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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Anyone Pay a Professional Headhunter for Employees??
- - By eekpod (****) Date 09-17-2010 12:33
I'm am having a very difficult time locating a local NYC inspector to cover our structural steel projects in the New York and Connecticut area.
I was contacted by a professional placement service (headhunter) who offered me an individual, but of course I have to pay a percentage to the headhunter because he supplied the guy.
Have any of you used this type of service, and if so what kind of rates did you pay?
He's talking I pay him $10 for every hour the guy works, so a 40 hr week, I'm supposed to pay him $400 PER WEEK, no way that's gonna happen.  Or I can buy him outright for around $10,000 again, my boss is not going to go for that.
I'm interested to hear what the rate is or has been.
Parent - By L51174 (**) Date 09-17-2010 13:26
I'm in the wrong end of the business.
Parent - By waccobird (****) Date 09-17-2010 13:28
That is more or less the going rate. About 1/3 to 1/2 the salary paid to the actual worker.
I guess I should of come up and applied for the job.
Seriously that is entirely too much money in my book for what you get. Have you contacted the States employment services, their rates are a lot better and you have the same guarantee, none. LoL
Best of Luck
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 09-17-2010 17:14
All you have to do to by pass him is to advertise for the position, interview, investigate, and sort candidates. Make offers and then hire them out.
Can you do all of the above for say half of the $10K?
My bet is you cant especially if the position requires a specific skill set.
If it is just a structural CWI you are needing, you may investigate the local AWS section to see if they have someone in their section with the necessary background looking for a position.
Parent - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 09-17-2010 17:21
Just for your information, Gentlemen, since you live in the USA and not in Brazil.
Here in Brazil the so called "headhunters" charge one monthly salary for their services (we Brazilians are paid for the month, not for the year as you Americans). The fee is charged after the employee is in service. 
This fee is charged either to the employer, if the employer is in search of an employee, or to the employee, if he's in search of a job.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Anyone Pay a Professional Headhunter for Employees??

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