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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / CV problem on 300D
- - By Keplinger78 (**) Date 09-04-2010 03:30
I'm having a problem with the 300D I just bought,It seems like the CV works nothing like the Vantage that I had.Tring to run .068 NR 211 intershield. Here's how I have it hooked up. The + lead it hooked to the ground(work) the CV- lead is hooked to the wire feeder,I does not weld CV worth a crap!!!!The only way I could get it to run was to have the welder in CV mode,and the LN-25 in CC mode?Do the selector and fine tune need to be in a certain place?And I had to turn it on high idle just to get it to weld.

Thanks Tom K.
Parent - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 09-04-2010 06:25
On my sa 250 with a ln25 it had a tail whip that u hooked stinger to then grounded as usual range selector on max then fine adjust from there ! Never used a cv module machine but what happened to the vantage???
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 09-05-2010 20:27
The answer to your problem is simple.  Vantage !
Parent - By jrussum Date 09-06-2010 12:47
Are you using a remote box with the system? If not that would be the first suggestion....
- - By Keplinger78 (**) Date 09-04-2010 10:13
It went Down the road. I had it for 2 years and 1800 hrs,just didn't like the way it stick welded...just not for me,that's all
Parent - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 09-04-2010 14:20
300 d is slick machine by all means I got a vantage 300 with 1200 hrs on it now it's been good so far I was just wondering.
Parent - By Rig Hand (***) Date 09-05-2010 17:34
Word to that. LOL I went back to a SA 250.
- - By riviere848 Date 09-05-2010 20:11
to fix your problem you would have to get someone whos familiar with both constant voltage and constant current and they have to be standing next to you to watch the performance of welder and weldor. So basically you need someone whos knowledgeable to watch how you set the machinery and your performance then you will have a very clear picture of whats actually happening with your machine
Parent - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 09-06-2010 01:19
Well y'all welding ain't that hard 95% shoulder to the holder 5% type of machine!
Parent - By Keplinger78 (**) Date 09-08-2010 09:14
The machine welds fine,CV welds fine,I was tring it out on the back of the truck.Must have something to do with the spools,or something????But it welds fine just not on the welding bed with CV set up on reverse polarity with intersheild.
- By Regmanager (**) Date 09-07-2010 12:05
Where are you located?
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / CV problem on 300D

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