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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / about big safty glass
- - By Flywhale Date 09-05-2002 05:02
My client want to buy big safty glass. The size is 550mmX360mm. Does any body know where I can get them?
Parent - By Wildturkey (**) Date 09-05-2002 11:40
I am not shure what the specifications are for safety glass. But I have made plenty of guards and safety pannels out of polycarbonate (lexan, hyzod, tuffak, etc). You can order this stuff from many different suppliers in various sizes and thicknesses (we use to get it in 4' x 8' sheets 1/8-1" thick). This stuff is very easy to work with you can shear it and form it just like sheet metal. I even think Grainger and McMaster-Carr sells it. hope this helps
Parent - By dee (***) Date 09-05-2002 21:47
Virtually every glass shop in my central NJ area sells safety glass. If you cannot find any anywhere and niether ABS, acrylic, nor polycarbonate plastic is suitable e-mail me and I will provide a source I have dealt with.

It can be cut to size but special procedures are required.

There is also a specalty glass similar to safety glass reinforced with a wire mesh resembling chicken wire which was often used for fire doors. Be sure of the technical nomenclature and properties of the glass you need. Automotive windshielsds are safety glass, side windows are tempered gass. Tempered glass must forst be cut, then tempered, which is expensive.

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / about big safty glass

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