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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / Pulse instruction
- - By weldhawk71 (**) Date 09-21-2010 23:18
I am a educator at a community college in the midwest and wonder what text(s) books and or materials other instructors are using in the instruction of GMAW-P? Any info will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 09-21-2010 23:38
Hello weldhawk71, I believe you could email either Lincoln or Miller and inquire about information regarding their specific processes: ie, Lincoln- inquire about the PowerWave machines and the STT processes. With Miller inquire about their Pipe Pro or the Pipe Worx processes and machines. I am pretty sure that by explaining your position as an educator and wanting to explain the mechanics of these processes they would likely be willing to at least give you the basics, obviously they probably won't get too in-depth due to trade secrets/proprietary information. I believe both of them also have educational components on their websites that give a lot of information, graphs, pictures, and commentary that might cover some of the things you are looking for. Additionally, Fronius might be a source to check as well, they have a host of equipment that utilizes some form or variation of the pulsed process to perform many of their specialized types of welding. Thermal Arc may be one other manufacturer to consider in this area. Best of luck to you on your endeavor and for considering this as an area to enlighten your students in. Best regards, Allan
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 09-21-2010 23:47
One more thing, how close are you to Appleton or Lawrence? If you are anywhere near either one of those you could likely pay a visit and personally gain a lot of enlightenment. Regards, Allan
Parent - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 09-22-2010 00:38 Edited 09-22-2010 00:51
Community college is where technicians study, so you need teaching material that is adequate to their level: higher than welders and lower than engineers.
The site of TWI (The Welding Institute of the UK) has plenty of material that you can download for free, and furthermore is written in English. OK, the King's English, but English anyway. 

and also

You'll find plenty of material there, adequate for your students. Take advantage that you're already in TWI's site and navigate on it to see if you find something else that you can use for your classes.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-22-2010 06:16
Check this web site out and you'll find what you need to know as well as what you're looking for:

Enjoy! ;)

Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 09-23-2010 10:48
The best I've found for the technical stuff is Abington Publishing's Pulsed Arc Welding by JA Street.
- By weldhawk71 (**) Date 09-23-2010 18:21
A big thank you to all the leads! This all looks promising!
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / Pulse instruction

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