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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Overseas Reqruiters?
- - By Platinumbased (**) Date 08-20-2010 15:10
Anyone know of any REPUTABLE overseas welding jobs reqruiters?  I'm having no luck even getting a phone call from the hundreds of resumes I've sent.
Please PM me any info.  Thanks
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 08-21-2010 17:05
If you have extensive overseas experience, you should know who to call. If you do not have the overseas experience or you do not know someone who will introduce you to the people who can hire you, you are pretty much SOL.
These people get unsolicited resume's by the 100's. They are deleted. To have a resume considered you have to either be recommended or have a extensive skills set they are needing.
Parent - - By Platinumbased (**) Date 08-21-2010 22:06
Yeah.....if I had extensive overseas welding experience, I wouldn't be asking it here and putting up with snotty replies. I posted a polite inquiry and thought I could get some advice.  I was wrong.  I'll look elsewhere.  Thanks for the help.
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 08-22-2010 02:32
Try surfing the internet.  I know you've probably already done this but maybe a bit more focused?  Try or for starters.

To be honest, most crafts people are selected from countries like the Philipines, Malaysia, India, etc., as companies can get the labor dirt cheap and most often they do a surprizingly good job.  It's a very tough field to break into unless you have extensive experience or advanced education.  Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but that is the reality of it.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-22-2010 05:25 Edited 08-22-2010 05:32
Son, you need to apologize, because nobody in here could have explained it as real or any better without "Sugarcoating" it for you as D big K just did!!!

Now I know times are tough and you need to work in order to pay your bills, but if you think for one doggone minute that you can post a question like that in here and expect anyone to hand you the proverbial "Keys to the Castle" just because it's YOU that's doing the asking, then you need to rethink the type of work you want to do for a career!

Finally, Jon has been managing projects overseas for quite sometime now, and what he posted is  considered "Gospel."
So take his word for it and also follow his suggestions as well.... You also may want to get in touch with Dwayne (Cactusthewelder) if you think you really deserve a chance in hell after your comments towards DbigK! ;) Good luck because you're gonna need it - ROTFLMFAO AGAIN AND AGAIN!!! :) :) :) UDAMAN Dave!!! :) :) :)

Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 08-22-2010 14:13
I am not being snotty. There are no reputable recruiter's that do that. It is networking. And a lot of people get hired then submit resumes.
If you are looking for a skilled job, that being welder, fitter, etc. they get these workers from low wage base countries.
And since you do not have the experience, you will not get hired. 
You can look here or elsewhere, that is the reality.
Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 08-22-2010 17:52
I don't think BigK was being snotty at all, just telling you the facts, you have a snotty reply to someone who took time to tell you how it is!
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 08-22-2010 02:19
Do you have any oilfield experience ?
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Overseas Reqruiters?

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