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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / My Lucky Day!
- - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-24-2010 12:49
Hello Everyone;

Today is my lucky day. The sun is shining and the temperatures just perfect, low humidity, and this notice.

Ecobank Nigeria Plc
plot 21, Ahmadu Bello Way,
Victoria Island, Lagos - Nigeria.
Ref: EBP/NG-PT/FP0037/10
Tel: +234-806 249 3464

Attention Beneficiary:

Following to the credit instruction received today from the World Bank of
Switzerland to release your Inheritance/winnings fund to you for this Quarter
payment release order.

This is to inform you that we have process the remittance of your fund to your
bank account as we have been mandated to pay you by Telegraphic Wire Transfer
direct to your bank account. So you are advice to write us and as well call upon

the receipt of this Official Letter.

Be inform that the Inheritance/winning file we received in our office today from

the World Bank of Switzerland, your name have been short-listed for payment, and

the amount we have in your file is US$5.8 million (Five million, Eight Hundred
United States Dollars), which is to be transferred direct to your bank account.

Based on that, you are required to provide us with the below information that
will aid us20check-mate if it is inline with what we have in our Central
Unit for effective transfer.

Your Names (Surname) …. (First Name) …. (Last Name)
Contacts address (Not P.O. Box)…
Office Tel, Mobile/Cell and Fax
Occupation, Age and Marital Status
Bank information (Details)
Copy of your passport, or driver’s license.

Warning: We deemed it necessary to inform you that you should stop every illegal

communication that you are having with any office or officials from now onward,
because we should not be held responsible for any problem that might occur, if
you persist to continue with any office or officials.

Yours truly,
Mr. Jibril Aku
Director, Foreign Operation

Just think, all I have to do is send them all my personal information and it will be delivered to every scam artist in the world. I'll be able to watch my bank account, all 25 cents it contains, be filled to overflowing with cash from the World Bank of Switzerland! My oh my, what am I going to do with all that money?

You have to wonder how many people fall for these scams? Do people really send all their personal information to these crooks?

I was listening to NPR one day during a long drive and they had a story about a couple of fellas that responded to one of these scams. They set up a fake bank account and fed the scammer enough information to get his interest. Of course they were supposed to send a check to cover processing fees, good faith, etc. They told him they would be visiting his country as part of a missionary trip and they could give him cash if he met them in such as such city located a short distance from where he was located. The dude fell for it hook line and sinker.

When the scammer arrived in the city at the appointed meeting place they left him a message that they had to leave unexpectedly, but they could meet him in a different city. They provided directions to a new location where he could pick up the cash.

Upon arrival at the second location he was told that he had just missed them. They had to leave because they were going to a new location to help the locals with a problem.

The scammed hitched a ride to the second location. On the way he was beat up and robbed of all his money and left on the side of the road in a bloody state. He was able to hitch another ride to the final destination only to find he had just missed them once again.

All this time they kept in constant contact with the scammer by e-mail. They actually got the scammer to follow them to "Only God Knows Where" by which time the fellow was completely broke, had been beat senseless, had begged for food, borrowed money from friends back home to pursue these fellows across Africa and beyond.

The scammer sent them e-mail messages tell them of his plight and they kept telling him they would meet up with him in the next city, he was so close, don't give up faith!

The end of the story was that the scammer acused the two fellows of being heartless frauds, the lowest of the lowly thieves, etc., etc.

They did to him what he was trying to do to countless others, preying on people's greed to bilk them of every hard earned penney they had.

It's too bad we could not do the same to all these low lifes that send out these e-mails. I must get one a week. I used to save them, but they are so frequent, I would waste too much valuable hard drive space to save all of them.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 09-24-2010 20:06
Unfortunately Al these types simply play a numbers game, enough emails and you will get a hit.  It amazes me how many people fall for this crap...but I am sorry to say I do know more then one person who has.  They hit the personal and dating sites heavily...."Oh I am working in Africa and I make 500k a year but my credit cards were stolen, I don't know how I am going to get that plane ticket etc."   The internet is a great tool and like all great tools it can wield power for good or evil.  I saw a pretty good TV report once on this and the mailing credit card scammers.....jeez if these people worked half as hard at an honest job they would be doing pretty good.
Parent - By tnhnt (***) Date 09-25-2010 04:52
I used to get them 2 to 3 times a week!
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