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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Huge interview tommorow
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 09-15-2010 00:57
Everybody knows I have been taking my time and trying to find the right opportunity.  I have a HUGE interview tomorrow $$$, the job sounds perfect....I am amazed I got the call......just do a voodoo dance, cross the fingers, say a PRAYER for me.   I am taking a break from filling out all the paperwork, they want a lifetime job history, drinking a glass of Scottish ale and hoping I am on my best game for the multiple interviews tomorrow.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 09-15-2010 01:47
I hope everything works out in Your favor. I will rub My cat's belly for good luck for You.
Parent - - By grizzzly (**) Date 09-15-2010 02:40
Two things that have helped me
If you have time you might want someone (preferably with a degree in English) to proof read you resume.
I have found that one of the most important things in a job interview is to have a positive confidant attitude.

Best of luck
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-15-2010 03:36
Good luck! I hope it goes your way.

Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 09-15-2010 04:16

Your the right man in the right spot!
Parent - - By brian martin (*) Date 09-15-2010 12:40
good luck tommy hope it goes like u  want it  to    u  been looking for a while   this will be the one
  let us all know  what to out come is
Parent - - By HELLTACO (*) Date 09-15-2010 16:19
Now pay up for the Voodoo dance, or I'll pin the doll
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 09-15-2010 22:14
HAHAHAHAHAHA       I got plenty of pins in me now, few more will make no diff!!  I get the job I guess I owe you some brew.

Interview went well, had three guys across the table from me.  All of them had started at the position being hired for and moved up in a four year span.  The job description is weird, it is a wet to dry chem mill, one day your operating the mill at the screens, the next you trade places and walk the whole place do PM's and repairs, on weekends you rotate out on the packaging and shipping side.  Three guys handle a 6 story mill at any given time 24/7.  Three on three off two on two off fifteen days off a month.  I just said flat out to them, "you guys basically need millwrights"...well yes.   They use a "hot oil" process for heat which I have no clue about, a few cooling towers, good size collector (bag room) lot of conveyors and screws....all completely automated from start to finish.  Fella there told me the company will let you go anywhere you want to go if you have the want to.   Offers come in between 48-55k with full bennie package......sounds good to me!!

I will know how good the voodoo is by the end of the week or early next.  Thanks guys

Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 09-16-2010 02:02
Sounds good, hope You get the job.
Parent - - By nevadanick (**) Date 09-18-2010 12:37
around 50k a year for 15 days a month is pretty good !
Parent - - By Milton Gravitt (***) Date 09-19-2010 16:24
Tommy let us know how thing go with the interview and good luck even though I don't think you will need it.

Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 09-22-2010 13:13
Voodoo dolls ain't what they use to the courtesy call Monday that I did not make it.  I will just chalk it up to God looking out for me and something better is round the corner.  Thanks for the encouragement tho fellas!
Parent - By swnorris (****) Date 09-22-2010 17:30

Good luck with the interview.  Over the years I have been through a lot of job interviews.  I can’t really tell you what you could say that might help you land a job, but I can tell you what not to say or do…

First of all, don’t stretch out on the floor to fill out the job application.  Second, don’t list your parole officer and your employment lawyer as references.  Third, where it says “sex” on your application, don’t put oh boy!

After you fill out your application, think about what you’re going to say during the interview.  You must never make the mistake of thinking that the interviewer will appreciate your honesty.  Kind of like when you think that the court appointed psychologist is your friend, you know? You have to lie, and lie big time.  If you get caught, just say that you misunderstood the question and ask that it be re-phrased.
When you meet the interviewer, don’t say “make it snappy”.  “I’m a busy man”, and don’t ask if you can order a taped copy of the interview.
During the interview, even if it’s justifiable, never interrupt the interview to call your therapist for advice on answering specific interview questions.  If you hear police sirens, stay calm and remain seated.  Don’t get up to look out the window.  Don’t ask the interviewer what he/she wants you do if you can’t walk to work when it's raining, and don’t ask if he/she can pick you up.  Lastly, don’t ask how many young women work there.  You can find that out your first day on the job.
At this point, if for whatever reason the interview isn’t going well, you could try challenging the interviewer to arm wrestle, saying that if you beat her, she has to hire you.
Parent - - By Milton Gravitt (***) Date 09-22-2010 19:17
Don't give up the ship, keep on trying Tommy there is a job that has your name on it some where.

Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 09-22-2010 23:33

I did that and a lot of pointing for the first half hour.....then I urinated in the corner of the room (repeatedly) and sung every thing I knew from ANNIE at the top of my lungs.   Best interview I had in a long time Scott, thought for sure I had it, I reckon I was just overqualified and it scared them.
Parent - - By Milton Gravitt (***) Date 09-23-2010 17:02
How can a weldor are a welder be over qualified, I can see being under gualified, just don't make know sense to me at all unless they don't want to pay anything and thats probably it.

Parent - - By dringge (*) Date 09-24-2010 12:07
I have not gotten a position due to being overqualified. They told me I would eventually get bored and move on to a better opportunity. Apparently they were looking for someone with little or no drive to succeed. What I really needed at the time was a job. I wasnt working and was broke. It all worked out in the end.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 09-24-2010 20:36
I was just joking in the above post MG.   But I have heard it before for real, basically along the same lines as dringge said.  Thing is at least on one occasion they hit the nail on the head, I was just going to use them till better things came up.  It has been over ten years since I was told that crap in an interview....I have since learned to carefully tailor my CV/resume to suit the job in a much more particular way.   But more to the point of your statement " how can a welder be overqualified?".    Well  lets say your a combination welder, all major processes, 10 or so years fitting and fabricating field and shop, you have held certs out the wazoo, maybe a CWI card or other trades skills to boot.......ok the job is mig welding widgets together on a production line, same set of welds over and over and over and that is ALL I need.......well if your the guy above you are way overqualified for my $8 an hour production job....I will give it to a kid straight out of high school because you are HIGHLY unlikely to stay + I cannot possibly get close to what you were making before we met.  If I hire you in for what you are worth, I run the risk of mutiny out on the shop floor with the guys that have been there a while.   It makes sense really.
Parent - By Chris2626 (***) Date 09-25-2010 01:12
you do have a good point especially the part about staying just for a bit till something better comes along and I have done that once already
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 10-01-2010 05:07
I always save the urinating on the floor for the exit interview. :-)
- By awspartb (***) Date 09-25-2010 02:58
I've been told right out that they can't pay me what I'm used to making.  I say "that's ok".  Then they see I've been in a trade union.  That's usually all it takes if you are looking to get into a another version of the welding trade.  Once they see you've been affiliated with a union, they think you are a closet organizer and you'll never hear from them again.  I can't say I blame them in this new World Order of Hope & Change.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Huge interview tommorow

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