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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / "Looking for work" - A Joke! ;)
- - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-20-2010 05:43
We are all looking for work!

A doctor from Israel says: "In Israel the medicine is so advanced that we cut off a man's testicles; we put them into another man, and in 6 weeks he is looking for work."

The German doctor comments: "That's nothing, in Germany we take part of the brain out of a person; we put it into another person's head, and in 4 weeks he is looking for work."

A Russian doctor says: "That's nothing either.  In Russia we take out half of the heart from a person; we put it into another person's chest, and in 2 weeks he is looking for work."

The U.S. doctor answers immediately: "That's nothing my colleagues, you are way behind us... in the USA (about 2 years ago) we grabbed a person with no brains, no heart, and no balls... we made him President of the United States, and now... the whole country is looking for work!"

A friend of mine e-mailed me this one today so I had to post it! ;)

Parent - By ronnie taylor (**) Date 09-21-2010 17:58
Bravo!!!! Henry, LMAO
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 09-25-2010 20:54
LMAO Henry!!!!!
Parent - By jffluxcore (**) Date 09-26-2010 20:02
Thar a good one,Henry
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / "Looking for work" - A Joke! ;)

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