you.

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Need more penetration

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