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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Help, need tour guide service in Corpus Christi
- - By Superflux (****) Date 09-11-2010 06:29
Headed to Corpus today. Never been there. Anything fun to do after hours? Cheap seafood (love shrimp, crab, oysters) happy-hour gigs etc...The high desert road whore's kinda outa his element
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-11-2010 19:55
off of ocean drive there is a boat that a pier leads to i hear the food is excellent and all fresh caught that day. Inever ate there but everybody i ask about it says its the best. As for other entetainment theres all kinds of night clubs and other clubs to go to down there becareful the people can tend to be rude at least that was my experience
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-11-2010 19:55
To bad i have to work nitghs til tuesday ot id tell ya to gimmie a holler and we'd go have a few cold ones you'll go right by pleaseanton which is only 10 miles from me
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 09-11-2010 19:59
Knuckleheads is a GREAT bar !
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 09-12-2010 02:55
Thanks for the tips fellas. I was happily enjoying my break and then the fone went off. Voice said pack yer bags, gotta be in Corpus (Port Aransas) by noon tomorrow!!!. Flew into the Big H at 5:30 AM. Hope to get some R&R after a short gig here. But, who knows what's next! Right now scrambling to get caught up at the "Spool Base" Pretty awesome (HUGE!) stuff on the offshore equipment.
Friends and relatives are all buggin me to go fishing and visits.
It  is hotter than slimey dog breath down here. Day B4 I left Wyoming, it was 38 degrees as opposed to the 95 and 95% gooeyness. Been 30 years since I was last down on the GOM, but all in all, not really as miserable as I remembered it. Probably cuz I aint welding....hmmmm....that must have something to do with it!
Had some XLNT Mexican food tonite and looking forward to some SEAFOOD tomorrow! BP crude sauteed shrimp Etoufee anyone?
Parent - - By dg09 (**) Date 09-12-2010 03:19
hey rafterg where abouts you at?? im from ptown
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-12-2010 13:33
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-12-2010 13:35
Oh you went to Port A well then i only wnet there once and i was still in school
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 09-12-2010 17:47
Head across to the island and head south on the beach. When you pass the tank at the beach line, it becomes, uh clothing optional. If you make several passes you will see simply because something can be done, it does not mean it SHOULD be done. Especially later in the fall as the Canadian snow birds come in. Nothing like a white whale and its mate running around neked!
Interesting characters inhabit this section of beach and at times you will see things that you will want to forget.
You cant, and the series Ugly People of Walmart has some of the people without clothes.
Parent - By JeremyW83 (***) Date 09-12-2010 22:16
There is a good texas country bar in corpus called the executive surf club.  Another bonus is that it is a short walk to the two story wattaburger.
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 09-13-2010 04:28 Edited 09-13-2010 04:30
Got refered to a "nude" beach when I was on a Gas Plant in Gaviota, CA. in '86. Turned out the local yokal Helpers/schmucko's were messin' with me. I am of the wrong orientation to appreciate middle-aged fat guys trying to tan their shrimps. I should still be in therapy over those traumatic images. They all swore to me that there were hotties that go there. They lied like a Blue tick hound on an Alabama porch!
Now for "scenery", the "European Swimming pools" in Las Vegas have world class eye candy!
Hope to get a day or so at the end of this gig to get out and about and take in the sights and sounds.
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 09-13-2010 11:08
You were on the wrong side of the point!
I inspected the last tie in weld on the All American on the point above the plant in 1990. Me and the xray crew, who was really BIG guys from Alaska headed over to the place. There were a lot of cars at the parking spot above the beach. We were looking down and you could see a lot of skin. Being young and adventurous, down we went.
About half way down the trail got a little vague so we took what looked like the better worn path. the three of us came out on the beach and we were on the, manly man side.
Seeing we were on the WRONG beach, we headed down toward a rocky point. Crossed over the rocky point, and there we were.
No, the best we saw was a 5, and that was a stretch. But three from the sticks seeing all that, after seeing all THAT, it was a experience.
You could see we were out of place, the locals were not friendly, except for the ones on the LEFT side of the beach so we climbed out, left and headed up to Solvang and had a beer.
Or two.
I also have a story about seeing goats breeding in a market and midget lesbians in Tucson.
Welding will take you to a LOT of interesting places.
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 09-14-2010 03:23
Oh yeah, was that Point Aguerro? OK, so I was on the wrong side of the point, at Gaviota beach. Apparently you too have witnessed the carnage to the eyes of that sandy cliff trail. Now, back in the '70s, Zuma beach below Malibu was WORLD CLASS EYE CANDY! And this was before implant technology. BTW, There is no greater pain than sunburn on the main vein!
Been on gigs from Mojave to Maine, Montana to Matagordo Bay. I only have Alaska yet to visit and close out the list on all 50 states. Only worked in a dozen or so (7 in one year!), but ya manage to see a lot of the good ol USA getting to them. Was in Solvang for the grand opening of the Holiday Inn there. It may have changed hands since then but it is the hotel with the giant rearing horse sculpture in the foyer. Any way, the manager seemed to take a liking to me and kept hounding me to bring my friends to the Bar....I finally caved in and have not had the nerve to show my self in there for the past 24 road whore buddys did not leave a favorable impression on the staff or the Solvang Constabulatory...I think she really liked me and could have made her my temporary "Road Wife", until that fateful night... Oh well!
Parent - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 09-13-2010 16:39
DO NOT for ANY REASON go through Portland.  And if you absolutely have no other choice, stay just below the speed limit! The cops there have a good ol' boy system from hell there and will pull you over for 2-3 mph over the limit.
- - By KFab (**) Date 09-13-2010 00:40
hay supper flux eat at el potro for mexican its cheap and off rodfield road and do go to the ichiban buffet next to the movie theater off of spid.  Hay supper flux u worken in cc . "P    i live off of ocean drive... ccs a nice place.. not too big. not too small. just damn hot and humid.
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 09-14-2010 03:34
Finally figured out, that I'm in Aransas Pass, not Port A, next to a ferry over to Padre Island. CC is just too far to go, or too far to drive back to A/P! I don't want to have to get my first teaching job in the Huntsville license plate metal shop. In a few days after we get the goods loaded on the boat, I'll tear up CC town in style, maybe  hook up with my AWS forum bro's., and then head over to Houston, Austin, my Alma Matter TSTI in Waco, then Dallas... Pound mass quantities of Lone Star, Shiner, Tecate etc.
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 09-14-2010 03:42
OFF SHORE fabrication tolerances.
Now I been doing this stuff (welding and what not) for a while, but I've never seen a print for a 40 foot fabbed pipe spool with a + or - two feet!!! tolerance!!! Heck, I could hire 3 laborers, 2 roughnecks and a Klingon for a crew to hit that mark on a tape measure.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Help, need tour guide service in Corpus Christi

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