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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Downhand pipe welding with Vantage...?
- - By C6.7weldrig (**) Date 09-07-2010 01:18 Edited 09-14-2010 00:37
Hey guys/girls,
I am looking for some input/advise on downhand pipe welding with a Lincoln Vantage 300
I have been using my Lincoln Vantage 300 lately for some pipe welding while my SA-200 Redface and Shorthood are being rebuilt. I am doing a full rebuild on both and it will be a while before they are done.
So in the meantime i will be using my Vantage 300 to weld pipe.
Lets take the API-1104 6G test for example... what type of settings are you guys using?
Not nessesarily what amperage you are using ....
What setting... "CC-stick" or "Downhill pipe" ??
What Arc-force setting for root?
What Arc-force setting for hot pass?
Arc-force setting for fill and cap?
As well as any other tips/pointers you may have about downhand pipe welding with a Vantage.

PS...This is only temporary until my SA-200's are rebuilt and back up and running.... so dont give me any sh!#...LOL

Thanks in advance for your help.
Parent - - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 09-07-2010 02:02
Setting that I like downhill mode and +4 all the way bead to cap it works for me and you would probably be money ahead to sell those dinosaurs and run the vantage just my opinion no offense intended.
Parent - - By C6.7weldrig (**) Date 09-07-2010 02:26
No offense taken.... I really love my Vantage... but i will NEVER sell any of my SA-200s and as far as i am concerned, nothing to date has ever come close to an old Shorthood or Redface for welding pipe. Not to mention they are just cool machines in general.  But anyway, that is not what this post is about.... so back to the topic at hand.
Thanks for your input on downhand pipe welding with the Vantage.
Any other input is appreciated guys.
Thanks again,
Parent - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 09-07-2010 02:41
Don't get me wrong I got a '61 '47 '76 sa 200's too wasps and dirtdobbers need a home too!! Lol
- - By C6.7weldrig (**) Date 09-13-2010 00:29
Anyone else have any suggestions???
Theres got to be more than one guy on here that uses his Vantage for downhand pipe welding....
Any help would be greatly appreciated

Parent - By TRC (***) Date 09-13-2010 22:50
Get your Red Face repaired ASAP. I've used my Vantage 400 to test and it makes Xrays. But life is a lot easier with a motor/generator like the 69 Red Face that I'm now using.  I run 0 to+4 when welding larger diameter and .250 wall and above. I run -6 to -10 on small dia. and light wall, i.e. .154 wall. If work continues to pick up I'm considering a 200D. Ted
Parent - - By Rig Hand (***) Date 09-14-2010 01:13
I have a 400. I ran +10 DH pipe mode almost all the time when running xx10's, but I couldn't see a difference between -10 and +10 when I was in downhill pipe mode, CC I could see the difference.

That said, I went back to a '85 Sa-250 and haven't looked back. I have kept the vantage for a back up, but if the 250 goes down I really would just as soon not work as to run the vantage.
Parent - - By NMWELDING (**) Date 09-14-2010 02:11
It`s hard to get a real grip on the capabilites of the Vantage. Sometimes you hear the Vantage doesn`t run and/or cap as well on pipe,including stacking iron,and then I hear from a friend of mine that ran a SA-200 for probably 20 years welding pipe who tried and liked the Vantage and said he noticed no difference in the two machines when pipe welding. He`s an ace welder working for an large union here in Michigan,he always has to test when going to any job and has no problem passing x-ray and bend tests,and his machine is always checked to make sure the amperage is within tolerance. I don`t know why others say it isn`t as good as a SA-200 on pipe. I believe my friend,I believe it`s all in the settings.As I said he is an ace welder and can weld circles around me.
Parent - - By pipehead (***) Date 09-23-2010 21:48
Well just my two cents worth........I ran a disadvantage a few weeks ago and liked it at -6 to -10 on cc... I didn't care for it in in DH mode granted this is not my machine and i only ran about 30 joints of 12" with it......but as far as being a great would probably be great chasing rigs or welding structural but aS far as pipe goes stick to your 200's
cause Ive run alot of line next to guys running the vantages and I have yet to see one that can run with a 200 or 300D but i'm no ace....but I believe I can hold my own....but hope that helps

Oh also that was burning 70+  5's and 3's
Parent - - By tnhnt (***) Date 09-25-2010 05:01
What's Pat been up to? He still working for the city there in the springs area?
Parent - By pipehead (***) Date 09-26-2010 01:39
I think he is I don't know though i havent been home all summer and havent talked to him in awhile
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Downhand pipe welding with Vantage...?

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