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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Steel Plates revisited
- - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 08-15-2010 21:09 Edited 08-15-2010 21:18
We got the plates that I was asking about done about 3-4 weeks ago but have been out of town since then and have not been able to post pictures. Went with the "seal weld only" and sent an official letter to the fella that hired me in to do the work for him to sign and protect myself. Stated it was a seal weld only and would not support any additional weight other than what was intended by the original engineer. Also suggested a sign that specified no parking of any type, foot traffic only and he said that was a good idea and they were going to stencil paint that above the plates. Took my helper up there to help me paint(my wife) who is also my photographer! Before and after photo's and some in between. Wife sure sets the camera angle good, hard to find a picture that does not have the company name showing on one of the cones!!! Second, watch the third picture, you may want to put on some cutting goggles to cut down on the glare....may even need a 12 shade to block that!!
Parent - - By 65 Pipeliner (**) Date 08-16-2010 01:26
"watch the third picture, you may want to put on some cutting goggles to cut down on the glare....may even need a 12 shade to block that!!"

The Good Lord only made so many perfect heads, the rest he covered with hair. How long did that job wind up taking, if you don't mind me asking?

Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 08-16-2010 12:38
We, I started on it and my security guard buddy watched at 7am. Think I was done welding the seams and had him back to his house by 3pm. The next day my wife and I went out to paint it. I think it took about 3 hours for cleaning, priming and painting. A buddy of mine put me on to some quick dry enamel and and about 15 minutes after we got the last part primed my wife could walk on the primer in her socks cause it was already dry. Had to thin down the paint a little cause it got hot out and it was drying to fast, could barely get it rolled on and it would start to stick!!! Total I think it took about 12-13 hours start to finish, that jet rod was awesome though!
- By Mat (***) Date 08-18-2010 01:30
WCB would shyte a brick if they saw the third picture.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Steel Plates revisited

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