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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / THe ECOnomy/Politics READ IT AND COMMENT ON IT!!!!
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 08-30-2010 06:13
Ross I hope if this takes off you and your moderators can find a way to keep it alive.

Look here folks....everybody has got problems nowadays.  Everybody has their opinion and THAT IS THEIR RIGHT!!!!  The AWS is worldwide but..."primarily" folks here are US based and doing US based work.  Right now the USA economy is in the tank, for welders, plumbers, carpenters etc.  all the trades.  The policy's of your Government has a lot to do with your economy condition.  YOUR government is run by people that you elect, your personal representatives.   I ain't telling you what to do. who to vote for etc.   BUT  you guys and gals need to vent, speak your mind, talk about it, discuss it.  BECAUSE if you talk to your neighbor, I pretty much am convinced you and your neighbor can figure out what you need to do to solve your common problems!  Hell we got what we do for a living in common, so it should not be hard for us to DISCUSS whats wrong and how to solve it.   I am not type to lay down and just die and accept what is given to me....I can make my world and change my situation to suit me....I have proven that time and time again in my work.  I ain't no better or different from anyone else here.  I am just asking you guys to post what you got to say.....and keep it going.  If you get involved enough to read this thread, you might change your opinion or you might make someone else change thiers.........point being if you read it and post your involved...heck you might GET OFF YOUR ASS and vote!!!!   Post and reply or I will say you don't have a N&^^#@!k to work with.     Bump this or your a dog waiting to get fed.

Keep it clean as you can ok.
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 08-30-2010 16:27
As far as politics im disgusted by the loose use of racism, is there any subject that white people can gather over that won’t be called a Racist action?

How about the 40 kids who beat white people while screaming its KI** whitey night…that’s not racist, or they don’t think it was ……………….really?
Parent - - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 08-31-2010 21:39
I think plain and simple we are exactly where we deserve to be for allowing our government to join the global economy.
Parent - By JLWelding (***) Date 09-05-2010 01:55
Everybody that is in office now from the county level on up needs to hit the trail. I normaly vote conservative, but this time I wont to send my message. Do whats right. I dont see one person doing what they said they would when they were  campaining, it has become the norm to lie then do what you wont.
There is someone on the form with this on his profile and I cant rembmber who it is, One term in office and one term in jail. How true that statement is.
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 09-06-2010 01:33
After the elections in November, look out. If the demos stay in power, get ready for Recession Rv.2 with a Depression beta. If the repubs win, look for a scorched earth policy by the demo leadership to push through every agenda item left. In either case, the odds are better than 50/50 there will be a huge sell off in the stock market, credit will dry up, banks will fail and no one will want to buy the US debt. At that point, blood will run in the streets.
I did not come up with this quote, "America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Hopefully it will not come to that.
Interesting video and commentary
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / THe ECOnomy/Politics READ IT AND COMMENT ON IT!!!!

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