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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Prince of Fools
- - By tlk1 Date 09-01-2010 22:15
I have not verified this, but it does make me cringe...
Subject: Prince of Fools
Some people have the vocabulary to sum up things in a way you can understand them. This quote was translated into English from an article appearing in the Czech Republic as published in the Prager Zeitung of 28 April 2010.
"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency.  It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president."
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 09-02-2010 21:02
I don't get it!

I don't get how so many people can be so narrow minded, I guess its all because you are not being pandered to personally or some body is making you get out and earn a living.

Maybe you are all so childish you can’t think for your self so you get behind a notion that some one is pushing because they got caught with their hand in the cookie jar and is pissed because some one closed it.

HEY PEOPLE the present administration did not create this mess, they are trying to deal with it but what do you expect when you are dealing with a bunch of squalling brats that only wants some one to change their diaper and give'em a tit.

You would take solace from some one in a country that’s been run over and over and over? What makes a Czech and authority on our issues?  Good grieve what a bunch of sniveling drivel. Dry your eyes, stand up and get off you worthless back side and do some thing constructive then tend to you affairs or some will tend them for you.. GET IT?

I suppose you thing we should call George back and get him to fix it.
Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 09-02-2010 23:33
Got to give the Hate Bushies credit. The same people who caused this financial meltdown are still in the offices that created it. Fanny, Freddy and most of Congress. Merely moving a pawn or two didnt create this but its been TWO years of >change. Cant blame bush unless you think that he was worse than the cultured "O". Sometimes an outsider can see through the mainstream medias financial drift of slanted Newz. Ever had anyone see something wrong or a solution you couldnt? The 08 run on the money market that nearly closed the banking system in the USA was a planned crash.

Who done it?  Same who be a fixin it. Must be re-re -re elected.
Term limmits
Vote often
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 09-03-2010 02:32
I am not interested in laying blame and I don't give a tinkers damn about any one political point of view. They are all self serving SOB's.

The issue at hand is that if we as a nation all stand around wringing our hands waiting for the presedent or Congress to fix it, we are dooming our selves.

The first and formost problem I see is the LOBBIEST. Sheeze they got more stroke than any one in Washington but the only intrest they have in us is our pocket books. If we can't get control of them, who you vote for will be of little importance.

As far as our economy goes, you can thank a certain Senator from Texas for the legislation that led to the melt down. He left the Senate after he got his bill passed, guess what he does now and for who. As a lobbiest he's got more power than he ever had as a Senator.

There is a hell of a lot more to this than can be laid out here and a lot of it was nothing more than greed that we (average Joe?) had our hands in also.

Congress generally trys to bend to the demands of the public (constituants) or at least as the Lobbiest or special intrest groups explains it to them.  You can vote one out and a new one in but all you changed was the name on the door.
Parent - By uphill (***) Date 09-03-2010 11:05
The main problem is no-one gives a damn about following the laws in place for us working folk. They sure dont apply to the powers that be.
Uphold and enforce the laws that made America the most sought after country in the world to come to. Illegal is illegal it dont matter if its murder, robbing, raping, stealing or tresspassing. I could care less about who is president as long as they dont have full control of the system, no political party should have a majority control of anything. If they cant play nice and fly straight  in washington = Replace them All.
  Some-one can make millions on any type of natural or man made disaster and always will. Its the American way aint it?
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 09-02-2010 23:36
A large number of people who voted for Big O were 1st time voters, people who wanted to be part of electing him lots of them will never vote again
- - By HillbillyWelder (**) Date 09-03-2010 01:54
Well everybody vote for the independents.....they can't do any worse than what we have now
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 09-03-2010 03:49
Now I REALLY like that idea!  Wouild be great to give BOTH parties a very loud wake up call!!!!
Parent - - By HillbillyWelder (**) Date 09-03-2010 10:39
Thats what it is going to take to get this country back on track, back to work and prospering again.
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 09-04-2010 12:09
It will take leaders that care about america first.
Parent - By yorkiepap (***) Date 09-05-2010 13:49
Hey guys,
Unfortunately, the political arena continues to fill with the dung from the empty promises made by the politicians. The problem is none of these politicians(lawyers) have a miniscule or no comprehension of (2) words....  HONOR.... RESPECT.  Those are the attributes that are necessary to be a representative of we the people to restore our country back to the past greatness we worked to have. Their interests are also simply (2) words.... GREED.... POWER. My entire life I have never trusted a doctor, politician, or lawyer..... none have ever "EARNED" my trust. Our only comfort & last resort is the "fear of the armed American citizen".

Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Prince of Fools

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