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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / New rig yard?????????????
- - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 09-08-2010 18:09
Is this for real still waiting on a call
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 09-11-2010 01:22
Yeah, Its for real. We are working every day. Why are you waiting on a call when you are Wyoming bound. Just like I told you before. When I get all of the people in that are waiting ahead of you, I will call. The best I remember, You didn't have a whole lot of experience building rigs did you ? Wasn't most of your time spent on pipe ?
Parent - - By weaver (***) Date 09-11-2010 02:16
will my "r" stamp qualify me weld for you. lol.. cactus I hope this finds you well, and I am buying all new tidwell reels mon.. just talked to gerald.. thankyou for the advice buddy
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 09-11-2010 02:39
No Problem. Hope you like them as much as I like mine. Maybe I will make it back up that way some day.
Parent - By weaver (***) Date 09-11-2010 04:37
hey man, I need to post some pics of a nabors job we did up here, took one month. we basically rebuilt a derrick , among other things.. being a fellow rig welder you will get a kick out of it. And yes I AM certified to weld and fabricate on derricks (to my critics).  you ever put a wellhead on in two passes with 3/16lh?
- By Johnny Walker (***) Date 09-11-2010 04:20
Tidwell reels work good i've had mine 3 years no problems at all!! And Cactus I am in Wyoming and don't know for how long not much experience on a drilling rig u got me there. It's all good
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / New rig yard?????????????

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