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Up Topic Welding Industry / Metallurgy / SAW process of 304L matl
- - By sooeey2u (*) Date 08-30-2010 20:35
Anyone have any experience using submerged arc welding of 3/16"-1/4" thk stainless steel?

Have been using FCAW but wish to speed up process to mass produce small vessels.

QC Robert
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 08-30-2010 21:07

Welcome to the forum!

We have a local player in my region using a new twin wire GMAW/MCAW technology that out produces both FCAW and SAW in long groove welds.

It is a tandem setup with GMAWP on the lead gun and traditional spray on the second gun..  Very high production rates..

The project I mention was carbon steel but I would expect that 300 series stainless might do just as well.

The power supply is Fronius..  Might be worth your time to contact them...
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-31-2010 05:16
Hi QCRobert!


Now that I've finished my "weldcome," here's a few articles which you may or may not find interesting:

These guys are good:

Now I can post up many more links, but if you really are here to find a better solution to improving your welding productivity while maintaining quality standards as well, then more detailed information needs to be revealed before any of us can event attempt to help... Details such as composition of stainless steel, shape, joint configuration, position of welds, etc. In other words as much details for us to visualize your set up and what you are producing. You may also include your current set up also.
I look forward to your reply. ;)

Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-31-2010 11:03
Wouldn't Mechanized FCAW do a better job for you than SAW? I'm not used to seeing SAW being utilized on such thin materials.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 09-01-2010 12:39
I would have tendency to agree with John.
Your primary problem is NOT deposition rate exclusively.
Its deposition rate and heat input. By increasing dep rate you will generally increase heat input as well.
I would investigate electrode extension and possibly even auto GTAW with a cold wire feed. The advantage of GTAW is that you can close the gap and reduce groove volume. Something 3/16" thick cold essentially be done in two passes with reduced reject rates.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-01-2010 18:39
Any one of the other processes mentioned could do the job, but the OP already is using FCAW and is seeking to improve production rates... I would tend to agree with Larry's suggestions as well as Jeff's, yet there is simply not enough information being shown by the OP's query to really narrow down the best options available in order to indeed make an optimal fit for the OP's specific application... What is the intended service of these vessels??? This is the sort of info we need to have before we can give any assistance to the OP.

More information needs to be revealed about the specific application in order to be truly helpful such as whether or not the joint is PJP or CJP... Whether or not it's a groove or fillet weld and what specific joint configuration is being welded together. There's simply not enough info given by the OP to give informed advice that is specific to the OP's application...

I know, I know I sound like a broken record, but I don't believe I'm incorrect here in emphasizing my point regarding the problem with this query. ;)

Up Topic Welding Industry / Metallurgy / SAW process of 304L matl

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